I hate you, I love you

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Carina: Hello ladies, are you ready to take her home?
Arizona: We don't know if we can take her home right now.
Alex: Lucy just has to pass the infant carrier test. If she does she can go home with her mommies, brother and sister.
Carina: She has to sit in her carrier for an hour with no apnea of bradycardia. I believe this little angle will pass the test easily.
Y/n: Exactly, we don't need to worry. She has gone through much worse things before. She is strong enough to pass the test babe.
Arizona: But what if she doesn't pass the test? Than she still has to be in the hospital and we can't take her home.
Y/n: There's only one way to find out. Lets start the test Alex.

Almost at the end of the test Arizona took your hand in hers and leaned her head on your shoulder. Carina, Alex, Arizona and your were counting down the seconds of the hour. The hour has passed, meaning Lucy passed the test. Jo and Amelia were watching, too.

Jo: I can't believe she's leaving.
Amelia: She's so damn cute. She can finally go home and you can be that lovely family.
Carina: Congratulations girls, it's finally time to enjoy the time together. If you don't mind me, Maya and Tayla would like to come over soon.
Arizona: Of course you can. You can come over whenever you want.
Carina: We will take care of food. It's time for some more happiness.

Most of everyone were leaving the room while Arizona was packing, but you suddenly yell to stop.

Arizona: Babe, what is wrong?
Y/n: I'm not ready for Lucy to leave. She needs to be watched and anything could go wrong. Cars are not safe. Please take Lucy out of the carrier.

You walked towards Lucy and wanted to get her out of the carrier, but Carina was still in the room and made you stop what you were doing.

Carina: Listen to me Bambina. Cars aren't the only dangerous things for babies, but you are feeling like this because you are a parent again of a new miracle. It will pass, mostly.
Arizona: She is right y/n. You said it yourself; we have to stay positive it's the only thing we can do right now. Don't worry to much, she is strong, she can handle a lot. That's what you said to me, so use your own words.
Y/n: Okay, thank you. I think I'm ready to go home. Lets get this girl home.

Arizona came over to you and kissed your cheek. She gave you a side hug and the both of you just watched Lucy with a big smile on your face.

Arizona: Lets go home. Lets enjoy being all together.
Y/n: Together with our perfect little family.
Jo: We would love to come by fast. Luna keeps asking to play with Rosey.
Arizona: Rosey will love that. She has a new princes castle and I think Luna will love that aswel.
Jo: I can already tell that Luna will want to take that play castle home with her.
Y/n: I already know what to give your little girl for her birthday in a few weeks time.

Some weeks later
Arizona: Babe? Are you ready? The others will arrive soon.
Y/n: I'm ready. I just breastfed Lucy and she is now asleep. Are my other babies ready.
Timothy: I'm not a baby anymore mommy. I'm a big boy and helped mama with the chicken.
Arizona: He was a great sous chef. He even made the salad on his own.
Y/n: So you did became a real chef? Than you no longer are a big boy, but a real man. My man.
Timothy: Mama can I now play a bit on the switch until everyone arrives?
Arizona: Sure Timmy. Make sure you have put all your other toys away.

Timothy walked away and you walked up to Arizona and kissed her cheek.

Y/n: You look absolutely hot and sexy Arizona. I'm stunned by the way you look. You also did amazing babe. Thank you for making our part for the dinner.
Arizona: Says the most gorgeous women ever, this dress makes your boobs come out perfectly. Of course honey I did this. It's been three months since the accident and you are still recovering. Tonight will ask a lot from you as we will be here with all the others from the hospital and the station.
Y/n: I don't want to miss tonight. Can you believe that it is Christmas eve?
Arizona: A special evening for us. After the accident, I was really looking forward to tonight to have everyone around and celebrate the love we have around with all the families.
Y/n: This night will be perfect and I really liked your idea with everyone making a dish to bring to the dinner. It will be a great mix of food and snacks and don't forget the lasagna Carina made.
Arizona: I'm jealous of her cooking skills. I wish I was as good as her.
Y/n: You don't need her skills as I'm more than happy with your cooking skills, because it doesn't matter what you make as long as you make it with love. That's what you always do and that makes me love every dinner.
Arizona: You always know what to say. You can be such a flirt.
Y/n: But I only flirt with my wife.

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