A thousand years

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Arizona: What are you, oh you are here, so close to me. Inches away from my face.

You leaned forward and kissed her lips sweetly and passionate. You pulled away and the biggest smile on Arizona's face.

Y/n: See, I can make you smile again. You have the cutest smile. I love it the most when you show your dimples. You will always win me over when you show your dimples.
Arizona: I'm glad you made me smile. I love the way you kissed me, it was so sweet.
Y/n: Maybe I have another name for you.
Arizona: What would that be? Let it be a better one than mrs. Bossy pants.
Y/n: Dr. McDimples. That's what I will call you from now on.
Arizona: It's much better. You are the cutest y/n Sloan-Robbins.

Few years later

Everything is perfect, the kids are doing great, you are both enjoying work and have the best happy moments together. It's been some time and you are officially together for 10 years.

Arizona: Where are you taking me?
Y/n: Just stay where you are and then you will find out soon.
Arizona: I'm next to you in the car. It's not like I can go anywhere.
Y/n: You know what I mean. Just keep your blindfold on. We are not far from our destination.  Don't try to look under the blindfold.
Arizona: I should had organized this. I can't wait and be surprised. I need to know what will happen.
Y/n: Seeing you like this makes it even more fun to surprise you.
Arizona: It better be a good surprise, otherwise no sex for you a whole month.
Y/n: Of course it will be a great surprise. We are officially 10 years together today and almost 7 years of them we are married. I would be a bad wife if I don't make tonight special.
Arizona: 10 years already. The best 10 years of my life.
Y/n: And we have such a beautiful little family. Timmy will turn 5 in just two months and Rosey is turning 3 in five months.
Arizona: I never thought I would be this happy. Thank you for these 10 years y/n.
Y/n: I should thank you. You brought light into my life and made me find my smile again.
Arizona: I want to kiss you right now, but that would be hard.
Y/n: Just a minute and then I will kiss you.

You parked the car and leaned over to give Arizona a passionate kiss. You pulled away and got out of the car, you walked to Arizona's side and opened her door.

Arizona: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too babe. Lets get out of the car and have a wonderful night. Here, take my hands.
Arizona: Can I take off the blindfold?
Y/n: Not yet, you can when you get out of the car.
Arizona: Okay I'm out of the car, can I take off the blindfold and open my eyes?
Y/n: Just a second.

Before pulling of her blindfold you gave her a quick peck on the lips.

Y/n: I wanted to kiss you first.
Arizona: I would never say no to kissing you. Now I'm so curious where we are.

Arizona took the blindfold of and opened her eyes. She couldn't believe what she saw. She held your hand even tighter in hers.

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