I'd do anything for love

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Arizona: That's fine. We are glad we could have this conversation.
Y/n: We really appreciate that you could make time for us.
Dean: Of course, we are really shocked about what happened.
Arizona: You can imagine how we felt when we found out that our boy was in the hospital.
Dean: I think that it was a shock for all of us and we are very sorry that something like this could happen.
Y/n: We talk about what happened, but to be honest, we don't really know what happened to Timothy.
Dean: Let me explain it ladies. Your son was having a disagreement with one of the other students and it ended in him getting beaten up.
Arizona: But let me get it right. Our son was beaten by another 5 year old kid, what resulted in Timothy having a big brain bleed?
Dean: Yes and again we are so sorry for letting this happen.
Y/n: Where were the teachers? They should had made sure to get them apart.
Dean: They got between them the moment they saw how bad the disagreement got.
Y/n: I'm sorry, but when our son gets a brain bleed, then the teachers reacted way to slow. Having a brain bleed means he was beaten far to long, so I don't think they reacted fast enough and waited to long.
Dean: You can't say that miss. You weren't there and my people followed protocol and acted the moment they were able to help him.
Arizona: I don't agree with you if I'm honest. My wife is right about the time path for getting a brain bleed. They haven't acted as fast as they should've done. 
Y/n: Do you even know why they had an argument?
Dean: It was about some personal stuff.
Arizona: We like to hear the reason for them to have a disagreement and why someone would beat Timothy to a brain bleed.
Y/n: I guess, some other kid won't hit another child out of nowhere.
Dean: They had to talk about their families in class and your son told everyone about your abnormal home.
Arizona: I'm sorry, abnormal?!?
Dean: I mean it's not very common for a child to have two moms and no dad. For some others it can be very confusing. 
Y/n: What are you saying? Do you think it's our fault that he got beaten up?!? This is the most homophobic thing I've ever heard.
Dean: It's not your fault, but this would have never happened if Timothy got a mother and a father.
Arizona: I think this is the time we are leaving. Lets go home to our family, who we deeply love and that's what matters!
Y/n: This school doesn't fit the things we stand for and live for, so I think our message is clear. We like to transfer our son to a better, loving and more accepting school.
Dean: That's your choice. We only tell you that you have both chosen for a life like this.
Arizona: I can't believe you just said that. The thing we've chosen for is that we wanted to have love in our lives and that's the thing we have, undeniable human love!
Y/n: Before we leave I want to know one thing. Did you even spoke to the parents and the kid that hit our son?
Dean: We did. We told them that we don't want to see any violence in our school, but we only gave them a warning. They told us that they never want to talk to you both about it, because of your sexual preferences.
Arizona: Unbelievable! This behavior is disgusting! You know what? You can tell them we don't want to talk to them either!

You left his office and got home and sat on the couch together. Arizona snuggled into you while you watched a show on the tv.

Arizona: I still can't wrap my head around it y/n. How is it still possible people think like that and threat us like that?
Y/n: I don't know, but I can't be mad at them. It's more like I'm disappointed that people don't accept and respect one another for who he or she is.
Arizona: But why aren't you mad, because I'm so mad.
Y/n: It's more like I don't want to be mad. I feel like they don't deserve the energy from us. We are happy and we love our family and that's the most important thing.
Arizona: That's right. Now, we just need to focus on Timmy's recovery.
Y/n: Yes, he will need all the love and care we can give him.
Arizona: Besides all that happened to Timothy, how are you feeling babe?
Y/n: I'm feeling good, nothing special to be honest. It's less than a week ago that we had the appointment, hopefully next week we will find out if it worked.
Arizona: My feelings tell me that it worked. I know it's just a feeling, but something tells me that we will have another baby and after what happened with Timothy, we could use some good news.
Y/n: Lets hope it worked and stay positive. A lot of women in this world can't get pregnant or have difficulties in getting pregnant, so it is a miracle again when I'm pregnant. We would be so lucky to have another baby.
Arizona: Life hasn't always been easy, so if this is our reward for getting through the hard stuff, then I'm happy with it.
Y/n: I know when you told me you lost the baby the first time and that had hit us so hard. Looking back at it, I think we were even more happy when it worked with Timothy.
Arizona: It was the hardest thing we've been through together. I was so scared the second time, because I never wanted to disappoint you again. I know you told me I didn't, but in some way it still feels like I did.
Y/n: It wasn't your fault, you know that right?
Arizona: I know, but my mind keeps telling me I was the one who should had taken better care of the baby.
Y/n: Sometimes these things happen, but look at us know. We have two beautiful kids and are stronger together than we've ever been.
Arizona: And hopefully we will have another healthy and beautiful baby running around in around 9 months.
Y/n: I hope so too Zona. I love you.
Arizona: I love you even more.

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