This kiss

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Leah: I warned you and this was the only way I could make sure you would not be hers. I'm supposed to be with her!
Y/n: You're going to regret this. You will pay for this!
Leah: You should have listened to me. I warned you that something like this could happen, but you didn't listen and stayed with her.

You were arguing with Leah and helping Arizona, but you were so distracted by Leah that you didn't heard Arizona calling your name.

Arizona: Y-Y/n. It hurts so much.
Y/n: Someone call 911! We need to get her to Seattle Grace.
Leah: Let me help you with this. I'm a doctor.
Y/n: You've done more than enough. Get the hell out of my sight!

Right then you saw the police coming your way.

Y/n: Oh great there comes the police.
Leah: No don't take me away! I love her.
Y/n: Lock her up!
Arizona: H-how bad is it?
Y/n: I'm trying to stop the bleeding as good as I can, but you are loosing to much blood, it's a big wound. She freaking stabbed you! Stay with me Arizona, don't close your eyes please.
Arizona: I-I will close my eyes for just a second.
Y/n: No you don't close your eyes, do you hear me!?! You need to stay awake.

Finally the ambulance got there and they drove to the hospital where everyone was waiting for the ambulance to pull up. They opened the doors and you jump out, covered in blood. With Arizona right behind you, who was carried out of the ambulance by the paramedics.

Y/n: Her BP is dropping and she is loosing a lot of blood. She was stabbed in her abdomen. Please safe her, she needs to survive!
Owen: We have her. Someone take care of y/n!
Jo: Y/n, oh god, what happened?
Y/n: It was Leah she had a knife and stabbed Arizona. The police took Leah with them.
Jo: They will take care of her. Lets get you to the showers and make sure you're clean. I will stay with you. Is there something else I can do?
Y/n: Can you please page Mark. I need him with me. I want my brother right now.
Jo: I will page him and promise you to stay here with you. I will not leave your side.

It's been two hours and they are still working on Arizona in surgery. You were all cleaned up, got a scrub top from Meredith and are now sitting in the waiting area with Mark.

Mark: Y/n, I have to ask, but are you holding on?
Y/n: I have to hold on Mark. I should had protected her. I knew Leah was up to something. I felt it and I let it all happen.
Mark: No one could have predicted this to happen. Don't blame yourself for what Leah did.
Y/n: I was finally back on my feet and now she is laying on a table in the OR. I didn't know if I should stayed at her place, because I was all cleared and back to work.
Mark: Did she kicked you to move out or something?
Y/n: No, but she said I could stay with her till I'm better. I'm better so I didn't knew if I could stay with her.
Mark: If she didn't want you there with her, she had already asked you to leave. Just talk about it when she is awake and ready. Do you want to stay with her?
Y/n: I want to stay with her, it's the best thing ever, waking up and seeing her face and falling asleep with her arm around my waist. I'm so stupid. What if things go wrong and she will not wake up or even die? Do you remember when you told me not to wait too long before it's too late?
Mark: I do remember that. What is it?
Y/n: What if it is too late to tell her something?
Mark: What do you want to tell her?
Y/n: Mark, I'm in love with her and after our date I was ready to tell her that I love her. I was thinking about telling her when would have gone to bed and falling asleep.
Mark: You can tell her that when she waked up. Tell her everything you love about her and no doubt she will tell you that she loves you as much as you love her.
Y/n: Mark, this is the first time I really love someone and she doesn't even know it.
Mark: Just sit next to her bed and when she wakes up, tell her what's on your heart and mind.
Y/n: I will Mark, thank you. You are the best big brother.
Owen: Sorry, but we are done with the surgery. Everything went like we wanted it to go, until we needed to ask Derek to assist us as her brain didn't got enough blood for some minutes. He took care of it and we need to wait and see how she will react.
Y/n: Oh god, thank you for saving her. Can I see her?
Owen: I will bring you to her room. She could wake up in some minutes.

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