New love

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Y/n: I'm so scared.
Arizona: Don't be scared, but I can't see it. What does it say?
Y/n: Zona, this day has a happy ending!
Arizona: Are you really thinking about having sex later tonight right now? Just tell what the stick says.
Y/n: I'm thinking about sex? You are thinking about it. I mean happy ending like this, look at it. Look what it says.
Arizona: Oh my god. It worked! You are pregnant. We are having a baby.
Y/n: I can't believe it, it worked. There is a baby in my belly.
Arizona: We are having another baby. You are carrying our little bean.
Y/n: We've been blessed. Timothy will become a big brother. This is amazing news.
Arizona: Let's go and give Timothy his bath.
Y/n: I love you Arizona.
Arizona: I love you too y/n. Come here.

Arizona pulled you in by your shirt and crashed your lips together. After a minute you both pulled away and stared in each others eyes, but you were interrupted by hearing the little man clapping.

Timothy: Bath?
Y/n: Yes, I will make you a bath and mama will get your favorite boats.
Timothy: Yay, boat!

It's been 9 weeks after you found out you were pregnant. Today you had your first scan and were on your way to see Carina for the appointment.

Arizona: Have you thought about it? Like this pregnancy is so different from mine.
Y/n: Every body is different, but these differences between us are huge.
Arizona: Are you feeling okay?
Y/n: I'm feeling great just like yesterday and the day before that. Only the first 4 weeks were hard.
Arizona: Promise to tell me when you don't feel great.
Y/n: I will and you, Arizona Sloan-Robbins, are so adorable being so caring and protective.
Arizona: All for my beautiful and amazing wife.

Arizona leaned in to give you a sweet kiss on the lips. You kissed her back and the kiss changed into a more passionate kiss. You pulled away when you needed air and gave her another quick peck on the lips.

Y/n: I'm so excited. So we will tell your parents the news over dinner tonight?
Arizona: Yes and Timothy will tell them the news.
Carina: There is my favorite couple. Come in, everything is already set up for your scan.
Arizona: Can I get you something to make you more comfortable?
Y/n: I thought I was being overprotective when you were pregnant.
Carina: It's very sweet.
Y/n: I'm good. I think we can just start.
Arizona: Can I hold your hand?
Y/n: I wouldn't want it any other way.

Carina put the gel on your belly and used the wand to have a look at the baby. Your eyes were focused on the screen and you could feel your hand grabbing Arizona's hand tighter by the second.

Arizona: Look at the screen. There is our bubba.
Y/n: It's really there. I can' believe it.
Carina: You better believe it as the baby looks all good and healthy.
Arizona: Can we hear a heartbeat?
Carina: I will look for it.
Y/n: This is so magical, do you hear that Zona?
Arizona: I hear a very strong heartbeat.
Carina: So, how many pictures?
Y/n: Lets get 4 of them.

Arizona kissed your cheek and had the biggest smile on her face, showing her cute dimples. 

Arizona: Another miracle is on it's way.
Y/n: It's another great day.
Carina: You two deserve the world. Especially after everything that happened the last year.
Arizona: We just look forward and are grateful for every day we get to spend with Timothy and our new bubba.
Y/n: The whole floor is finally running again and all nice and shiny again after the explosion.
Carina: You are here and that's what matters the most.
Arizona: You're right Carina. Only happy times ahead of us I hope.
Y/n: Lets go back to work and make sure we are in time for the dinner with your parents.

It was now later that night and you just had dinner with Arizona's parents.

Daniel: Thank you for this dinner girls. It was lovely.
Barbara: It's so good to spend more time with you. This little man makes me smile all the time.
Arizona: I'm so sorry to stop the fun, but Timmy has to go to bed to have some sleep.
Daniel: Does her really has to go already?
Y/n: Yes, otherwise he will be a little grumpy in the morning.
Arizona: Almost as grumpy as his mommy.
Y/n: Still not true, I'm less grumpy since I'm with you.
Arizona: Maybe less grumpy, but you are still a little grumpy in the morning.
Y/n: Come here Timothy, I will put you to bed.
Barbara: Can we have one last cuddle before he goes to bed?
Y/n: I will change him and then we will say goodnight.
Arizona: Do you need any help?
Y/n: No, we will be right back for one last cuddle.

You kissed Arizona's cheek and walked towards Timothy's room.

Timothy: Me sleep?
Arizona: Yes, you have to take a nap big man.
Y/n: Come on Timmy. Lets get you changed.
Timothy: Mommy story please.
Y/n: I will read you a bedtime story. Tonight I will read Rapunzel to you.
Arizona: Hearing your mommy read you a story melts my heart ever time.
Daniel: I've never seen you this happy. I'm glad you two found each other.
Arizona: And we get happier every day. I love her so much.
Barbara: We see that honey. I can't be more proud of you finding your one. Your soulmate.
Arizona: I'm glad you liked tonight and love y/n as much as I do.
Barbara: Does he really has to go to bed already?
Arizona: Yes, I'm sorry mom, but he needs his sleep.

You changed Timothy and walked back into the room to let him cuddle with Arizona's parents one last time.

Y/n: Come on and give them your best hug.

Daniël: Wait a second

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Daniël: Wait a second. Barb, do you see what I see?
Barbara: What are you talking about?
Timothy: Baby!
Daniël: Are you kidding us?
Y/n: No, Timothy will become a big brother in some months time.
Arizona: We are expecting another baby.
Barbara: That's wonderful, we will be grandparents again.
Daniël: Who is carrying the baby?
Arizona: I wanted to have a mini y/n, so she is pregnant dad.
Barbara: It's amazing! Come here dear and give me a hug.
Y/n: Thank you both so much.
Barbara: How far are you?
Y/n: I'm 9 weeks pregnant today. We had our first scan this afternoon.
Arizona: So it's all new and exciting. No one else knows about it, except Carina, who is our OB again.

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