Nobody is perfect

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Y/n: Now we have to wait a bit fir Jo. Do you want to have a drink tonight at Joe's?
Arizona: Yes, It was a long week. That would be fun.
Jo: Hey y/n, dr. Robbins, do you want to go to Joe's tonight?
Y/n: I'm already going, so I will see you there.
Jo: Cool, oh and Alex and I will have a first date tomorrow.
Y/n: Finally, everyone can hear you guys being together. Maybe you are to load for on call rooms.
Jo: I have to go, bye.
Arizona: You really had to say that?
Y/n: I had to. It was to funny not to tell her. Oh I got paged to the lobby.
Arizona: Lunch will wait a second, lets go to the lobby to have a look who wants to see you.
Y/n: I guess we have to wait for a sandwich.

You got to the lobby and asked who paged you. They told you that someone asked for you and pointed toward a women waiting at the front.

Arizona: Do you know her?
Y/n: No, I've never seen her, but she looks familiar.
Sloan: Hi, I don't know what to say. I expected someone else to be honest.
Y/n: Uhm okay. I'm y/n Sloan. This is Arizona Robbins.
Sloan: I'm Sloan Riley, nice to meet you.
Y/n: Your name is Sloan? That's a coincidence. Why did you wanted to see me?
Sloan: I'm looking for a doctor Sloan. I found her, but I expected you to be a man.
Arizona: You were looking for doctor Sloan, but thought it would be a man?
Sloan: Yes, the reason I'm here is because I'm looking to find my father.
Arizona: Father?
Y/n: I think I can help you with this, but I'm a little shocked if it's true.
Sloan: Uhm okay. What is it?
Y/n: I have an older brother and he also works here as an doctor. Maybe he's the one you're looking for.
Arizona: They paged the wrong doctor Sloan I guess. I've paged Mark to come and meet us her as soon as possible.

After a few minutes Mark comes walking towards you. Looking at the women next to you.

Mark: You paged me Robbins?
Y/n: Yes, we did. This girl is looking for a doctor Sloan, but she isn't looking for me as she looks for a man. The last time I checked, I wasn't a man.
Mark: Okay, so why are you looking for me? Do I know you?
Sloan: Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Sloan Riley and I think that you're my father.

Mark looked just as shocked as you were. His mouth was stood open and you hit him on his arm to get him back to reality.

Mark: You said what?
Arizona: Did she just really dropped the bomb like that?
Y/n: Oh yes, she just did. Look at Mark's face, it's hilarious.
Arizona: But if it's real, that means you're an aunt.
Sloan: I think that you're my dad. Do you know my mom, Samantha Riley?
Mark: I think we've met some years ago. How old are you?
Sloan: I'm 19.
Mark: Oh god. This is real I think, I think I'm her dad. You are my daughter.
Y/n: Mark, did you sleep with her mom?
Mark: We did a few times.
Y/n: Let me guess, around 20 years ago?
Mark: Yes, Sloan we can do a DNA test, but I do believe I'm your dad.
Sloan: I would like that. I came here to get some answers about where I came from. I only don't have a place to stay here.
Mark: You can stay with me. It's no problem at all.
Arizona: You know that Lexie also lives there in your apartment?
Y/n: Maybe you should talk to her about this first before inviting her to stay with you.
Mark: She will be okay with this. Come on Sloan, I will show you around. See you later guys.
Arizona: This was so out of nowhere.
Y/n: It was, but I'm not surprised. He was a manwhore you know. I always thought this day would eventually come.
Arizona: Now we can have lunch, I'm starving.

After lunch you got back at work with April when she gots sick out of the blue.

Y/n: Hey you okay? I will hold your hair up.
April: Thank you so much. Did Arizona tell you?
Y/n: Tell me what?
April: That I'm pregnant.
Y/n: No, she hasn't. I guess you didn't want people to find out. So how far along are you?
April: 8 weeks, but please don't tell anyone yet.
Y/n: My mouth is closed. If you need anything please come to me. I will get you some water and something for the nausea.

After work you went to Joe's and had some drinks. You are now back home with Arizona and she seams a little off.

Y/n: Is something wrong?
Arizona: Nothing is wrong. There is just something on my mind and I don't know how to talk to you about it as I don't want to scare you. 
Y/n: Hey come here. Lets cuddle on the couch. You can tell me everything, so tell me when you are ready.
Arizona: I don't want to lose you.
Y/n: You won't lose me, I promise.
Arizona: Something is going trough my mind and I wanna know what you think.
Y/n: You thought you would scare me, but I will not get scared, I will not run. I promise that whatever it is, I will stay here.
Arizona: Can I ask you something?
Y/n: You can. So whatever it is, get it off your chest.
Arizona: Do you want to have kids?
Y/n: You were nervous to ask me this?
Arizona: Yes, I was. Do you want to have kids?
Y/n: Honestly I never really thought about it. Do you?
Arizona: I never wanted to have kids. I see so many kids at work, sick kids and I think I can't be such a parent.
Y/n: I think I will never be a great mom, so I think I don't want kids of my own.
Arizona: Really? So we both don't want kids?
Y/n: It seems like that. We never know what will happen tomorrow, maybe in some time we think different about having kids.
Arizona: When one of us changes their minds, we have to talk about it, promise?
Y/n: I promise you. So want to stay here and watch Dynasty?
Arizona: Yes, lets watch another episode. Can I get a kiss first?
Y/n: I will give you my best kiss.

You pulled her in and Arizona sat in your lap. You looked each other in the eyes before leaning in for a passionate kiss. You were interrupted by hearing the sound of a mobile. 

Arizona: Oh your phone.
Y/n: Can you see who it is?
Arizona: It's Derek.
Y/n: Why is he calling me?
Arizona: You should pick up the phone to find out.

You picked up the phone and listened to Derek. You ended the call and tears were streaming down your face.

Arizona: What is going on? Y/n, please tell me what I can do?
Y/n: It's A-amelia.
Arizona: What is it with Amelia?
Y/n: She is in the hospital. As a patient.
Arizona: Oh no. What happened?
Y/n: I don't know, Derek told me to come right now and that it is bad with what happened to her.
Arizona: Lets go. I will drive us to the hospital.

You got there and Derek was already waiting for you outside the room.

Y/n: Derek, what happened?
Derek: I walked into an on call room and she lay there. She wasn't responding, so I checked her.
Arizona: What was it?
Derek: I checked her and her heartbeat was very high. Then I saw it.
Y/n: What did you see?
Derek: There were little plastic bags and injections.
Y/n: Derek are you telling me...
Derek: She overdosed. She used again.
Arizona: Oh god.
Y/n: No Derek, she didn't. It can't be happening again.
Derek: We had to empty her stomach and needed to get her heartbeat stable again.
Arizona: How is she now?
Derek: Because of her heart, we needed to putt her in a coma.
Y/n: Any idea how she will wake up?
Derek: They don't know, but for now there is no brain damage and that is a good sign.
Y/n: Can I go and sit with her?
Derek: Of course you can. Page me if you need me.
Arizona: Do you want me to stay with you?
Y/n: No, I want to be alone for some time. I will text you when I want to leave.

You kissed her cheek and walked in the room. You took a seat next to the bed and held Amelia's hand.

Arizona: Text or call me if you need me y/n. I love you.
Y/n: Okay bye.

Arizona walked away with tears in her eyes, because of how cold you reacted. She knew you were hurting seeing your friend like that, so she decided to leave it like this and went to find an on call room to get some sleep.

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