Hakuna Matata

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Timothy: Mommy cuddled me a lot, so I think that's why I always love to cuddle.
Arizona: Probably. We like to cuddle you both so much. It shows that we love you just like it shows you that we love you when we kiss you.
Rosey: When will the baby be here with us?
Y/n: Around in 9 months time. Then the baby will be here to get a lot of cuddles from you.
Rosey: I don't want to wait so long. So I will be a big sister?
Arizona: We have to wait till the baby is big enough and ready to meet us.
Y/n: You will be the best big sister.
Timothy: Do you know if I get another sister or do I get a brother this time?
Arizona: We don't know that yet. We will find out the gender in a few weeks time.
Timothy: I hope to get another sister, so I can be the big brother to protect them.
Y/n: That's so sweet big man. We are happy you like it to have a new brother or sister.
Rosey: But I still want a doggy!
Arizona: Maybe if you are sweet enough you will get a pet one day.
Rosey: I'm always sweet. I will be a sweet girl. Look, I hug Timothy.
Timothy: It's really sweet Rosey, but you can't always give hugs and cuddles to win them over.
Rosey: You are jealous, because I'm the sweetest.
Y/n: That's not very sweet of you to say to your brother Rosey. You are both very sweet kids.
Rosey: I'm sorry mommy. I'm sorry Timmy, you are also sweet. I love you.
Timothy: I love you too sissy.
Y/n: This is melting my heart. I think I'm gonna cry.
Arizona: The hormones are early this time. Come here and we could all snuggle in bed to have a movie night.
Rosey: I love a sleepover. Timothy, can I lay with mommy to cuddle our brother or sister?
Timothy: Of course you can. Mama, can we cuddle aswel.
Arizona: I was already planning on cuddling you all night long.
Rosey: What movie will we watch?
Y/n: You can choose one with your brother.
Rosey: Timmy! Can we watch Frozen? You love Olaf a lot and I can sing all the songs.
Timothy: I love that movie. I always think of Rosey when we watch this movie.
Arizona: Why do you think of your sister when you see Frozen?
Y/n: I like to know that aswel. What makes you think of Rosey during Frozen?
Timothy: Anna and Elsa are sisters and would do anything for each other. Their love let me think of how much I care about Rosey.
Rosey: I would always love you. You are the best big brother.
Y/n: Lets get ready to go to bed and watch the movie. I can't take all this cuteness any longer.
Timothy: Will we have popcorn aswel?
Arizona: Yes, mommy and I will get some snacks. Would you help your sister changing into her pajamas and together you can make the bed ready?
Timothy: We will make it perfect.
Rosey: Come Timmy, we need to get ready before popcorn is coming.

The kids ran upstairs to get ready for the night while you and Arizona got all the snacks ready.

Arizona: What Timothy said about Rosey made me fall in love with that little boy even more.
Y/n: It was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. We always knew he would be an amazing big brother to his sister.
Arizona: I haven't really said it before, but Timmy looked so much like our brother with what he said and how much he cares about her.
Y/n: Yes, he is exactly what we hoped he would be like.
Arizona: He is our perfect prince. I adore that little man with all my heart.
Y/n: You know that Rosey is just like the perfect combination of us. She is as sweet as you can be, but can be as sassy as I can be at some times.
Arizona: I don't want to sound arrogant, but we are doing a hell of a job in being the best moms ever.
Y/n: We are really making this work as a family. I'm so proud of us.
Arizona: I'm proud of us too and can't wait for all that will come, including our next miracle.

You kissed her cheek and got a bowl to put the popcorn in.

Rosey: Mommy, are you coming? I want to sing let it go.
Y/n: We are coming and can't wait to hear you sing like Elsa.
Arizona: Maybe we should look to buy an Elsa dress for Rosey.
Y/n: Yes. She will look so cute as Elsa.
Arizona: And we should buy an Olaf outfit for Timmy. That would be so cute.
Y/n: I think that it will be just a little to much. What would you say if we buy a new bike for Timothy and Rosey?
Arizona: They will love that a lot. The popcorn is ready, so lets go to the kids to watch the movie.

A few weeks later
Carina: It's absolutely amazing here. You guys have picked the most beautiful place.
Arizona: I'm glad you like it. We really wanted to find a perfect place where the kids would love it aswel.
Maya: Malibu is more than perfect and it's even more special having everyone here.
Jo: Thanks by the way for asking us to join aswel. We didn't knew if you would like to have a baby around you all the time.
Arizona: Of course we don't mind. We all love Luna so much. We are so happy that you and Alex were able to adopt her after everything.
Jo: I have to thank you aswel. If it wasn't for you and y/n to support me in talking to Alex, we wouldn't be here right now, having our own little family.
Arizona: We are just happy aslong as you are. Seeing Alex like this is like my job is finished raising him.
Carina: It's more like your job is finished when those two are married.
Arizona: That's right. I would love to see that happen. You two are together for ages.
Jo: It's up to Alex. When he asks me I would definitely say yes. He is the one to grow old with.
Maya: I would love to have a party soon. Lets get you married at least this year.
Arizona: We will wait until he finally asks you. I do believe he wants to spend the rest of his life with you Jo.
Jo: I never knew love would feel like this
Arizona: I understand what you say. I feel the exact same way when I see or think about y/n.
Maya: And I can only agree to that. We have all found our soulmates. I love you Carina.
Carina: I love you too bambina. So the kids enjoy themselves with playing together at the pool with the boys and April and Amelia.
Amelia: What about me?
Maya: Just that the kids are really enjoying there time playing with you all around the pool. 
Amelia: I love spending time with all the kids. It's so much fun and scout is now two years old and can play more with the other kids.
Carina: This is the most beautiful thing to see, that all our kids are really happy and get along.
Arizona: That's the most special thing to be honest. We are really a big family together.
Maya: Now that we are talking about this big family, where is y/n?
Arizona: She was getting something, it was a surprise. So at this moment, I don't know actually where she is.
Amelia: If it takes this long, than it's probably a big surprise.
Maya: Now I'm curious what she is up to.
Carina: If she takes so long it has to be fantastic.
Arizona: I just want to see her and spend some time with her and the kids. Maybe I should have a look at where she is, I'm getting a little worried if I'm honest. What if something happened?
Amelia: I don't think you have to worry about her Arizona. Nothing has probably happened, she is just making the surprise perfect I think.
Jo: Amelia is probably right. Just relax and wait. Y/n will be here soon to surprise you and take you somewhere special.

Some time later
Arizona: It's been to long, I'm going to have a look at where she is.
Jo: Arizona, calm down. Nothing has happened to her, so relax and maybe go and have a swim.
Arizona: Nope, it's nothing for y/n to be away for so long. I will just check if she is alright.
Carina: Jo is right, just leave it, she will be here once she is ready.
Arizona: My feelings tell me something is off.
Amelia: Just come and have a swim with the kids. They will make you stop thinking about y/n.
Arizona: No, stop. Can I just be worried about my wife?
Y/n: Uhm why do you have to be worried about me?
Arizona: There you are. I was just worried where you were and we hadn't seen you for quiet some time.
Y/n: Oh come here, you don't have to be worried, I'm right here and nothing is wrong.
Arizona: What took you so long?
Y/n: You will find out soon enough. Ladies, will you please look out for our kids tonight, as I'm taking my wife out for a date.
Maya: We will watch them and take care of them. They will have lots of fun with us and all the kids.
Y/n: Lets get changed, I have brought a beautiful dress for you to put on. It's downstairs in the spare room.
Arizona: A dress? We are really leaving?
Y/n: Yes, so lets get changed so we can go on a date. I'm so excited for this date.
Arizona: Okay, calm down. I will be back soon.

Arizona quickly kissed your cheek before running off to get changed.

Y/n: So you will watch the kids and they will stay with Tayla in the kids bedroom tonight?
Carina: Yes, so you two can have a night alone. What have you planned?
Y/n: We will have dinner at a restaurant at the beach and after it we will walk along the beach and then I will ask her.
Jo: It's so sweet. I'm so curious how she will react to it.
Amelia: She will love it and cry when you ask her.
Maya: You two are together for such a long time. During all those years you have been trough so much, so it's the perfect time to do this.
Y/n: You're right, but I'm a little nervous. Can you believe that we are together for 12,5 years and married for almost 10 years?
Carina: 12,5 years already? Time flies when you're having fun.
Amelia: Oh she is coming girls. So all the boys know what you're about to do tonight?
Y/n: Yes, everyone knows except Arizona. What if she doesn't like this idea?

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