Amelia went to see the girl in the ICU while you and Carina went to the attending's lounge to get changed as your shift was over.

Carina: This was a lot. I asked Maya to come to Joe's to have a drink. Do you want to come with us?
Y/n: Sounds good, but where's Tayla?
Carina: She is having a sleepover at a friends house. I was thinking to first get a burger at the bar before we order some wine.
Y/n: That's an even better idea. I'm hungry. Is she staying at Ella's place? She talked a lot about having a good friend at school last time.
Carina: Yes, they are best friends. Ella is so sweet and polite. You would like that girl a lot. Are you ready to go?
Y/n: Yes, lets have some fun. I haven't seen Maya lately.
Carina: Yes, a few days ago she told me she wanted to ask you to have lunch soon. She wanted to check in on you.
Y/n: That's very sweet of her. I like hanging out with Maya, because with Maya you don't speak about surgery. I like hearing about all the fire stuff.
Carina: It's very sexy when she talks about fires and saving people when running in a burning building.

Later that night
Maya: There are my favorite people. How was your day?
Carina: Hello Bella, it was okay, but we had a difficult case together.
Y/n: Yes, Carina is right. There was this 16 year old girl who felt down from a treehouse. When examining her we found out she was pregnant.
Maya: Oh god. That sounds horrible. How is she now?
Y/n: She is okay for now and is in the ICU. Amelia is waiting for her to wake up as she had major brain injuries.
Carina: So she is waiting for her to wake up to see how she is and if there is permanent damage.
Maya: 16 years old and her world just collapsed.
Carina: The worst thing about this all is that looking at her wounds, we think she was abused and that her pregnancy wasn't her own choice.
Maya: This is even harder than I thought. Are you okay?
Carina: I'am bambina. We just want to be there for this girl once she wakes up.
Y/n: Carina is right. We just need to wait for her to wake up.
Maya: My day was boring compared to yours, so what can I get you both?
Carina: Can I have a white wine?
Y/n: For me a beer please and we both want a burger, because we haven't eaten yet.
Carina: Can you order two burgers and some fries please Bella?    
Maya: I can't say no to the two of and especially when you both use your puppy eyes.

It was later that night and you were having lots of fun with Maya and Carina. Back at your house, Arizona heads to bed and stops at your room, because the door was slightly open.

Timothy: Mama, where is mommy?
Arizona: I don't know baby, maybe she is still working at the hospital and forgot to text me.
Timothy: Okay, I will try to sleep again. Will you give me one last hug?
Arizona: Come here big boy, I'll give you my best hug.
Timothy: I love you so much mama. I wished you and mommy would be happy again.
Arizona: What do you mean?
Timothy: You aren't looking that happy lately. You thought I wouldn't notice it, but I did. What is going on?
Arizona: You are right, but it's not what you think. We aren't that happy as usual, because we don't see each other as much as we want. We work opposite from each other and that makes it hard to be together right now, but soon our schedules will be back to normal.
Timothy: Will that mean we will have more time together and you will be happy again?
Arizona: I promise we will have so much fun together soon.
Timothy: Okay, goodnight mama. I love you.
Arizona: Goodnight and I love you so much big man.

Arizona telling herself:
Arizona: I don't like this feeling. Where are you y/n?

The next day Arizona felt upset, because she didn't knew where you stayed last night. Thoughts were running trough her head and she panicked if you left her or if you slept with someone else.

Therapist: Hello Arizona, why did you wanted to see me?
Arizona: I think y/n broke the rules.
Therapist: Why do think that?
Arizona: Y/n didn't come home last night. I'm thinking it means that she was sleeping with someone else, which is against the rules. And also, the idea is bugging me. I'm also thinking that if she wasn't doing that, is y/n okay? And that thought is bugging me even more.
Therapist: Have you any idea why this is bugging you so much?
Arizona: Because I love her and miss her. She belongs with me. Next to me in bed at night.
Therapist: To me this sounds like a good thing. You are finding out you need her. In this case, jealousy is a good thing.
Arizona: I always tell the kids that jealousy is a green-eyed monster.
Therapist: It's a good thing Arizona. Don't forget to keep this going. It is helping.
Arizona: For me it is, but I feel like I'm losing y/n.
Therapist: Why do you think that?
Arizona: Just a feeling and in the beginning she looked at me from time to time and now she doesn't even looks at me and walks away when we need to see each other because of the kids.
Therapist: You don't know why it changed, but maybe it's because she doesn't know how to act around you. We will find it all out in around two weeks time.

Arizona walked out of the office and got changed. She kept thinking about her session and saw you standing at the nurses desk with Carina. She walked up to you and tabbed your shoulder.

Arizona: I'm sorry and I know I can't say this, but where were you last night. The kids wanted to see you, but you weren't in your room.
Y/n: Are the kids okay? Did something happen?
Arizona: No, they are fine, they really missed you. Timothy really missed you and asked me why I'm not looking happy lately.
Carina: So you think he knows what is going on between his mama's?
Arizona: I think he knows that something is different and we can't keep saying it is because we have opposite schedules all the time.
Y/n: I will think about what to do with the kids or what to tell them. Rosey also wants to have a family day again.
Arizona: We haven't broke a rule, because we are talking about the kids. Or have you broke a rule?
Carina: Why would she break a rule? She told me this is getting harder every day.
Arizona: Because you weren't at home last night. The rule is; we aren't intimate with someone, so not with me or someone else.
Carina: She was with Maya and me at Joe's last night. After it we went to our place and y/n slept in Tayla's room, as she was at a sleepover with her friend.
Y/n: I can't believe you think that little of me Arizona. You know what? I have a surgery soon so I'm leaving right now.
Carina: This wasn't a good thing Arizona. You messed this one up.
Arizona: It wasn't my intension to make her upset. I was just scared and wanted to know where she was. I just care about her.

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