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Arizona: Please, don't be mad for asking me this. I'm only here to help you if you need it.
Y/n: In one way I'm offended, but on the other hand I understand why you ask me this and it's very sweet of you to care this much.
Arizona: Did you use again? Anything?
Y/n: No, babe. I haven't used anything. I worked way to hard to slip again. There's also a new anchor that helps me and that anchor is you Arizona. 
Arizona: Did you thought about it? Did you think about using again?
Y/n: The answer to that question is yes. Just when they told me about Amelia. The reason I didn't took it, is because of you. I didn't used something, because of you Arizona. You were the most important reason.
Arizona: Because of me?
Y/n: Normally when things got hard personally I would take something to feel better. Now that I have you, you are that one thing that makes me feel better with even looking at that cute dimpled smile of yours.
Arizona: You really feel about me that way?
Y/n: Yes, I do Arizona. You're my anchor Arizona. You are that one person who has grounded me the last couple of months when things were hard. It's always been you.
Arizona: I'm glad I can give you what you need, but if you ever get the urge to use again, come to me and talk to me so I can help you in the best way I can.
Y/n: I love you so much and the dinner was lovely.
Arizona: Lets clean everything and go to bed early. Hopefully we will get answers tomorrow from Amelia and find a way to help her.
Y/n: Can we cuddle?
Arizona: We can always cuddle. I love you too y/n and I love cuddling with my girlfriend.

Arizona walked over and cupped your face in her hands to give you a passionate kiss.

Y/n: You are the best Arizona.

The next morning Derek and Mark asked you to come to a conference room. They explained what is happening with Amelia and she told them why she used again.

Y/n: This was what I was scared off. It's all my fault.
Mark: It isn't your fault at all sis. Yes, she took it because of you, but you can't blame yourself for what she did.
Derek: Mark is right you know. She did this to herself and we will get her the help she needs. We will all help her get better.
Y/n: Does she wants to see me? Did she ask for me?
Derek: I'm sorry she asked us to get you out of her room. She doesn't want you to see her like this.
Y/n: Oh okay. Can you just let her know that I'm sorry and that if she wants to see me, she needs to reach out.
Mark: I will let her know. Do you want us to stay with you or shall I page Arizona?
Y/n: No, I'm fine. I'm on Karev's service anyway so I will talk to Arizona when I'm at the peds wing.
Derek: Okay. Know that we are also here for you if you need to talk or something.
Y/n: I will. Derek, I love you like I love Mark. You are like a brother to me.
Mark: If she gets soppy like this it means she has her period.
Y/n: Ugh, I hate you sometimes so much Mark.

A week later
Arizona: It's been a week and you haven't seen her or talked to her. I can see you want to visit her.
Y/n: I know Arizona, but she doesn't want to see me. I'm scared of what will happen if I do show up.
Arizona: That's fair enough, but I can feel you want to see her.
Y/n: I do want to see her. I want to help her, she's my friend.
Arizona: Hopefully she will change her mind soon.
Y/n: Oh uhm Bailey paged me. I have to go. See you tonight.

You kissed Arizona's cheek before you walked away.

Arizona: Don't forget my parents will be there around 7.
Y/n: I will be home around 6 so I can help you with the dinner and have time for a quick shower.

You went to find dr. Bailey. as you were on her service today.

Y/n: Hi dr. Bailey, what do you have?
Miranda: I have a tumor.
Y/n: Sorry, what?
Miranda: My patient has a large tumor in his small intestine. We need to find a way to remove it.
Y/n: Okay, I'm on it. When is the surgery planned?
Miranda: We will go in once we find a way to remove it.
Y/n: So it's hard to see on the scans. Did dr. Grey not have a difficult tumor case before where she printed the tumor in 3D to get a better look at it?
Miranda: She had and it's a great idea! Lets print a tumor.

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