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Mark: Meredith, I think I've found her!
Meredith: Okay, go to her and I will look further for Derek.
Mark: Stay safe Mer. Let me know if you found them.
Meredith: I will keep looking. Safe my sister please. I need her to survive this.
Mark: Lexie, I'm here. You have to pull trough, especially for the baby.  We are going to be so happy with our baby.
Lexie: Please tell Meredith that I love her and that she's a good sister. Please tell my dad... hold my hand Mark.
Mark: I love you, I've always been in love with you Lexie Grey. I will always be in love with you Lexie. That's why you have to stay alive. We are going to get married and you will become an amazing surgeon. Oh and we will more kids, maybe two or three more. We are going to be so happy together. Just you and me. You will not believe how happy we will be with our family. So, you can't die, right? You can't die because we're supposed to end up together. Lexie, you and I are meant to be.
Lexie: Meant to be...

At the end of her sentence Lexie breathing slowly faded and she closed her eyes.

Mark: No, Lexie. Why?

At another place in the woods Meredith found Derek, stuck with his hand in the side of a part of the plane. Derek had to get out of there and got a rock to hit his hand to get it out. When he got his hand out he lost a lot of blood, but Meredith found a way to make the bleeding stop. They both walked to were Lexie was and Mark just looked at her, still holding Lexie's hand.

Meredith: How is Lexie?
Mark: She is dead.
Meredith: No, that's not possible. Lexie?!?
Mark: She's dead Meredith.

Meredith started crying for minutes. Al of a sudden Mark collapsed and they had to help him, because he had severe chest wounds. When he was stable they brought him over to the place where the big part of the plane was and were Arizona was still laying.

Arizona: Did you found Lexie?
Meredith: We did.
Derek: Thank god you are alive Arizona.
Arizona: So where is Lexie?
Mark: Lexie died.
Arizona: No, that can't be true.
Mark: Better believe it, she died.
Arizona: And where is y/n?!?
Meredith: We don't know where she is.
Arizona: She can't just disappear.
Meredith: We will find her, but we have to get stronger first. Hopefully they will find us soon.
Arizona: We can't just wait. What if she's hurt?
Meredith: We will look again, but first we need to rest and you need rest too. That leg looks like it will get worse with every movement.
Arizona: Okay, but I need her Meredith, I need her here with me and she probably needs me.

Back at Seattle at night.
Miranda: They never got there. We don't know where they are.
Amelia: How? Did they got to the airport?
Miranda: No they never made it.
Jo: Does that means they were in a plane crash?
Miranda: We don't know that for sure, but it is possible.
Carina: So are people looking for them?
Miranda: A lot of people are looking.
Maya: I want to offer the help of my station. We will go and look for them aswel. The more people are looking for them, the sooner we will find them.
Miranda: Thank you so much captain.
Jo: What are we going to do know?
Amelia: I guess, we need to wait and hope for the best.
Maya: I will keep Carina updated, she can report it to you all.
Amelia: Hopefully this ends well.
Jo: I can't believe that this is happening.
Carina: We need to say our prayers. That's what we can do right now.

Back at the plane crash.
Arizona: What if she died? We just got married.
Meredith: Don't think about that right now. We will find her.
Arizona: I can't live without her, she is my everything.
Meredith: We have to believe that she is still out there.
Arizona: I will never see her pretty face again.
Meredith: We don't know that.

A day later
They found them and brought them to a hospital. They told them they were going to be fine. Only Arizona needed surgery on her leg or even let it amputate. They were flying them back to Seattle to get the treatment they needed.

Miranda: We will get you all home. We are going to fix this.
Arizona: Although without y/n, I don't know what to call home anymore.

A/n: So sorry that this is a shorter chapter. I hope you all enjoy reading the story. Please let me know what you think.💕

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