I gotta feeling

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Carina: From Callie. It was for a trauma room.
Arizona: I think we missed it. What does it say?
Carina: Just trauma room.
Y/n: I think we should have a look. Maybe something happened.

The door flew open and Jo was standing there out of breath.

Jo: Oh here you are. Did you hear about what happened?
Arizona: What exactly happened?
Jo: Callie punched a parent for being homophobic towards their daughter.
Y/n: No way. Okay lets go and see them.

At the same time.
As Callie checks out Maggie's hand, she says it was like her hand had a mind of its own. She didn't know she was going to punch that mother until she did. She says she's a monster, but Amelia and Callie would have paid money to punch her. Meredith comes in and says it won't be so funny when Maggie gets fired. Amelia says Maggie won't lose her job. Callie says that mom deserved it. Meredith says there's a right way and a wrong way for them to handle themselves. Callie says she has a point and advise Maggie to keep her thumb outside of her fist next time to avoid bone damage. Alex comes in and says that the mother is fine, but she's pissed and after Maggie's head. Arizona and you come in all excited.

Arizona: Is it true that Callie punched a homophobe?
Amelia: Actually, it was Maggie who punched a homophobic mother.
Arizona: That's unexpected, I like it a lot.

Arizona offers Maggie a high-five, which she rejects. Callie accepts it and the rest of the doctors share high-fives. Maggie realizes she has to go apologize to the horrible woman.

Y/n: Yes, it's for the best you should apologize to that lady, but what you did is badass I think.

A week later
Arizona: Timmy, come on lets go. Mommy will be home any minute and you are supposed to be in bed.
Timothy: Mommy?
Arizona: Yes, your pretty mommy will be here and she will be mad at me if you are still awake. Tonight we will pick a donor, so it's a big day little man.
Timothy: Mommy!
Arizona: Yes, she will give you a kiss before we go to bed. She always does that and that's one of the million reasons I love her. Do you love mommy?
Timothy: Mommy.
Arizona: I know, she is beautiful. You are also a beautiful boy. My cute and handsome son.

Arizona put Timothy to bed and after 10 minutes you came home all excited, while she was watching some tv from the couch.

Y/n: Zona? You here?
Arizona: I'm here waiting for you.
Y/n: It was such a good day. I removed a tumor from a kids kidney and found a way to safe that girl Mindy from losing her leg.
Arizona: Oh really? It's a hard case.
Y/n: She has a rare disease. Normally only boys have it, but she has perthes disease.
Arizona: That could be right. Lets get Callie on the case aswel tomorrow.
Y/n: Now, it's time to look at donors. I'm so excited.
Arizona: Me too babe. Also Timothy was asking for you tonight. He said your name all the time.
Y/n: Since Christmas 3 weeks ago he's really trying to call us mommy and mama.
Arizona: It's so cute. It was adorable hearing him say mommy all night long.
Y/n: I never imagined being this happy having found the love of my life and having our own kid.
Arizona: I love you y/n Sloan-Robbins.
Y/n: I love you too Arizona Sloan-Robbins.

You sat besides Arizona on the couch and put your hand on her cheek. She leaned into your touch and you leaned in to give her a kiss. You pulled away and kissed her temple and held her hand tight in yours. You looked for some donors and after an hour you find the right man for the job. You texted Carina to make an appointment and after it you both got ready for a good night sleep.

Arizona: Hey you, what are you doing?
Y/n: Nothing much, just doing some post ops. What about you?
Arizona: Same. I think we never had such a slow day like this ever before in this hospital.
Y/n: Don't say things like that. Now it will change any second Zona.
Arizona: No, it won't. I don't believe that.
Y/n: It's your fault when something happens.
Arizona: But nothing will happen. Don't worry babe.
Y/n: So as it is likely we are finished early. What do you say if we order some food and have a date night at home?
Arizona: Yes, of course I want that. It's been so hectic last month and now we have time.
Y/n: I know and I'm sorry it's now late January, but tonight we will make time for ourselves. Soon we will take our first step in having another baby and then there will be less time for just the two of us.
Arizona: I can't wait for this new chapter.
Y/n: I can't wait either. I love you.
Arizona: And I love you too.

Arizona sat in your lap and wrapped her arms around your neck. She gave you a peck on the lips and rested her head against your chest.

Arizona: What's that sound?
Y/n: I don't know, but why do I smell gas?

You hear the blast as the building shakes and the lights flicker. You could feel the heat coming your way and saw an explosion at the end of the hall.

Maya's pov
Maya: Listen up people. We have to be fast and still be very careful!
Jack: So split up in pairs?
Maya: Yes, we have to get to the floor where it happened. The hospital is evacuating everyone, so help where you can. Patients who can walk, have to walk. Others that needs help have to be carried for example.
Travis: Got it. Lets move!
Maya: Be careful, we still don't know what exactly happened and how it happened.
Carina: There you are.
Maya: Thank god, you are fine.
Carina: I don't know what happened, but all the sudden there was an explosion and we had to leave the building.
Maya: Do you know where the explosion was?
Carina: I think it was at the pediatric floor.
Maya: Listen very carefully station 19. We have to move even faster as the explosion was on the pediatric floor.
Jack: No, this gets even harder with all those kids up there.
Maya: Babe, stay here and help who you can. We will do our job and safe as many people as we can.
Carina: Promise me to be careful.
Maya: I will. I love you Carina.
Carina: I love you too Maya.

Maya quickly kissed Carina on the lips before running away into the hospital.

Miranda: Enough kisses. Please go and help some people!
Carina: Where do you need me chief?
Miranda: Please go to see Kepner. She is managing everything here outside.
Carina: I will. Anything else I can do right now?
Miranda: No, just help who you can. Have you seen dr. Robbins or dr. Sloan?
Carina: No, I haven't seen them. Why?
Miranda: I have a bad feeling about all this.

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