Oops I did it again

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Alex: Finally, there you are.
Arizona: Sorry it took longer than expected. Carina needed me.
Alex: We could really use more hands in here. The batteries from all the machines are very low. I think they won't hold on much longer.
Jo: True, where's y/n? We need her here aswel.
Arizona: Uhm she's in surgery. I don't know how long she will be there.
Alex: Are you okay?
Arizona: I'm fine Alex. We just need to act like everything is under control. So, keep smiling.

Moments later the situation in the NICU got even more complicated when the electricity died, meaning the ventilator batteries would die eventually. All of a sudden Lauren walked into the NICU.

Lauren: I'm not going to sit around while there is a room full of babies needing help.
Alex: Great, we can need you here as we need more help to ventilate the babies soon.

Arizona looked uncomfortable with Lauren there and Alex noticed that Arizona was acting strange.

Arizona: Alex, can you come with me? We have to find spare batteries.
Alex: Okay, lets have a look.

As the got to the supply closet, Arizona let a tear fall from her eyes.

Alex: Are you really okay? What is going on with you?
Arizona: I screwed up big time Alex.
Alex: I'm not following it. What did you do?
Arizona: I cheated on y/n with that women out there.
Alex: You mean dr. Boswell?
Arizona: I'm such a bad person. She will never forgive me Alex. I made the biggest mistake of my life.
Alex: I think you should be honest with y/n. That's the only thing you can do right now.
Arizona: I don't want to lose her.
Alex: So what will you tell y/n? How are you gonna fix this?
Arizona: I'm going to be honest with her. She needs to know what happened. I have to fix this, because it was a big mistake, bigger than the one with Eliza.

They got back to the NICU when Lauren comes to Arizona while she was ventilating a baby.
Lauren: I'm not going to leave things like this, because I like you a lot.
Y/n: Hey you, hey dr. Boswell. I'm finally done with that surgery, so tell me what I can do.
Arizona: We need to manually ventilate the babies, because of the low batteries of the machines.
Y/n: I'm so sorry that I'm this late. It was such a long surgery and the boy coded twice.
Arizona: That's okay. We finally handled it all.
Y/n: I heard what happened here. Bohkee told me, because she heard the other nurses talking about the power shutting down. 
Lauren: We handled it all. It's nice to be with dr. Robbins, working together.

Finally the light got back on, so it means the power was back on.

Alex: Hey y/n, it's good to see you.
Jo: This was a crazy night. Thankfully dr. Boswell sticked around to help out.
Lauren: It was my pleasure. I love spending time here with you.
Arizona: But it's all over now so you go home.
Y/n: Why so fast? You can stay and help some more. We need the hands and Owen wants the board together to discuss something. Jackson just told me on my way to the NICU.
Arizona: I think we should go and see what he wants.

You were walking toward the meeting room when Carina walked out of a storage closet.

Carina: Hey where are you going?
Arizona: We have an emergency meeting with the board.
Y/n: Owen wants all of us there. Something happened and he needs to discuss it with us.
Carina: Yes, a lot happened tonight. It's been a crazy night. Right, Arizona?
Arizona: Yes, a lot happened. We will see you later, we have to go.

Arizona grabbed your arm and started to walk away from Carina towards the meeting room.

Y/n: Hey Zona, why the rush so sudden?
Arizona: We have that meeting remember?
Y/n: I know, but something feels not right. What is going on?
Arizona: Nothing, can we just go?
Y/n: No, we go into this on call room and you are first going to tell me what is going on.
Arizona: Y/n, can we do this another time?
Y/n: No, you will tell me what is going on. I can feel there is something and Carina confirmed that.
Arizona: Y/n, I can't do this. I can't tell you what is going on.
Y/n: Why can't you just tell me what is going on?
Arizona: Because I don't want to hurt you and I will hurt you when I tell what has happened.
Y/n: Okay now you are scaring me. Tell me what is going on?!?
Arizona: I cheated on you with dr. Boswell.
Y/n: You did what?!?
Arizona: I'm so so sorry.
Y/n: I warned you. I knew that I couldn't trust her when you told me about the flirting.
Arizona: I'm so sorry. I mean that.
Y/n: So what happened? What did you do?
Arizona: We kissed.
Y/n: Great, again it is the freaking kiss. Did you kiss her back?
Arizona: No, she kissed me, but at first I kissed her back.
Y/n: Unbelievable, so you kissed kissed her back?!?
Arizona: Yes, I kissed her back. I'm so sorry.
Y/n: I can't believe this.
Arizona: I pushed her off me, she wanted more, but I didn't wanted it. It just happened.
Y/n: But you wanted to kiss her.
Arizona: No, that's not the reason. With everything that happened between her and me it felt good and when she kissed me, all I felt was comfort, nothing more. It took me a few seconds when we kissed to realize that this wasn't what I wanted.
Y/n: And what did you want?
Arizona: You, I wanted to kiss you, because when we kiss time stops and all of my worries disappear. Every time we kiss there are fireworks. I hope you will stay with me, because you are my forever.
Y/n: You wanna know how I'm feeling?
Arizona: Yes, please, don't run.
Y/n: When we kiss my heart's on fire, burning with a strange desire. And I know that every time I kiss you, that your heart's on fire, too. I love you Arizona Sloan-Robbins, but you are to nice and people take advantage of that.
Arizona: Will you forgive me?
Y/n: I will, but promise me that whenever a situation like this happens again, you come to me and together we solve it.
Arizona: I love you so much and I will do everything to earn your trust back. I will change the plans I had for our trip next week and we will go away for two weeks.
Y/n: It doesn't matter where we go or how long we go away, as long as I'm with you.
Arizona: You are the best and I'm so lucky to call you my wife. Again, I'm so sorry.
Y/n: She should have stayed the hell away from you. I will not forgive her for what she did.
Arizona: Can we cuddle when we finally get home?
Y/n: Of course we can.

You kissed Arizona's cheek and pulled her in for a tight hug to give her some comfort.

Y/n: Let's get to that meeting.
Arizona: They are probably waiting for us.
Y/n: And next time, please tell me what is going on.
Arizona: I will and y/n there's one more thing.
Y/n: What is it?
Arizona: When we get back from our trip, I want to try again to have a baby.

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