185: Extra: IF Line Leader Zai (13)

Start from the beginning

Does he not know that the abyss ahead is getting closer and closer? No, he knew, but didn't care.

If he doesn't want to live, it doesn't matter what he does.

With his mind and methods, it would be easy for him to survive one day... He is so confident...

Osamu Dazai murmured, "I still made the same mistake."

In the parallel time and space, Mr. Arimori taught him a lesson, forcing Odasaku to choose death.

In this world, he was crumbling on the edge of the abyss.

The leader of Hong Kong gangsters looked at his hands, with clean and slender fingers, manipulating the darkness of Yokohama City, using his own power to fight against the light and dusk, and it is not an exaggeration to be shot countless times for what he has done.

He smiled, let go of the tiredness in his brows and eyes, and was satisfied for the two people he had saved.


"I do feel a little bit of redemption, are you happy for me?"

All the meaning of life that Osamu Dazai could not find, he found, and those who did not commit suicide lived to be twenty-two years old.

He is very tired.

He felt that life was full again, and every step... was meaningful.

That's all for now.

[click. 】

Osamu Dazai heard the illusory cracking sound, looked up at the night sky, and seemed to see——

A broken corner of the world.

Outside the world, there are many dangerous things, such as the chaotic void, such as monsters that will swallow the world, and every world that is on the verge of destruction may attract the prying eyes of many things outside the world.

On the edge of the broken space, there is a flame burning, repairing, trying to save this world.

Osamu Dazai looked calmly: "It's useless."

In addition to the cornerstone of the world, there are other unknown powerhouses supporting the world.

In Japan, a small city some distance from Yokohama City, Kawahira Real Estate Company, a thin middle-aged man who always likes to order ramen takeaway, his shoulders trembled slightly.

He looked at the mushy ramen and his glasses covered by steam.

"I don't like to eat mushy ramen..."

"This time..."

"But I want the future...and the chance to have another bowl of hot ramen..."

Garkafis, who tutored the world's largest boss, monitored the Rainbow Son and the cornerstone of the world, also heard the terrifying sound of space cracking. He has lived for a long time, and he is a person of the same era as Yoni's ancestors. He has witnessed the development of human society, and the creation of the "cursed" Rainbow Son is also to ignite the flame and protect the world.

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