Part of me

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Carina: It's the stress. Calm down Arizona. Relax as much as you can.
Arizona: I can't relax with muppet 1 and muppet 2 still walking around.
Carina: You are the board, why don't you fire them?
Y/n: It's not that simple Carina.
Arizona: So nothing major is going on with our bubba?
Carina: No, the only thing you need to do is stay calm and relax more. It's all about the stress Arizona.
Y/n: We should go home. Let me bring you home baby.
Arizona: Thank you y/n. Carina can you tell the others that we are leaving?
Carina: I will, go home and spend the evening together.
Y/n: Thank you Carina. You are the best.
Carina: Take good care of her and have some cuddle time together.
Arizona: I love cuddle time. That always helps.

You got home and went to bed immediately together. When you both woke up the next morning Arizona felt much better. You got ready and you were now having breakfast together.

Y/n: So, are you really okay?
Arizona: I'm fine, believe me. Thank you for staying with me and cuddling me all night.
Y/n: Of course and please let me know if you are not feeling okay again.

You walked up to Arizona and hugged her from behind and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Arizona: I love you so so much.
Y/n: I love you too babe.
Arizona: I really don't know what I would do without you. Oh and maybe we need to get the board together about the two muppets.
Y/n: You want to get them fired?
Arizona: Yes, they don't make this hospital better if I'm honest and they are making working for lots of people harder than it should be.
Y/n: Lets get the board together today to discuss this. There is something else on my mind and I really want to know what your thoughts are.
Arizona: Share it please.
Y/n: I was thinking about asking someone to be the godmother for our little peanut.
Arizona: I really like this idea. Who were you thinking about?
Y/n: I was thinking about someone who helped us a lot and who has always been there for us.
Arizona: It's easier if you tell me the name y/n.
Y/n: I just like playing a little game.
Arizona: Ugh I hate you.
Y/n: No, you don't hate me.
Arizona: You're right, I love you. Please, tell me the name.
Y/n: What would you say about Carina?
Arizona: She will cry and scream if we ask her.
Y/n: So are you in? Shall we ask Carina to be the godmother?
Arizona: Yes, we will ask her. What would you say if we ask her over dinner tomorrow?
Y/n: Great idea. We invite her and Maya over and I will make lasagna and a salad.

You got to the hospital and went straight to a conference room were you would have a meeting about the muppets.

Meredith: So what is this all about?
Arizona: I think we have to make a decision about dr. Boswell and dr. Mills. We heard some other people complain about them and we want to know what you all think.
Miranda: I think they are selfish and only think about themselves. We want to put the patients first and they don't act like that.
Y/n: For us this is also personal, because both of them try to interfere in our marriage. Arizona and I were thinking about putting in an official complain about them.
Arizona: Yes, I think if we fire them, it's in the best interest of the hospital.
Meredith: I agree. They are worse than dr. Minnick was.
Arizona: So do we all agree about letting them go?
Derek: I think that's the best decision.
Y/n: So, who is going to tell them the news?
Miranda: I will tell them, but I need to make sure all papers are ready and I need all your statements.
Arizona: Thank you all.
Y/n: Am I the only one who hears that weird noise?
Meredith: I hear that too. Is that what I think that is?
Derek: I think so, but the real question is, who is making these loud noises?
Meredith: There's only one way to find out.
Derek: Lets have a look.

You all walked out of the room and stood outside of the on call room next to the conference room listening to what was going on inside the room.

Meredith: I'm sorry to bother you, but keep it down please.
Arizona: You have to do these things at home.
Meredith: Screaming like this can't happen in this hospital.

The door opened and your mouth dropped to the floor about who walked out. Almost running away.

Y/n: Did you all see that?
Derek: I'm terrified to ever go in there.
Arizona: Never saw this one coming.
Y/n: Lauren and Regina.
Arizona: I'm so shocked. Those screams were unbelievable.  
Meredith: They probably enjoyed it.
Arizona: This is one more reason for them to leave this place. This is just shameful.
Y/n: It was. I will never get this image out of my head.

It was now the next evening and Carina and Maya were having dinner with you at your place.

Carina: This was really good. As an Italian, I'm really proud y/n.
Y/n: Thank you so much. Still in for desert?
Arizona: I'm in. I really want some chocolate.
Y/n: I will be right back.

When you walked passed Arizona you stopped and kissed the top of her head.

Carina: By far my favorite couple ever.
Arizona: Thank you, but the two of you are so great together aswel.
Maya: So how are you feeling?
Arizona: Like I will explode soon.
Maya: You are really looking forward to this little man, aren't you?

You walked back into the room with the desert and sat back at the table.

Y/n: We can't wait to meet him. Here is your desert and yours is with extra chocolate.
Arizona: Thanks babe. I think it's time to ask the big question.
Carina: Ask what?
Arizona: It's about why we asked you over for dinner tonight.
Y/n: And don't get us wrong Maya, but we wanted to ask Carina something important.
Arizona: We like having dinner together and that's why we asked you both here. Also it would be weird if we didn't asked you Maya.
Carina: So what is this all about. You sound crazy.
Y/n: We wanted to know if you would love to be a big part in the life of our little man.
Carina: I'm not following the both of you. Why are you smiling so big Maya?
Maya: I think I know what they want to ask you Carina.
Carina: Now I want to know the question.
Arizona: We like you to be the godmother to our little bubba.
Y/n: So, Carina Deluca, would you like to be the godmother to our child?
Maya: I knew it!
Arizona: What is your answer Carina?
Carina: I'm honored and of course I say yes. I would love to be the godmother.
Y/n: You've been amazing during the pregnancy as our doctor, but most importantly you are always there for us as a friend. Without you, these months would have been much harder.
Arizona: Thanks to you our boy is all good.
Carina: No, it's because of your love for each other. I love you both so so much and I love the little man with my whole heart.
Y/n: We are so happy you said yes.
Maya: This is so cute and amazing and I promise to be the best aunt to the little man.
Carina: Maya, can you believe it? I will be a godmother to their child?
Maya: It's wonderful. It's such a big honor.

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