What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

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Mark; Hey sis, it's been a week with her here. How are you holding up?
Y/n: I'm fine I guess. She still tries to get in touch with Arizona. I hate Eliza Mark. I really hate that women.
Mark: I will keep an eye on her. I have a surgery, but speak to you later. Stay strong.
Miranda: Dr. Sloan, can I see you in my office?
Y/n: Yes, that's okay.

You walked to dr. Bailey's office and took a seat. You were nervous about why she wanted to see you.

Y/n: What is it you wanted to see me about?
Miranda: It's about a fellowship.
Y/n: I haven't applied yet, I'm sorry chief.
Miranda: That's okay. I wanted to let you know that I've received some letters from other hospitals who want you.
Y/n: Others want me? They want me to work with them?
Miranda: You don't have to sound so surprised. You are an outstanding surgeon. You are one of the most promising future surgeons.
Y/n: Which hospitals have reached out?
Miranda: A lot, from all over the country. But from what I've seen Mayo and Hopkins are really fighting to get you into their program. I want you to know that we want you aswel. We will fight to keep you here with us.
Y/n: They want me? They are the best hospitals in pediatric surgery.
Miranda: I wanted you to know this. Think about it y/n.

You went on with your day when you were on your way to the cafeteria. You were in the elevator when Eliza walked in.

Eliza: No one to protect you right now.
Y/n: Leave me alone.
Eliza: I have really no idea what Arizona sees in you.
Y/n: You were with me once.
Eliza: That was just some fun playtime.
Y/n: You made my life a living hell. You broke me and you made me feel I was worth nothing.
Eliza: You are a nobody, you are simply nothing.
Y/n: You are so cruel, the things you did to me.
Eliza: I loved every minute of it.
Y/n: This is unbelievable, you really enjoyed torturing me?
Eliza: I loved every second of it.

The doors of the elevator opened and you saw Arizona standing there.

Arizona: What is going on?
Eliza: She just kissed me.
Y/n: What's your problem? I didn't kissed you.
Eliza: I knew I would always get you back.
Arizona: Let me be clear dr. Minnick, don't you ever think of getting near her, she is my fiancé and soon to be wife and I will make sure you will never hurt her ever again.
Eliza: Who said I've hurt her?
Arizona: We are going now, because I'm so close to losing it. For the record, no one would ever made up what you've done. She wouldn't lie about that.
Eliza: She is just screaming for attention. Like she always does.
Arizona: We will go and have lunch. This is your last warning, I don't want to see you ever again talking to her.
Y/n: Can we just leave and have lunch Zona? She is not worth all the energy.
Eliza: Running away like always. You will marry just a pathetic person, she will never make you happy, she is boring and can't even stick up for herself.
Y/n: Shut up, just shut up. You don't know anything about me. You have used me and made me believe I was a nobody, but I'm a great women. I have found someone who loves me for who I am and who makes me really happy. She showed me what love really is about and let me believe that I'm more than enough. Let me be clear, don't think about getting to Arizona, because I will fight for her!

Arizona turned you around and crashed your lips together into a heated and passionate kis. You both pulled away breathlessly. 

Arizona: You didn't need to defend you like that, but it was hot.
Eliza: This is just the biggest joke ever.
Y/n: Just go and irritate someone else today. We are not interested.

It was now the end of the day and you were in bed with Arizona after having dinner together.

Y/n: Arizona, I think I need some help.
Arizona: What is it?
Y/n: It's about my fellowships. Bailey told me that different hospitals have reached out asking for me.
Arizona: Really? You haven't started to apply yet, did you?
Y/n: I haven't even thought about applying yet, but I don't know what to do and I wanted to have a talk to you first before even thinking about all the options.
Arizona: So who reached out?
Y/n: She told me a lot of different hospitals have, but Mayo and Hopkins are really making work of it. Bailey also told me Seattle Grace really wants to keep me here.
Arizona: Those hospitals are great opportunities for you and you should consider it.
Y/n: But what about you, what about us?
Arizona: We should have a good look at it, but I would follow you everywhere. I would do everything to be with you y/n Sloan.
Y/n: I love you.
Arizona: I love you too y/n Sloan.

Shortly after you both fell asleep in each others arm. It is now a few weeks later and it's time to take the boards.

Jo: I'm still so scared.
Stephanie: We studied all these months, we can do this.
Y/n: Just believe in yourself. We can do this.
Jo: I'm just really nervous.
Y/n: That's normal, but tomorrow we leave and to take our boards.
Stephanie: Can't believe we will be fellows soon.

It was the day you leave to take the boards. You studied in the morning with Jo and Stephanie one last time and you just talked about how you think it will go. You were now with Arizona who gave you a little pep talk before you got in the bus.

Arizona: So don't forget what we discussed. You can do this as long as you stay calm and think in logical steps.
Y/n: Thank you for helping me study all these months.
Arizona: Of course, I want you to succeed. You will do great, because you are amazing and I love you.
Y/n: I love you so freaking much.
Arizona: Don't forget I'm proud of you no matter what.
Y/n: I will text you when we get there and can we facetime tonight?
Arizona: I would love nothing more than to see your face before going to sleep.
Y/n: It will be weird not having you next to me in bed tonight.
Arizona: It is, but you will be back soon.
Y/n: And don't let Eliza get to you.

Arizona pulled you in for one last passionate kiss.

Arizona: I won't, now go to the bus before I start crying.
Eliza: Good luck to you all. Oh and y/n, I will keep an eye on your girl.
Y/n: If you touch her with one finger...
Eliza: What? What will you do?
Arizona: Y/n, you have to go. I will make sure I will be safe. I will miss you. Speak to you soon.

You gave her one quick peck on the lips before turning around to get your bags.

Arizona: Don't forget to text me when you get there.
Y/n: I won't forget to text you. I will miss you too Zona. I will see you later.

You got to the hotel and checked in. You had dinner with Jo and Stephanie and were on your way to your room, because it was late and you were really tired. You lay in bed and called Arizona on facetime.

Y/n: Hey you.
Arizona: Hey you too. How was the journey?
Y/n: It was long but okay.
Arizona: What is it?
Y/n: I don't trust Eliza.
Arizona: I will be fine and you will be next to me in bed in two days.
Y/n: Just watch out for Eliza.
Arizona: I promise I will. You look like you can need some proper sleep. You eyes ore slowly closing.
Y/n: I'm sorry Zona. I'm exhausted.
Arizona: Go to sleep, I will go to bed aswel. I got one of your sweaters, which smells like you, with me. It's like you're with me.
Y/n: Wait a second.
Arizona: What are you doing? Y/n?
Y/n: Look, I took your grey sweater with me. So I'm sort of not alone. I know it sounds stupid, but I can't really remember the last time we slept without each other.
Arizona: It's not stupid, I can't remember it either. Now get some sleep my smart, amazing and outstanding student. Make me proud and you will, because you will nail it tomorrow. I love you soon to be mrs Robbins.
Y/n: I love you too soon to be mrs Sloan.
Arizona: I will call you in the morning, just to wish you good luck for the last time. Good night y/n, I love you.

You felt asleep soon after you put your phone away. You took the boards and are now outside with Jo and Stephanie.

Jo: This was torture. It felt like I was slowly dying inside.
Y/n: This was so hard. After every answer there were three new questions.
Stephanie: This was the hardest thing I've ever done if I'm honest.
Y/n: Tonight we will know if we passed. I really hope we all did.
Stephanie: You're sure you will leave now?
Y/n: Yes, I want to go home. I have to go home to Arizona. Deep inside I feel something is wrong.
Jo: She will be fine, but if you feel you need to leave, go to your fiancé.

You got home and just before you opened the door you heard Arizona talking to someone. You walked in and your mouth dropped to the floor.

Y/n: What are you doing here?

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