Dream on

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Arizona: I just needed you here with me. You will always be there for me and I'm so grateful for you. Even after everything I did to you and hurt you, you are still there for me. I love you so much.
Y/n: You, Arizona Sloan-Robbins, are the love of my life. I will always be there for you, because I will always find a way to forgive you, because of all the good things and all the things I love about you. But why did you wanted to see me?
Arizona: Tell me I'm great.
Y/n: What?
Arizona: Just tell me that I'm great, because I need to believe it, because I'm going into surgery and I don't want to go in feeling like I shouldn't be in there.
Y/n: Is this about Wallace?
Arizona: Yes, it is y/n!
Y/n: Come here babe.

You pulled her in for a tight hug and stroke her hair softly.

Y/n: You are great, no, you are amazing and the best pediatric surgeon there is. If someone can pull this off, it's you love.
Arizona: Really?
Y/n: Really. You are great Arizona. You can do this and I will be here to support you.
Arizona: Thank you so much. I needed you to tell me this.
Y/n: It's okay, that's why I'm here for. So go and be great!

With that Arizona pulled out of the hug and gave you a sweet kiss on the lips and walked back into the hospital. Arizona goes to take Wallace up the OR herself.

Wallace: I've been at the hospital longer than anyone. I've seen kids go home and I know some of the kids died.
Arizona: You will not be one of those kids. I will do everything I can.
Wallace: I know you will dr. Robbins, you are the best. I've heard that it's like going to sleep, but I'm worried that I'll have nightmares.
Arizona: It's all going to be okay.

The surgery started and in the end it seems like he would make it, but all of a sudden his bp dropped and he started crashing. After minutes of CPR Arizona called time of dead, 21.37. She walked out of the OR, on her way to inform the parents.

Miranda: How did it go?
Arizona: I told you, this was a bad idea.
Miranda: No, he didn't...

Miranda was waiting with Larry out in the waiting room. Arizona sat down and Larry asked how it went. Arizona just shakes her head, indicating that Wallace didn't make it. Miranda says she'll let the parents know that Arizona did everything she could. Schmidt asks if they need to talk to the parents, but Arizona says no.

Arizona: Because as far as they're concerned, I just killed their son and I'm a liability, because if they ask me, I will  tell them that I just killed their son and they should sue and I'm responsible. Am I close Larry?
Larry: We are on the same page.

Arizona shakes her head and walks away. Arizona watches from the bridge while Larry and Miranda tell the Andersons about Wallace. Arizona went to find you and when she finally did, you could see something was wrong. She pulled you into an on call room and sat down on the bed.

Arizona: I just killed a little innocent boy.
Y/n: Are we talking about Wallace?
Arizona: He didn't make it y/n. We both knew how risky it was, but I still did the surgery.
Y/n: Listen to me, they insisted to perform the surgery against our recommendations. How did they take the news?
Arizona: I don't really know.
Y/n: I don't get it. You told them the news right?
Arizona: No, I didn't, Miranda told them. I didn't wanted to be the one to tell them I killed their son. There's also the fact they only cared about the money.
Y/n: Maybe you have to see them. So it can bring you some closure, I know this case was hard on you.
Arizona: Will you be waiting for me when I'm going to see them?
Y/n: Of course. Take your time and we can go home together. If you want I can come with you.
Arizona: No, I will be fine, but thank you.
Y/n: I love you Arizona.
Arizona: I love you too. Y/n?
Y/n: Yes?
Arizona: I don't want our baby to be one off the kids here in this pediatric wing.
Y/n: We never know what will happen, but as long as we love him or her, everything will be alright. Oh and there's the fact our bubba has two amazing pediatric surgeons walking around. Staying positive and believing in love is all we can do right now.
Arizona: Thank you y/n, I needed that and you so much. I love you so so much.
Y/n: I love you too and we will overcome everything that comes in our way.
Arizona: Our love will survive everything.

Arizona left to see the parents and you went to change into your comfortable clothes and waited for Arizona in the attending's lounge. The Andersons are packing up Wallace's room. Larry offers to give them anything they need and he has arranged a car to take them home when they're ready. Arizona comes to the door and Larry tries to dismiss her, but Miranda tells him to let her be.

Bethany: Arizona it doesn't feel real, it doesn't feel real at all.
Arizona: Would you like to see him?
Bethany: Yes, please.

Arizona takes the Andersons into the morgue, where Wallace is on a table. Bethany starts to chant to banish his bad dreams, but she starts crying and can't continue, so Arizona does it for her.

Arizona: Bad dreams, bad dreams go away. Good dreams, good dreams here to stay. 3 times.
Paul: Arizona is the reason why we'll still be giving the hospital the $25 million donation, not because of your ass-kissing.

Arizona left to go and find you.

Arizona: I'm here, we can go home.
Y/n: Are you okay?
Arizona: I will be okay. I just want to spend time with you tonight.
Y/n: Shall we get take out and have a movie night?
Arizona: That sounds perfect. Can we get pizza and beer?
Y/n: We get everything you want.
Arizona: Thank you for everything and sticking by my side.
Y/n: My love for you is bigger than anything, I will always choose you, because you are all I need and want.

You kissed her cheek and walked out off the hospital together, your fingers intertwined. It's been a week and with everything that happened with Wallace you decided to wait to look for a donor and the dinner with Arizona was postponed with a week, as it didn't felt right at this moment. Tonight you were both free and decided to look at a potential donor.

Arizona: This one is perfect, look for yourself.
Y/n: Uhm yes, he is a vet, has the same eyes and hair color as me and is just a bit longer than we are.
Arizona: Shall we pick him?
Y/n: You think he's perfect, I think he is amazing, so let's pick him and schedule an appointment.
Arizona: We are both free next Wednesday, let's see if Carina has time to see us.

You gave her a passionate kiss that lasted longer than ever. You pulled away getting air and looked deep into her ocean blue eyes.

Y/n: I love you so much.
Arizona: I love you too babe.

It was the day of the appointment and you were on your way to see Carina. You were together in the elevator when it stopped at the third floor with Bailey's office. The doors opened and both your mouths dropped at who walked in.

Arizona: What are you doing here?
Y/n: Why are you here?

A/n: Please let me know what you think of the story. I hope you all like it as much as I like writing it. Thank you for following the story, because it means a lot to me. Lots of love💕💕

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