Leaving, on a jet plane

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Y/n: No, I haven't kissed her ever before. She only tried once when we were both really high, but I pushed her off, because I didn't wanted that to happen. I never kissed her, please believe when I tell you nothing has ever happened.
Arizona: Who would have known this? Someone is telling some other story right now.
Y/n: I don't know Arizona. Do you think we should go to the police? Do you believe me? Please say you do.
Arizona: I do believe you, I trust you. I'm sorry y/n. We can go to the police if this gets on longer or worse. Is that okay?
Y/n: That's fine. I'm going to bed, this all made me exhausted. You coming too?
Arizona: Yes, lets change in our jammies and get some sleep.

Arizona took your hands in your and rubbed them with her tumps. She gave you a sweet kiss on the lips and pulled you into her embrace.

Arizona: I love you and we will figure this all out.
Y/n: I hope so, I love you too Zona.

It was three days later and today Amelia and Addison go back to LA to get Amelia clean again. You were in Amelia's hospital room to say goodbye and were chatting a bit together.

Amelia: Y/n, when will you come to visit?
Y/n: Next week Ames. Don't forget why you are doing this.
Amelia: I know, to get better and to be there for my family and friends.
Y/n: Just promise me to never get back to it.
Amelia: I will never do this again. You're my best friend and thank you for having my back.
Addison: Hi, we need to go. Y/n, last chance to change your mind.
Y/n: Addison you need to stop pushing me. I'm staying here and will visit Amelia as much as I can. I told you multiple times I'm not coming with you.
Addison: You can help her even more if you come with us. It's for her health y/n.
Amelia: Addison please stop. Y/n helps me a lot, even is she's not with us all the time.
Addison: I just wished you would come so we can spend time together like the old times.
Y/n: Addison, we all changed. Times changed. I have to be here. I'm needed here with my friends and family.
Addison: I don't want that. I just don't want to be without you.
Y/n: Addison, let me go. You're hurting my arm with your grip.
Addison: You need to come, we need you there. I need you.
Arizona: What is going on in here?
Addison: Nothing. Please y/n. Come with us.
Amelia: Let her go Addison.
Y/n: What's your problem?
Addison: There is no problem.
Y/n: There is. Why won't you just leave me alone?
Addison: You left me in the first place!
Y/n: What are you talking about? What is this Addison?
Addison: You just left to go to Iraq. You left us and didn't even consider how we felt. You dumped us.
Y/n: I'm sorry, what? I needed to change and chose to do something that helps people. I needed to start over.
Addison: You could have helped people over here, not fly to another continent.
Y/n: Why are you being so clingy?
Addison: Because you are all I have. You and Amelia.
Amelia: What?
Addison: You're like my only family and you just left me all on my own.
Amelia: Addison we care about each other, but that doesn't mean we have to be around each other all the time.
Addison: You are both like my daughters. It felt like that even more when I found out I couldn't get children of my own.
Y/n: So you want us to stay with you forever? Life doesn't work like that.
Arizona: It sounds to me like you are obsessed with them. It's not healthy.
Addison: You better don't interfere with this. Get out! You are nothing to y/n!
Y/n: Let's go Zona, we are done here. Other thing, don't talk to my girlfriend like that ever again.
Addison: No, you can't leave.
Y/n: I can. Just watch me.
Addison: So you received some text and a letter lately?
Y/n: Uhm yes. How did you know?
Addison: Heard you talking about it in the cafeteria yesterday.
Arizona: Wait a second. Y/n, do you remember when we got the letter, it had no sender and then Addison showed up?
Y/n: Yes, I remember. Wait you were the one who tried to mess with us? Addison, what are you trying to do?
Addison: I was the one that did all of those things. I just wanted you to see that you don't belong with her, but with us. She stole you from me.
Arizona: We are leaving and you need to have a look in the mirror who really needs some help.
Y/n: Bye Ames, I will see you next week. Love you.
Amelia: Love you too. Thank you for everything. I will get through this with you by my side.
Addison: Don't leave me again. Y/n, listen to me! Don't leave me!
Y/n: Bye Addison.  
Arizona: Come on, we will grab some lunch together.

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