Christmas Cookies

Start from the beginning


That relaxed smirk changed into shock on Puss's face at what just happened. He glanced down, and found his elbow right on the icing bag, filled with green icing. His eyes turned back to Kitty who's face had green icing all over it. Her eyes were closed and they opened, blue eyes peeking through the green cream. Apparently, Puss put his elbow on the pastry bag without looking, and the icing squirted onto her face, making her gasp in surprise. The children were silent, just as shock as Puss.

He quickly moved his elbow off the bag, looking at her. "Kitty! I am sorry! I didn't mean that!" He apologized frantically as Kitty wiped the cream off with her paw, glaring at him annoyed. She grabbed his hat off his head and turned around with her back to him. He didn't understand why she did but all he knew was he had to fix this. He didn't bring her to his home for the holidays to embarrass her.

"Kitty please! I really didn't mean to!" He pleaded with her as she turned around to face him again, bits of green icing still on her angry face. Puss smiled nervously as her piercing blue eyes sent shivers down his spine. But then her fierce glare shifted into mishevious smile as she got the hat and smacked it down on his head.

Puss suddenly felt something wet dripping on his head and on the bridge of his nose was something white. It dripped near this pink nose and he licked it, finding it taste like icing. His eyes moved to Kitty who smiled satisfied. He was surprised at first but it quickly changed into a mishevious smirk. His green eyes moved to the green icing bag as his paw was ready to grab it.

Kitty saw where he was looking and had her quick soft paws ready to grab her pastry bag as the two maintained eye contact while the kids watched with anticipation.

"Oh. You will regret that Kitty"

Once those words were out, he grabbed his pastry bag and attempted to shoot her with the icing. But Kitty ducked down so the icing hit the little girl next to her. "Sorry!" Puss apologized but got icing on his face from Kitty as she laughed. Glaring at her playfully, he pursued his target as she ran off, trying to get her with the icing.

Little did both cats know, the little girl got excited and copied them with the icing and her friends and all the children eventually joined in with their play fight with frosting, candy, making the whole kitchen a sweet christmas cookie war zone.

"Hold still Kitty! Let me get you!" Puss told her, dodging the frosting shots from the other children and her. "Nuevo!" She told him persistently, getting down on her knees gracefully to avoid a shot. Puss noticed that there was a bag of flour near his feet and an idea came to him.

Smirking at her, he kicked the pile of flour to her, blocking her vision as she coughed from it. Her black fur got covered in the flour, making her look more like a white cat instead. Fanning the flour away from her face, she looked ahead and found Puss gone.

Her blue eyes scanned for him. The tabby cat had snuck up behind her and had the pastry bag positioned to hit her from behind. "Kitty look out!" One of the kids yelled out, giving him away and she quickly turned around.

He quickly shot some of the frosting at her but she grabbed the tube from him, trying to pull it away as they pulled it back and forth. "Hey!" Puss said but the tuxedo cat slipped on some icing, pulling Puss down with her into the flour.

Coughing, the two cats looked at eachother with Puss on top of her. Both had flour on them with the colorful frosting and candy stuck to their fur. Both blinked until Kitty struggled to hold her laughter. She gave in first and Puss joined in too, laughing as they found themselves both looking ridiculous.

Kitty noticed the pastry bag and quickly grabbed it, squirming the frosting on his face. Puss yelped surprised and grabbed some nearby gumdrops to throw at her, still continuing their candy fight with the children, the room filled with their laughter and the kids.


Everyone froze and silence took over in the room the moment they heard Imelda's booming voice and her strong clapping. The felines had their ears flatten back for two reasons: one, the sudden volume and two, they were scared now. Even Kitty was intimidated.

Imelda had come back from her errands and followed the sounds of laughter to the kitchen to find the play fight going on. She crossed her arms with a glare.

"Alright ninos. You all made this mess, so now you are going to cleanup" she told them all firmly as the kids groaned disappointed. She glanced at the two cats, glaring at her son as Puss shrunk back.

"That includes you and Kitty too, Puss. Don't think because your girlfriend here that you're going to get away with anything" she gently scolded her son, making his cheeks burn red. "Ay! Mama!" He told her embarrassed and upset as Kitty watched amused. However, that also caught the attention of the children to hear that last part and they turned to the cats with wide eyes and big smiles.

"Wait!" One of the kids said surprised. "Puss has a girlfriend?!" Another asked excitedly, clasping her hands as the children surrounded the cats. It started the cats as they got trapped on the table with eachother back to back. "Children Children! Calm down! Calma!" Puss told them urgently as they threw at him a bunch of questions.

"Alright ninos. Settle down" Imelda's voice came up and the children quieted down, behaving. They knew well enough not to make Imelda angry again. "Now go clean up. By the time you finish, the cookies should be done baking in the oven" she told them, giving a warm smile as the children went to start cleaning, eager to get the cookies as soon as they finish.

Puss jumped down from the table, turning around as he put his arms on Kitty's waist and helped her down. Puss sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm sorry Kitty. I didnt mean to get you into trouble" he apologized, not wanting this to happen. He should've remembered that Imelda would come back any moment.

Kitty looked at him puzzled as he looked down. She actually had fun. It's not like he meant to get her in trouble. He lost himself in the fun too  "Ay chin up ginger" she told him assuringly, lifting his face up to look at her. "So, we got a little messing and we smell like gumdrops now. I had fun. You had fun. So did the children. It worked out" she assured him, licking the frosting off her white paw clean.

"Listen. It's enough for me that you let me spend christmas with you. So I think it's worth the trouble. And the cleaning up" she told him gratefully as she picked off some pink frosting on his nose and licked it off her finger. Puss smiled at her, glad to hear that.

"Now come on. Let's go clean up this place so we can clean up too" she reminded him as Puss chuckled. "Alright. But no sneaky frosting tricks. I got enough in my ears" he told her, wagging one of his ears to get some frosting to prove his point. She chuckled amused as they got to cleaning.

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