I see the light

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Y/n: Why? I'm working really well with dr. Torres at the moment.
Carina: You are needed somewhere else y/n.
Y/n: That can wait. This patient deserves all my attention.
Carina: Y/n, just listen to me.
Y/n: Uhm okay. What is going on Carina?
Carina: It's Arizona. She needs you.
Y/n: What? What is going on? Where is she?
Carina: She is on her way to the hospital. April is with her.
Y/n: Carina, is something wrong?
Carina: Her waters broke. It's starting y/n. The baby is coming.
Y/n: Someone page dr. Karev. I have to go. Sorry Callie, I have to be with her.
Callie: That's okay, go and be with her.
Carina: Come and find me outside. We will take her inside once she gets here with the ambulance.

You got out of your clothes and scrubbed out really fast. You ran to the ambulance bay to wait for Arizona to come with the ambulance.

Carina: I'm sorry I had to get you out of that surgery.
Y/n: It's good you did. Arizona would be mad if I'm not here.
Carina: She asked for you. She needed you. April told me she wanted you with her.
Y/n: I wasn't with her one time and that ended horrible. I won't let that ever happen again.
Carina: Y/n, I will promise you one thing. I won't let anything happen to your boy or Arizona.
Y/n: Thank you Carina, you are the best.
Carina: There's the ambulance. Let me go to her first.
Y/n: Make sure she is alright and tell her I'm here.
Carina: Of course. This day will change your life forever.
Y/n: It's really starting right now.
Carina: The start of something new and exciting bambina.
Y/n: I hope she isn't in that much pain.
Carina: We will find out any second.

A few hours later
Arizona: I'm here for five hours! Five! Why isn't he here?!?
Carina: It's almost time Arizona. I think in the next hour you can start pushing. Y/n, page me when she's ready.
Y/n: I will Carina. Is there anything I can do for you Arizona?
Arizona: Just hold my hand. When are my parents here?
Y/n: I called them when you came in and they took the first plane to Seattle.
Arizona: So they will be here soon?
Y/n: Yes, they will be here soon to see their grandson.
Arizona: I love you so much y/n Sloan-Robbins.
Y/n: I love you too, but why so soppy so sudden?
Arizona: Our life will change forever and I couldn't wish for someone else by my side to do this.
Y/n: I feel the exact same way. I never saw myself having a child, but with you everything changed and I can't wait to have our own little man walking around.
Arizona: It's crazy thinking that we are together for just over 5 years.
Y/n: And married for almost 3 years.
Arizona: 5 years together with the love of my life. We haven't really celebrated our anniversary, but this little man makes it so special after 5 years.
Y/n: That's very true. 3 years married to you, can you believe it?
Arizona: It's amazing. Best thing I ever said yes to.
Y/n: Oh your mom just texted they are at the airport and will be coming here straight away.
Arizona: Aaaaaah. I will never do this agaaaaaiiiin. This hurts to much.
Y/n: You are doing great babe. Just hold on a little longer.
Arizona: You can do something for me right now.
Y/n: What? I will do anything for you.
Arizona: I want a kiss. That will distract me from all the pain.

Without any doubt you cupped Arizona's face in your hands and gave her a passionate kiss that only ended when you both needed air.

Y/n: Better? Arizona?
Arizona: I think I can't do this. I'm not good enough to do this.
Y/n: Please stop crying. What are you talking about?
Arizona: What are we doing?
Y/n: As far as I know we are busy getting a baby at the moment.
Arizona: We are having a baby, but I'm not ready. I will mess it all up.
Y/n: But this little man is ready to come any second. So no, you won't mess anything up babe. You will be an amazing mother to our bubba. Together we will have this cute and sweet little family. You are scared I guess, but we will make this work. You can do this Arizona. I believe in you Zona.
Arizona: What if something goes wrong?
Y/n: Nothing will go wrong. If there's something, we will deal with it. We can do this Arizona. Together we can do anything.
Arizona: You know I love you right?
Y/n: You married me, so I guess you love me.
Arizona: I really don't know what I would do without you.
Y/n: Luckily you don't have to think about that. Feeling better?
Arizona: We can do this. We can really do this together.
Y/n: We can and you are absolutely amazing.

You kissed the top of Arizona's head and kissed her cheek. You grabbed her hand and sat beside her on the bed.

Arizona: Y/n, will you page Carina. I think it's starting.
Y/n: I will. Oh great, your mom just texted that they are downstairs.
Arizona: Great, now get Carina!

You paged Carina 911 and she got there after a few minutes.

Arizona: So Carina, all good?
Carina: We are ready to go. Y/n, Arizona will need you like she never needed you before.
Y/n: I will be here every second and do anything you need. I love you.
Arizona: I love you toooooooo aaaaaaah. 
Carina: Okay, you are doing great. With the next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can.
Y/n: It's really starting. I can't take the stress.
Arizona: You can't take the stress?!? I'm the one that will push a baby out of my vagina.
Carina: One more big push. I can see the head already.
Arizona: He better comes out immediately or he will be grounded till he is 18.
Y/n: You don't get to decide that on your own.
Arizona: Oh I can and for you, you won't get sex for at least a year.
Carina: A year without sex? If I were you y/n, I would shut my mouth and just hold her hand and rub her head.
Arizona: Oh, no not again aaaaaah.
Carina: Push Arizona, push as hard as you can one last time.
Y/n: Push! I can see him.
Arizona: I will pass out any second.
Y/n: No, you won't. Stay with us babe.
Carina: The little man is out.
Y/n: He isn't crying. Carina, why isn't he crying?
Carina: Give him a few second to adapt to his new surroundings. 
Arizona: I'm so tired.
Y/n: I get that. You will get all the rest you need. You did it babe, I'm so proud of you.
Carina: Bambina's he's opening his eyes.

With that the room was filled with the sounds of your crying little man.

Carina: Like we can hear, he has very strong lungs.
Arizona: Is he all healthy, nothing wrong?
Carina: Nothing is wrong. This is a very healthy and strong boy.
Y/n: Our little man is perfect. He's so perfect.
Carina: Here he is and I can tell he wants to meet his mommies. I will place him on your chest Arizona.
Y/n: This is the most beautiful moment ever. Our little boy is a very handsom prince.
Arizona: He is finally here and look at him with his cute little hat. I did it, we did it. Look at him. He's perfect.

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