Don't break the heart

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Carina: Maybe we can do this again next month.
Arizona: I don't know. It depends on y/n.
Y/n: What do you mean by that?
Arizona: If she leaves me for Gina, then we will not meet again here in Joe's. Instead we will probably be in court having a custody battle about the kids.
Maya: Arizona, I don't think that's the case. Just go home to have some sleep and talk about it tomorrow.
Y/n: Thank for tonight ladies, we will see you soon.
Arizona: She talks about seeing Gina soon for an appointment.
Carina: Please bring her home y/n.
Y/n: I will Carina. I'm sorry ladies that this evening ended like this.

You took a cab and got home. You struggled getting Arizona inside, because she didn't wanted you to touch her. You were finally in the bedroom and were taking Arizona's clothes off and putting her pajamas on when she started crying.

Arizona: What did I do? Why did this happen?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Arizona: Why am I not good enough anymore? I really though we would make it to the finish line.
Y/n: Babe, you need to listen to me. We will definitely make it to the finish line. Just try to have some sleep and we will talk about this tomorrow when you're sober.
Arizona: I love you so much, please don't leave me.

With that Arizona fell asleep right away. You pulled the covers over her and kissed the top of her head.

Y/n: I will never leave you Zona, you are the love of my life. I love you too.

You decided to have a cup of tea first before going to bed yourself. Before walking upstairs you grabbed some water bottles and some Advil for in the morning. You slept a few hours when you felt Arizona getting up and walking into the bathroom.

Y/n: Zona? Are you okay?
Arizona: I think I had to much drinks last night.
Y/n: Oh babe. I will hold your hair back up.
Arizona: I don't really remember all that happened last night. Can you stop me next time when I'm drinking so much?
Y/n: I hope there will be a next time, because you didn't really wanted me around you anymore.
Arizona: That really sounds like a joke. Tell me what happened.
Y/n: I'm not joking. You thought we were not supposed to be anymore.
Arizona: Did something happen last night? I know that I can be a lot when I'm drunk.
Y/n: Yes, actually. Something did happen last night.
Arizona: Let me clean myself up and then you can tell me everything about last night.
Y/n: Here, take these Advils. It will help you a lot.
Arizona: Thanks, I could really use that.
Y/n: I hope you feel much better after it.
Arizona: I hope so too, because this headache is killing me.

After a few minutes Arizona walked out of the bathroom and jumped back into the bed next to you.

Arizona: So tell me. Did I do something stupid?
Y/n: Arizona listen to me. We had a really great evening. It was a lot of fun and we had a few dances.
Arizona: That doesn't sound bad at all. Why does your face tell me something else?
Y/n: The night ended differently. You were really angry with me.
Arizona: How can I be angry with you? You are so cute and sweet.

Arizona cupped your face in her hands and cashed your lips together for a whole minute.

Y/n: Zona? Does the name Gina ring any bell?
Arizona: Uhmm I don't think so. What about Gina?
Y/n: I ran into Gina and you got all jealous.
Arizona: Oh no and you know what I always tell the kids.
Y/n: Jealousy is a green-eyed monster.
Arizona: I know. I hope it wasn't to bad.
Y/n: It was bad Arizona. Let me tell you everything and hopefully you will remember it all soon.

You told Arizona everything that happened last night and all the things she said. You went to get breakfast for the two of you and got back into the bedroom.

Arizona: I don't really know what to say, but I'm so sorry.
Y/n: I know you didn't mean what you said. You had a few to many drinks.
Arizona: That still didn't give me any reason to act like that.
Y/n: Just remind that you and the kids mean the world to me. You, me, Timothy and Rosey till the end.
Arizona: We are endgame. True love does exist.
Y/n: You are the only one for me. There's no other women that can compare to you, Zona.

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