A moment like this

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Arizona: It's nothing to worry about, but you just have to know that I love you and I need to know you love me.
Y/n: What is it? You sound so nervous. Of course I love you.
Arizona: I'm a bit nervous about it. I just don't know how you will react.
Y/n: Don't be nervous babe. Ask away.
Arizona: The moment I saw you for the very first time will be stuck into my memory till the end of the days, because it was the day when the course of my life radically changed its direction. I remember you walking into the hospital, and your smiling eyes grabbed my attention.
Y/n: Arizona what is this? What are you doing?
Arizona: Just listen. I keep in the sanctuary of my heart every minute we shared, because from the first moment I was totally overwhelmed by you. I was so proud to make you meet my family, because I was certainly sure that they would love you. When my parents met you, I understood that you are the one I want to share every day of my entire life with you.
Y/n: This is so sweet.
Arizona: I do not know how it had been possible to live without your support and cheerfulness, without listening to you singing and watching you dancing when you think nobody sees. I love dreaming with you, because you understand me as nobody would ever understand me. I love being ill if I know that you will be near me and take care of me.
Y/n: I'm officially sobbing right now.
Arizona: You encourage me to get up every morning, to do great deeds for you, and to constantly become better. You are my inspiration, my motivation, and my desirous goal. You know like nobody else what is happiness and where it is hidden. We both want to have a colorful and memorable life, and together we can make our dreams come true. You are my perfect best friend, my advisor, my travel companion, maybe one day the mother of my future children and hopefully my future wife.
Y/n: Did you say wife?
Arizona: I promise to do everything I only can to be a perfect match for you and to become the wife you deserve. I want to become your happily-ever-after, and I will do my best for your incredible smile to never fade. You are the greatest and the most precious gift given to me by this life, so I wish the whole world knew about my infinite and limitless love for you.
Y/n: I love you. I love you so much.
Arizona: I am looking forward to the day when my last name will become ours, and our love will grow even more. You are the one I want to be for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. My voice is trembling, and my heart beats at a furious pace since I hope you will say yes and make me the luckiest girl on earth. So will you, y/n Sloan, please marry me?
Y/n: There is only one way to answer this.

You pulled Arizona in by her shirt and kissed like you never kissed her before. Your kiss was deep and loving, but still so passionate. After a minute you both pulled away, both of you had tears in your eyes.

Arizona: So it's a yes?
Y/n: It's the biggest yes I will ever give someone or gave someone in my life.
Arizona: I love you so much. I hope you like this ring.

Y/n: This is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen

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Y/n: This is the most beautiful ring I've ever seen.
Arizona: I was so nervous.
Y/n: You really didn't had to be nervous about it.
Arizona: I just wanted this to be perfect, because it's what you deserve.

You gave Arizona a peck on the lips and hugged her tight. She rested her head on your shoulder and you just stayed like that for some time before you spoke again and looked her in the eyes.

Y/n: We're engaged. I can't believe it.
Arizona: You better believe it. You will soon be my wife.

The next day (first day of Christmas)
Jo: Hello y/n Sloan, are you going home?
Y/n: Oh hey Jo, I'm waiting for Arizona to go home. I just had a check up with Amelia.
Jo: So everything is looking good? How are you feeling?
Y/n: I'm getting closer to be my old self. Amelia thinks I can go back to work in three weeks. Then I will be fully recovered.
Jo: Maybe you will be the new chief resident when you come back.
Y/n: Or maybe you will, dr. Wilson.
Jo: Nope, you are way better for that job. So y/n Sloan, I heard about something that happened last night.
Y/n: And what did you hear?
Jo: Something about a proposal.
Y/n: Yes, I heard something about it aswel.
Jo: Just tell me all about it and show me that ring on your finger.

Jo stayed with you until Arizona was finished, you got home and had an easy night. It was now the second day of Christmas and you were having dinner with a lot of people from the hospital.

Mark: I'm so proud, my sister is getting married.
Amelia: Have you seen that ring? It's amazing.
Y/n: Thanks guys.
Amelia: I'm so happy for you both. Link have a good look at how a happy relationship looks.
Y/n: Don't pressure him like that Ames.

After the dinner you went home and are now with Arizona cuddled up on the couch.

Arizona: Did you enjoy tonight?
Y/n: I did, I love having us all around at Christmas.
Arizona: Christmas is even more special to me since you walked into my life.
Y/n: You are so cute. Can we change into our jammies and cuddle in bed?
Arizona: You, me, our bed and cuddles? That's all I need to be happy.

Four weeks later
Miranda: Listen people. The chief of residents can de found on the board behind me.
Jo: We all know it's going to be y/n.
Y/n: That's not true. It can be anyone. I'm just back at work for one week. It's the end of January and it feels like I'm not the women for this job. 
Stephanie: Oh my god. Look at it.
Y/n: That's amazing.
Stephanie: Congratulations.
Jo: This can't be true.
Miranda: You better believe it dr. Wilson. You are the chief of residents.
Jo: Thank you so much for this opportunity. I will not disappoint you.
Y/n: Ready to get some lunch girls?
Stephanie: Oh yes!

You were in bed with Arizona after this day and are talking about a big surgery that she will have next week.

Arizona: I've never done this procedure before so it's all new for me.
Y/n: Jackson will help you so it will all go well.
Arizona: It will, but it feels like going to school for the first day. It's exciting, but at the same time there are nerves all over the place.
Y/n: I know something to get you more relaxed.
Arizona: Are you sure? Are you ready for that?
Y/n: I am more than ready. I missed it.
Arizona: I love you.
Y/n: I love you too my fiancé.
Arizona: I love the sound of that.

The next day at work
Arizona: Hey you, what are you doing?
Y/n: Hey you, I'm finishing these charts for you.
Arizona: Thank you dr. Sloan.
Y/n: How did the surgery go with Jackson?
Arizona: Really good. It went like we planned it. So I can say it was a succes.
Y/n: I wasn't expecting anything else to happen as you are the best.

Arizona gave you a quick peck on the lips.

Y/n: What was that for?
Arizona: Just because I love you.
Y/n: You're the cutest. I love you too Zona.
Arizona: Lets get home.
Miranda: Before you go home I want you to meet someone.
Arizona: I didn't knew we would get a new surgeon.
Miranda: She will come here and help us to make our teaching program better.
Arizona: Do we need that?
Miranda: Yes we do. I see that the residents are supposed to be better than they are right now.
Y/n: I need to go, I'm sorry.
Arizona: Wait y/n. What is going on?
Miranda: You know what? You will all meet her tomorrow. Have a good night.

You were in the residents lounge changing when Arizona walked in.

Arizona: Hey, what is it?
Y/n: I'm not feeling great. Maybe it's just the beginning of the flu.
Arizona: Okay, lets get you home. I will make some soup.

It was the next day and you stayed home, because you were feeling so sick. Arizona got to the hospital and everyone was waiting to meet the new head of the teaching program.

Miranda: So I'm glad everyone is here. Meet dr. Eliza Minnick, the new head of our teaching program.

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