A dream is a wish your heart makes

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Lexie: So I heard you saved that baby today?
Y/n: I did. It's not like Stark was here on time. He didn't responded any pages.
Lexie: Let me tell you that literally no one likes him.
Y/n: He is the most stupid man ever.
Lexie: It was really nice to have you over for dinner last month.
Y/n: I loved it a lot. It's really nice to spend more time with the both of you. Maybe come over this weekend to my place to have dinner.
Lexie: We will. So what do you think about the whole Leah situation?
Y/n: I don't want to think about it and I will try to avoid her as much as possible.
Lexie: That's fair. Again no one really liked her.
Y/n: I will see you tomorrow Lexie. Goodnight.

You walked out of the lobby when someone called your name.

Amelia: Oh hey y/n wait a second.
Y/n: Hey Ames, haven't seen you today. How are you?
Amelia: I'm really good. So have you met the new attending?
Y/n: Ortho? Nope, I've been really working my ass of in peds today. Or shall I say that I've been Starks assistent all day. Besides saving a baby this morning when Stark was nowhere to be found.
Amelia: That guy is really pissing us all off. So back to the new doctor. He is really cute and I think he sort of flirted with me, but I don't know what to do.
Y/n: Just be yourself. He will like you for who you are Ames.
Amelia: I needed to hear that. Thanks y/n, see you tomorrow.

You got home and went straight to bed after taking a shower. You haven't heard anything from Arizona all day as she was really busy probably. The moment you wanted to turn off the lights, there was a knock on the door. You walked into the living room to open the door.

Y/n: Who's there?

You hear no one answer the question so you open the door. The moment the door opened someone jumped up and around you. You felt two hands cup your face and the next second someone crashed their lips against yours. You immediately recognized those lips as they were Arizona's. She pulled away and grabbed your hands in yours looking deep into your eyes. Her eyes were watery and tears were almost falling.

Arizona: So picture this, I'm in Africa and everything is great and the people are so nice and the clinic is amazing and I'm doing work that actually feels important,I can actually see that I'm making a difference but I'm crying.Like constantly.And then this guy that I work with in the clinic finally asks me what's wrong and I say that I miss my girlfriend.Like I really miss her.So then he asks me if I wanna go back,if they could replace me and then I open my mouth to say no but what comes out weirdly is yes.

You stay silent not knowing what to say as you were so shocked to see Arizona again.

Arizona: Y/n, are you okay?
Y/n: Uhm I'm shocked. This was your dream.
Arizona: It was my dream, but I realized it isn't my dream anymore. Things have changed.
Y/n: Come in, let me get your suitcase. That will be easier to talk.
Arizona: Are you happy to see me?
Y/n: Of course Zona. This is the best surprise ever, but what about Africa?
Arizona: When I wrote my proposal, working there and helping those kids was my dream. Only things have changed from the moment I've met you. When you were with me in Malawi I enjoyed every second of it, but when you left I didn't enjoyed it as much as I should. My dream changed from working there to working there with you.
Y/n: I love you so much, but it feels like I broke your dream.
Arizona: Believe me when I say you didn't. The thing that matters most is that I have you here next to me.
Y/n: So you will stay here?
Arizona: Didn't you hear my speech at the door?
Y/n: I did. I only want to check it.
Arizona: You are so cute. You are so beautiful and I'm lucky to call you mine.
Y/n: You are the most sexy and beautiful girl ever.
Arizona: Y/n, I truly love you and I would do anything for you to keep you safe and happy.
Y/n: That's the same for me. Do you want to go to bed?
Arizona: Not yet please, but I will first take a quick shower. It was a long flight.
Y/n: Okay, I will wait for you.

A new Greys lifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang