Love me like you do

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Arizona: Y/n? What is going on?

You were starting to slowly wake up. Arizona looked at you, her eyes wide open when you squeezed her hand lightly.

Mark: Y/n? Can you hear us?
Arizona: Is she waking up?
Mark: I will get Amelia, she has to have a look.
Arizona: Y/n, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand again if you hear me.

You lightly squeezed her hand again and raised your finger up and slowly rubbed her hand.

Arizona: Is this real?
Amelia: Let me have a look. Can you both go and stand over there.
Mark: Amelia?
Amelia: She is waking up. It's happening, she is slowly waking up.
Arizona: Y/n, I love you.
Y/n: I love you too Zona.
Mark: Sis? What is this?
Y/n: Aren't you happy to see me?
Mark: I'm happy, but I'm so confused.
Amelia: You took some time y/n. We almost let you go.
Y/n: I'm sorry.
Arizona: We are just happy that you are here. This is real?
Y/n: Kiss me and then you find out.

Arizona gave you a loving long kiss on the lips and pulled away. She stayed inched away from your face, just looking deeply into your eyes.

Amelia: You will need to stay here for some more days, but I will leave you together.
Mark: I will get some sleep and will come back in the morning. Love you sis.
Y/n: Love you too big bro. Will you stay with me Arizona?
Arizona: Of course I will stay. Do you want me to come and cuddle?
Y/n: Yes, please.

Arizona got next to you into the bed and wrapped her arm around you and lay her head onto your chest.

Arizona: I thought I lost you forever.
Y/n: Why didn't you come to see me all that time?
Arizona: I'm so sorry. I've only been here once, but how do you know that?
Y/n: Sometimes I could hear some of you, but I never heard your voice.
Arizona: I'm so sorry. I was discharged after a week and when I saw you here and heard how bad your conditions were I ran away. I felt so guilty about it all.
Y/n: It's not your fault at all. You never had to feel guilty.
Arizona: But I do feel like that. I was all cleared and doing well and I was happy about it. Only at the same time I couldn't be happy, because I really thought I was going to lose you.
Y/n: I'm here now and I was planning on staying here with you for as long as you want me to.
Arizona: Until we are old and grey. So you aren't mad at me?
Y/n: No, I'm not mad. You reacted on how you felt and that's not something to be mad about. Just promise me to never run away.
Arizona: It's our promise ring. I will never leave you again, I promise.
Y/n: That's all I wanted to hear. I love you.
Arizona: I love you too. Lets get some sleep, it's been a long day.

Arizona kissed your cheek before falling asleep together. It's been some tome and it's now a week before Christmas and you are staying at home. You ordered Chinese to eat when Arizona comes home. She texted that she will be home a little later then she planned.

Arizona's pov
Arizona: Mark, wait please.
Mark: Hey Robbins, what's up? How is my sister?
Arizona: She's getting better every day. So I want to ask you something.
Mark: You have my blessing Arizona.
Arizona: How did you know I was going to ask that?
Mark: Because you told me you wanted to ask her to marry you at Christmas Eve. So I give you my blessing. You make y/n the happiest girl.
Arizona: My parents will go on a vacation to Australia during Christmas so they will be here tomorrow to have dinner. Do you want to come aswel?
Mark: I would love that. I'm looking forward to meet your parents.
Arizona: Great! Say around 7. Y/n will love having you over for dinner.
Mark: Arizona, where did you stay all that time y/n was in a coma?
Arizona: At home. It was the only place where it felt like she was with me.
Mark: We came by so many times, why didn't you let someone know where you were?
Arizona: I didn't wanted to see anyone and that people would've told me that it was my fault or that I was supposed to be in her position.
Mark: I'm so sorry you felt like that. Remember that you can always come to me if you need someone.

The night of the dinner
Arizona: I really hope you all enjoyed dinner.
Barbara: It was lovely my dear.
Daniel: It was great. I'm glad to hear you are doing better every day y/n.
Y/n: I need to thank your daughter for that. She is taking such good care of me. Even after she got shot herself.
Barbara: Lets not think about what happened to much. Lets just look forward to what will come.
Mark: I totally agree with that. It was really nice to meet both of you.
Daniel: You seem like a great guy Mark.
Y/n: He is the best big brother.
Arizona: I'm so relieved that you get along. It's important for y/n and me that our families like each other.
Barbara: Will this family get bigger some day?
Arizona: We are not sure, but never say never.

It was now Christmas Eve and Arizona insisted to plan the whole evening.

Y/n: Can I finally get out of the bedroom?
Arizona: You have to wait one more minute.
Y/n: Ugh I'm hungry and I want a kiss.
Arizona: Then things will change in that case.

Arizona ran in and pulled you in for a kiss. You pulled away and stayed in a tight hug.

Y/n: I love you.
Arizona: I love you too babe.
Y/n: Happy two and a half year anniversary Zona. This is for you.
Arizona: You didn't had to give me something. It's been so amazing spending all that time with you. This is beautiful.
Y/n: I guess you like it?
Arizona: I love it so much. This photobook is full of our memories together.
Y/n: It shows our adventure together and we can putt more pictures in it for all that will come. I know it's a bit cheesy.
Arizona: Follow me please. I hope you like this.

You followed Arizona into the living room and she held your hand tightly.

Arizona: I want this to be an amazing night for the both of us.

Y/n: What is this? It's amazing Zona, so cute

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Y/n: What is this? It's amazing Zona, so cute.
Arizona: Especially after the last few weeks I want tonight to be perfect.   
Y/n: Everything is so beautiful. I can't believe all of this. You are amazing Zona.

You kissed her cheek and pulled her into a hug. Arizona pulled away and gave you another quick kiss on the lips.

Arizona: Lets have some dinner. We will start with pesto star bread. I hope you like it.

Y/n: I really like this

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Y/n: I really like this. You can make this more often. Hopefully it is just as good as it looks.
Arizona: I will make this whenever you want. Everything for you y/n Sloan.
Y/n: You are so adorable sometimes and cheesy.
Arizona: Sometimes? Not all the time? Says the cheesiest person ever.
Y/n: Alle the time, but sometimes even more adorable. Let's both be cheesy.
Arizona: Uhm more wine?
Y/n: Sure. You know I love wine.
Arizona: For the main course I made Creamy Braised chicken.
Y/n: That sounds perfect you went all out, didn't you?
Arizona: All for you, y/n Sloan.

After the main course you talked about the years you were together and had some more wine.

Y/n: Amazing. That's what this was. You really went all the way with this dinner and it's perfect.
Arizona: Like I said, I want tonight to be perfect. I love you so much Y/n, I really do. You make me so happy and every minute I spend with you makes me fall in love with you more and more.
Y/n: I love you too Zona. I never knew what love was until I found you. I don't know what I would do without you.
Arizona: Before we both get to soppy we can have a desert.
Y/n: You're right. I can't wait to see what it is.
Arizona: I made caramel apple pie. I hope you like it.
Y/n: It looks so good, I guess it will taste just as good as it looks.
Arizona: You are so sweet. I really enjoyed tonight, just the two of us. Lets go and sit in the decorated corner. We can cuddle and watch a movie.

You pulled her in and crashed your lips together.

Y/n: Lets watch Love actually.
Arizona: Before we start the movie there is something I need to ask you.

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