You are the reason

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Jo: Hey Arizona, I'm just going to check your vitals.
Arizona: Okay.
Jo: It's a stupid question, but how are you?
Arizona: I'm feeling like I could just die. Just let me die.
Jo: You know y/n wouldn't want that.
Arizona: I know and I'm trying hard to find a way to get it all together.
Jo: I get that, I will come back later. Don't give up Arizona. We are all here for you.

Right now at the station
Maya: I got a call from station 23 that they found a girl on their way back from helping at a car crash.
Jack: And that means?
Maya: She was wearing a Seattle Grace jacket.
Jack: Wait, so that could be y/n? She's alive.
Maya: Maybe. They don't know who she is.
Jack: So we need to inform the others at the hospital.
Maya: No, we wait. We can't tell anyone this news before we know it for sure.
Travis: Why wait? They would want to hear this.
Maya: I don't want to give them, especially Arizona, false hopes.
Travis: I understand that. So what now?
Maya: I will go to station 23 to see if it is y/n.
Travis: I will come with you. This is hard for you too as she is a really good friend of yours.

They were on their way to one of the cars when Carina walked in with lunch.

Carina: Hey guys. Oh are you leaving?
Maya: Uhm yes, we got called for a situation. Not sure what it is, I will call you later babe. Love you.
Carina: Love you too. This was weird.
Jack: No, nothing looks weird to me.

Back at the hospital Arizona is having a sleep when Amelia walked in.

Amelia: Hey Arizona, wake up. There is some news.
Arizona: What is it? Is y/n here?
Amelia: We checked you and neuro wise everything looks great.
Arizona: It's sounds like there is more to it. What aren't you telling me?
Amelia: Your leg doesn't look great. The infection is spreading. Link and Callie are both thinking that cutting of your leg is the best option. That's the only way to stay alive.
Arizona: No, they are not cutting of my leg!
Amelia: Arizona listen, you will not make it if they don't perform the surgery.
Arizona: Maybe that's better as if y/n did died out there, I can be with her again.
Amelia: Arizona you are not thinking straight.
Arizona: Just go and leave me alone! Get the hell out!

Back at Maya and Travis who arrived at station 23 to see who they found.

Travis: Uhm Maya look.
Maya: Oh my god, it is y/n. She is alive.
Travis: She looks fine at first sight.
Maya: But at the same time, something feels off.
Travis: Lets go and talk to her.

They walked over to you and didn't really know what to say.

Maya: Hey y/n, I'm so glad to see you.
Y/n: Hi, uhm who are you?
Maya: I'm Maya, I'm your friend.
Y/n: Oh, I don't remember you.
Maya: What are you talking about?
Y/n: I just don't remember anything. The last thing I remember is being in the Army. Do you know how I got here?
Maya: I will tell you everything, but you have to come with us, so we can take you to the hospital to get checked.
Y/n: Uhm okay.
Travis: Y/n, you don't remember a single thing. How did you end up where they found you?
Y/n: I woke up and just started to walk.
Maya: Didn't you had any pain?
Y/n: I had some glass in my leg and arm, but pulled it out. I thought I had to find someone so started to walk.
Maya: Who did you needed to find?
Y/n: That's the weird thing, I don't know who I was looking for.
Travis: Just give it time. You will get your memories back soon.
Y/n: I hope I will get them back soon. Do you know what these rings mean? I'm wearing two, but don't know why or what they mean.
Maya: Let's first get you to the hospital. Hopefully soon you will get all your memories back.
Y/n: Okay, I hope so. Thank you.

Carina was visiting Arizona when she got a message from Maya to meet her outside and get all the doctors together.

Amelia: What is this Carina?
Carina: I don't know. Maya only told me to get here outside with all of you.
Jo: That's weird. What could this be?
Amelia: Hopefully this will not waste our time. We have more work to do.
Carina: She wouldn't just said this if it was nothing.
Jo: Oh look there they are.
Maya: Hey guys, I have someone that needs to get checked over.
Jo: Who is it?
Carina: Oh god, you found her.
Maya: She lost all her memories. Her last memory is from the army. 
Amelia: Y/n?
Y/n: Hi.
Jo: She really doesn't recognize us.
Maya: Nope.
Amelia: Uhm we first have to go and see someone before we will check you over.
Y/n: Who is it you need to see.
Amelia: Someone who is really important to you.
Y/n: Okay I guess. What is he or she to me?
Amelia: Lets say that you are so close to each other that you are able to safe her life.

You walked around the hospital when you got to Arizona's room. Amelia walked in first after asking you to wait outside the room for a second.

Arizona: What is it Amelia? I said you needed to leave me alone!
Amelia: There is someone I want you to see and I think you want to see them too.
Arizona: I don't want to see anyone. Let me just die, maybe that's the only way to see her again.
Amelia: Arizona please, look at me and stop for a minute being a bitch.
Arizona: I give you one minute.
Amelia: Okay, thank you. So uhm please come in and meet her.

You slowly walked around the corner and walked in the room.

Y/n: Hi, I'm y/n.
Arizona: Y/n, is it really you?
Y/n: As far as I know I'm y/n yes.
Arizona: This can't be true. What is going on?
Y/n: I'm here and that is all I know for sure. So uhm I don't want to sound rude, but who are you?
Arizona: What do you mean? I'm Arizona.
Y/n: That's a name you don't hear very often. I like it.
Amelia: So she was found and Maya brought her here. She lost all her memories, the last one is being in the Army right?
Y/n: Yes, that's it.
Amelia: She is checked and at the moment nothing major happened to her, except the memory loss.
Arizona: Can I have some time alone with her?
Amelia: Of course, but first you need to think about what you want. Stay alive or...
Arizona: I know, can I talk to her in private?

Amelia left the room and Arizona waved you over to take a seat besides her on the chair.

Y/n: What did she mean with stay alive?
Arizona: I was in an accident and now my leg looks pretty bad. There is an infection and it's slowly spreading. If they don't cut off my leg I will not make it out of this hospital.
Y/n: That's bad. So why aren't you letting them safe your life?
Arizona: Because before you entered I thought I didn't had a goal to live for anymore.
Y/n: I'm so confused, first Amelia working in Seattle and now this. So why me? What has all of this to do with me? Wait, you have two rings aswel. What are we?
Arizona: The reason is you, because you are my whole world y/n, you don't remember me or us, but we are together. This ring is our promise ring and the other is our wedding ring.
Y/n: We are married? I guess I have a great taste as you are very beautiful.
Arizona: We got married 3 weeks ago. I'm so happy to see you again. I thought I would never see your face again.

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