(Everything I do) I do it for you

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Arizona: Hello you, are you ready to go?
Y/n: Yes, I just talked to Alex about a patient, but I think we can go.
Carina: Go? Where are we going ladies?
Arizona: I'm taking y/n away for a weekend to relax and enjoy some time together.
Carina: Sounds good, where are you going?
Arizona: A B&B just outside the city. It has lots of things to do and it's surrounded with a big forest.
Y/n: It's so sweet and cute that she arranged this. I've been tired all week and I can feel lots of movements from the little girl, so I can use some time to rest.
Carina: You have to take care of your body even more, now that she is growing hard. Be careful for the baby.
Y/n: That's right. It feels like this time the girlie is making it harder. I feel tired all the time since two weeks ago and I hadn't had that feeling with Rosey.
Carina: The body and mind react different each time you get pregnant. Being pregnant is a magical moment, but at the same time it's a very hard job to do.
Arizona: And that's why she has me. I will take the best care of her and the little one.
Carina: Good, have fun and I can't wait to hear all about your weekend when you get back.
Y/n: We can have dinner with both of our families once we get back next week.
Carina: Sounds perfect to me. The kids will love that a lot. I will make my lasagna and pasta.
Arizona: I can't wait for the dinner party, but right now we have to go to be on time for the dinner reservation.
Carina: Love you and enjoy the weekend.

You got in the car and Arizona drove you to your destination. You were on your way when you could feel the baby kicking hard again.

Y/n: She really thinks my belly is a ball today. She is kicking really hard right now.
Arizona: Someone is just excited to be away this weekend and to get some time to relax with her mommies.
Y/n: But I do hope she won't be this active all the time, otherwise I will not be able to relax.
Arizona: This will be time for us. Just before we will get up all night long to help Cookie.
Y/n: Do you mind if I try to call your parents? I want to say to the kids to behave themselves and that we will miss them, but see them soon again.
Arizona: Of course that's okay. Are you able to get your bag to get your phone or do we need to stop, so you can get it from the backseat?
Y/n: No, I will be just fine. I'm pregnant, but still athletic to be able to grab my back from the seat I'm in.
Arizona: I know babe, but maybe if I stop the car it is easier.
Y/n: Don't worry, I have my bag. So that means I have my phone.
Arizona: Call my mom so we can tell the kids we love them. They would love to see us before we arrive at the B&B.
Y/n: I will, miss bossy pants.
Arizona: And again, I'm not bossy. Just try to call my mom before I stop the car and let you walk the last part.

After the phone call
Y/n: Honestly, talking to your mom on the phone is one of the best things ever. It's so funny, she won't stop talking.
Arizona: It's better to talk to her in person. Although you would need at least half a day to catch up with her.
Y/n: That's very much true. So how long will be here in the car?
Arizona: Around 20 minutes according to the GPS. Why?
Y/n: I was thinking we can listen to some songs from our playlist. The one we made when we first had a weekend away together.
Arizona: Sounds good. I love those songs and we got to know each other a lot better during that weekend.
Y/n: It was an amazing weekend and when I think about it, it makes me smile so hard.
Arizona: Me too babe. All those moments we've spend together away from all the chaos here in Seattle brought us closer together.
Y/n: Looking back at all those years, I don't regret a single thing.
Arizona: A lot has happened and we had some hard times, but in the end we always found our way back to each other.
Y/n: And we always will find our way back to each other. No matter what happens, I will always come back to you and will find you.
Arizona: That's all I want. You, me and the kids forever together.
Y/n: So we will make that happen. You, me and the kids together forever and always.
Arizona: Forever and always. I love you so much y/n.
Y/n: I love you too Zona. I will do everything to make you happy Arizona.
Arizona: You make me happy with just being with me and making me smile all the time.

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