Sorry seems to be the hardest word

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Carina: Hey y/n, good to see you. How are you?
Y/n: I'm good, I just finished my surgery. How is your day?
Carina: Good, two moms in labor at the moment, but it's a slow day I guess. So do you want to get lunch?
Y/n: I was on my way to get a sandwich so let's go.
Carina: So how is Arizona doing? She told me the test was positive. I can imagine two weeks ago you were both really happy when you found out.
Y/n: We were really happy. Oh she's okay I guess.
Carina: You guess?
Y/n: She is doing fine, even great, but she's so scared every second of the day that something is wrong with the baby.
Carina: Losing a baby is hard on the body, but also on the mind. The only thing you can do is being there for her.
Y/n: I try, but there's just something and the point is I don't know what it is.
Carina: What do you mean?
Y/n: It's just I don't know if this was the right decision for us. A lot happend between us and she betrayed me and now with this baby on the way I'm thinking a lot about it.
Carina: So you have any doubts?   
Y/n: Carina I love her so much, but sometimes it hurts to love her as she has made mistakes in the past. Maybe I forgave her to soon back then.
Carina: You really have to tell her how you feel. We are talking about a baby that's coming.
Y/n: I know, but I don't want to upset her, especially with the baby right now.
Carina: You will know what to do when the time is there.
Y/n: Thank you Carina. I really appreciate our friendship.
Carina: And think about the first time we've met that I was so into you. You're still great and everything, but I have Maya who is the love of my life. I still have to thank you for that.
Y/n: It was my pleasure.
Carina: Since when are they so good?
Y/n: What so you mean?
Carina: Just look at who just walked into the cafeteria. They are all laughing and all.
Y/n: Why would she do that? If there's again something going on I will definitely lose my mind.
Carina: Nothing will happen. Don't think to much of it.
Y/n: I will try, but I never felt like this ever before.
Carina: Here they are.
Lauren: Can we sit here?  
Carina: Uhm yes, take a seat.
Arizona: Y/n are you okay?
Y/n: Yes, I'm fine.
Arizona: How did your surgery go?
Y/n: She will have a long period of recovery, but it all went as planned.
Arizona: I'm not surprised, you are amazing.

Arizona kissed your cheek and took a seat next to you.

Y/n: Thank you. So you had a trauma that came in right?
Arizona: Yes, a little boy was ran over by a car, but he will have to fight hard to get trough it all.
Lauren: He was very lucky. He almost lost his ear, but I attached it.
Carina: That's very impressive dr. Boswell.
Regina: We had to work hard, because he almost bleed out. We had to get him back once. We were an amazing team in there.
Lauren: We worked so wel together. It's like we've been working together for so long.
Regina: Hopefully we will work together so much more. I loved it and I hadn't had that much fun in an OR for so long.
Lauren: I'm honored I got to work with the best.
Carina: I'm so sorry, I have to go. Mom is going to give birth any second.
Y/n: Good luck and thank you Carina. I will see you soon.
Carina: You know it when you know it.
Arizona: What was that about?
Y/n: Nothing, just a conversation we had about love.
Arizona: When is their wedding?
Y/n: I don't know. Haven't talked about that. Oh I get paged, see you later.
Lauren: Bye dr. Sloan.
Arizona: Y/n, wait. Is there something going on?
Y/n: No, I just have to get back to work. Have fun with your new friends.
Arizona: Y/n, don't be like that. You always say I love you when you have to leave.
Y/n: Like what? You already know I love you, I don't have to say it every second you know.
Arizona: So childish.
Y/n: Maybe I'm childish, maybe I'm not. Go and kiss them, then we already had that part, so you can say sorry again and I will forgive you! Because maybe I'm stupid to see what is really happening!
Arizona: Y/n, what is this all so sudden?
Y/n: I just need some space, I'm sorry Arizona.
Arizona: Y/n, don't go. We promised each other to never walk away like this.
Y/n: I have work to do.

With that you walked away and did your work. Arizona went home and texted you multiple times and tried to call you a few times after her shift, but you never answered. You finished work and were on your way home when someone stopped you in the lobby.

Lauren: Hey y/n, are you finished?  
Y/n: Yes, I'm on my way home.
Lauren: How are you and Arizona? I felt some tension during lunch.
Y/n: That's none of your business. Let me say this one time and remember this carefully. Stay the hell away from Arizona!
Lauren: Maybe.

With that Lauren walked away and you could feel your anger building. You sighted and started to walk away when someone called your name.

Regina: Wait a second please. Y/n?
Y/n: What is it? I have to go.
Regina: I just wanted to know if you were in for drinks sometime.
Y/n: I'm not interested at all. I haven't forgotten about what you tried back at Hopkins. Just leave me alone. Oh and about Arizona, don't think about getting her in bed with you.
Regina: Since when are you so aggressive?
Y/n: I'm not, I just don't trust you at all! I'm sorry I have to be somewhere.

You jumped into your car and drove home. All the way home you were thinking about how to apologize to Arizona and how to tell her how you really felt about everything that happened. You got home and parked your car. You were waiting at the door, not really knowing what to expect when you would walk inside.

Y/n: Zona? Are you home?
Arizona: I'm in the bathroom.
Y/n: You okay? Are you sick?
Arizona: Yes, I'm sick and I'm not feeling well. Oh and I don't know what's wrong with my wife!
Y/n: Let me help you and clean everything. I will explain myself for the way I talked to you. Can we talk about what happened today?
Arizona: I would like to talk. I couldn't stop thinking about what you said. I just don't know why you said that.
Y/n: I will explain it all, but I'm so sorry for they way I reacted. You didn't deserved that. Come on. Let's get to the couch and sit down together.
Arizona: Do you still love me?
Y/n: Of course I do. I love you so much. You are my everything.
Arizona: What was it this afternoon?
Y/n: I just don't really know. It came all back to me, everything that happened.
Arizona: What are you talking about?
Y/n: Maybe I still don't fully trust you Arizona. When you walked into the cafeteria with Regina and Lauren all laughing and chatting I got so angry. I saw you two kissing in front of me and then imagined you with Regina. 
Arizona: I told you I would never do that again. I will never hurt you ever again.
Y/n: You said that when it happened with Eliza. Look what happened after that.
Arizona: You can't compare it, she kissed me and I pulled back.
Y/n: Still it hurts. You are the love of my life, but it hurts to love you right now.
Arizona: What does this mean?
Y/n: Maybe we both need a break. I know you need me with the baby, but it's just... I don't know what to do with these feelings Arizona.
Arizona: Do you think we made a mistake wanting to have a baby?
Y/n: I don't know. I really don't know. Maybe it wasn't the right moment. Maybe we aren't in the right place, but the little peanut is already growing inside your belly. Arizona, I think I need a break.
Arizona: I need you y/n. I can't do this all on my own. Maybe I made a mistake with asking you to have another baby. I knew you needed time to process it all and find a way to forgive me.
Y/n: I wanted a baby aswel. Don't think you forced me to have a baby. I think we maybe needed to wait longer till all wounds were healed.
Arizona: I thought you forgave me?
Y/n: I thought so too, but seeing you with Lauren and Regina made me realize that I'm afraid of what can happen. So maybe I haven't forgiven you for that kiss.
Arizona: I'm still so sorry for the biggest mistake in my life. Please don't leave me. I can assure you nothing will happen, I promise you that. With this baby, I realized that I'm more in love with you then ever before y/n. Please stay and we can work this out.
Y/n: I will stay, because honestly I don't think I can be without you and don't want to leave you on your own with little bubba. The only thing I ask is, don't get to close with those two.
Arizona: I won't and I will keep my distance. Can we go to bed so I can snuggle into you?

A/n: Hey everyone, I hope you all like this story. Please let me know what you think and want to see happen in the future. Lots of love💕

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