I don't believe you

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Jo: So she did it, is it true?
Arizona: Apparently she got it all. She removed all of the tumor.
Jo: That's amazing, do we know if it worked? Will dr. Herman be all okay?
Y/n: It's a wait and see. They can tell if it really worked when she wakes up.
Jo: I know this is a weird time, but congratulations with surviving the fetal fellowship.
Arizona: Thank you Jo, it was worth all the hard work.
Carina: So she survived it?
Y/n: It seems like she did. We only need to wait for her to wake up.
Carina: So Amelia is the better Shepherd after all. Never thought I would say that, she is a little crazy you know.
Y/n: She is crazy, but that makes me love her for who she is.
Derek: Are you saying that my sister is the better neuro surgeon? Some people were talking about it.
Arizona: I think we need to go and see if she is awake.
Derek: Okay, come on. You can't just walk away. For the record, I'm way better than she is.
Jo: Some people always ask for the best neuro surgeon there is and most of the time Amelia ends with having them as their patients.
Derek: Now, I'm leaving. I can't hear this.

It's been hours, but Nicole didn't woke up and you took turns to sit and wait beside her bed. If you weren't with her besides her bed, you were in daycare with the kids.

Arizona: Y/n, I think we need to go home and come back tomorrow. Amelia will call us when she wakes up.
Timothy: Mama told us we will have movie night.
Y/n: I would love that. Which movie will it be?
Timothy: Finding Dory. I love the fish. Rosey always giggles when they swim.
Arizona: You don't know it Timmy, but you are better with speaking each day. You can pronounce your sisters name perfectly.
Y/n: Lets go home. She will be fine, right?
Arizona: It's Nicole Herman, she will be perfectly fine. She will wake up and everything will be fine.

You went home and started the movie after making some popcorn with Timothy. You were now on the couch watching finding Dory when Timothy snuggled into you.

Timothy: Mommy, are we watching more movies soon?
Y/n: Yes, only if you want that.
Arizona: We can even go to the zoo soon together.
Timothy: I love the zoo. Can Maya, Carina and Tayla come too?
Arizona: We will ask them buddy. Lets focus on the movie again and you were right, Rosey is giggling a lot when they all swim.  

Early in the morning
Derek: You really pulled it off. It's a miracle Amy.
Amelia: Still don't like you calling me Amy, but thank you for the compliment.
Derek: You saved her life even after so many others telling that this was impossible. I'm so proud of you.
Amelia: Thank you Derek, I love you.
Y/n: Hey guys, what a lovely family moment.
Derek: You are family too y/n. I never told you this, but I'm so proud of you too. Looking at what you've accomplished. You became an outstanding pediatric and even a better fetal surgeon. You have two amazing kids and the best wife, a perfect little family. Mark would have been so freaking proud of you.
Y/n: Are you trying to make me cry?
Derek: Maybe, but I mean it. I'm so incredibly proud of you and of the women you've become.
Y/n: I'm so happy to have you as my brother Derek and to have you as my sister Ames. I love you both so much.
Amelia: I love you so much and we've always been there for each other. You were the one that always stood by my side and got my back. You and Arizona were the ones that believed in me and my abilities to safe Nicole.
Y/n: Of course, you are the better Shepherd.
Derek: I'm still standing here. Although you are right. Amy, you are the better surgeon.
Amelia: Can you repeat that? Or can you record it please?
Derek: That's enough. So where is Arizona?
Y/n: She is at home with the kids. When Amelia called she told me to come and see dr. Herman first. She will come and see her later today when she comes to work.
Amelia: So she is slowly waking up. Come in and we will have a look.
Derek: I will see you two later. Good luck with Nicole.

You walked in and Nicole slowly opened her eyes.

Amelia: Hi Nicole, can you hear me?
Nicole: At least I'm not deaf. Oh and I'm awake, so you haven't messed it up Shepherd.
Y/n: It's so good to see you Nicole.
Nicole: Where is my other horse?
Y/n: Stop calling us a horse please. She is at home with the kids. Arizona will come by later when she comes to work.
Nicole: I don't know how this works exactly, but thank you for this.
Amelia: It's my pleasure. I'm glad you made it off the table. Let me check everything. Squeeze my hands. Now follow the light.
Y/n: Nicole, are you okay?
Nicole: I'm fine, I'm alive. That's what matters.
Y/n: Can you see anything?
Nicole: Nope, I'm as blind as an earthworm.

A week later
Arizona: She is just the same, just blind. She will go to a blindschool in New York.
Y/n: So she is really leaving us behind.
Arizona: So has faith in us that we can handle it all on our own.
Y/n: The horses are running around without her supervising soon. It will be weird not having her around, screaming at us.
Arizona: But she is in our heads. She is in there, so she isn't really leaving.
Y/n: That's so true. I hear her with every move I make.
Arizona: Did you really thought that Amelia was able to pull it off?
Y/n: Yes, I believed in her. She is a miracle worker. Didn't you believe she could do it?
Arizona: I hoped she could do it, but honestly I thought the worst thing would happen.
Y/n: So you lied the whole time?
Arizona: That's not it. Listen to me. When I saw all the scans, I thought it was inoperable, just like many other doctors thought.
Y/n: I just don't wanna hear this. Amelia is the best and I thought we both supported her, but in fact you doubted her abilities. 
Arizona: That's not it y/n. Can we just take a breath and calm down to talk about this.
Y/n: No, I don't want to talk to you right now. You should've been honest, but you weren't.
Arizona: I was so positive.
Y/n: But you weren't honest about being positive. I can't believe it Arizona. I will need some time, will you pick up the kids from daycare?
Arizona: Y/n, please don't go.
Y/n: I just need some space. So, will you pick them up?
Arizona: I will pick them up. Will I see you at home tonight?
Y/n: Maybe, I need some space Arizona. Otherwise I will be staying here at the hospital.
Arizona: Y/n, please don't do this. It's not a big deal. She is alive and that's what matters.
Y/n: To me this is a big deal. I thought we were at the same page, but it was all a lie.
Arizona: It wasn't my intension at all. Please listen to me. I can't go home without you. We promised each other to never do something like this.
Y/n: We also promised each other to always be honest with each other. Look at us now.
Arizona: I'm sorry, but please come home tonight. Maybe not for me, but for the kids, Timothy and Rosey.
Y/n: I will come back to you Zona, I always will, but at this moment I need some time to think of my own.
Arizona: I love you y/n, I never wanted to hurt you.
Y/n: I love you too and I will always love you, but loving someone also means to get some space from time to time.
Arizona: What are you saying?
Y/n: Maybe we should spend some time apart from each other.
Arizona: What? You aren't serious are you?
Y/n: I just don't know Zona. Maybe it's only for the best.
Arizona: What about the kids? We can't just do this.
Y/n: I think we are stuck in this relationship Arizona.
Arizona: So what? You want to give up on all those years we've spend together, everything we've been through?!
Y/n: That's not what I'm saying. We were always together, maybe to grow our love further we have to take a step back.
Arizona: I can't believe you just said that. We are together for so long!
Y/n: That's exactly the reason we need to spend some time apart. We are together for 8 years. That's a very long time.
Arizona: 8 years and 5 years from them married! We have a 3 year old son and an almost 1 year old daughter.
Y/n: I know that Zona. I'm very grateful for that, but maybe to make this even longer we have to take some time for ourselves.
Arizona: No, we aren't separating. I'm not allowing this to happen. You are not leaving me, us!
Y/n: I'm not leaving you! Can we talk about this once we are not at the hospital?
Arizona: No, we are doing this right now, because maybe you aren't coming home tonight.
Y/n: I love you and because I love you we need some space.
Arizona: Don't go. Why are we even fighting?
Y/n: Because we both are breaking our promises.
Arizona: We have never really fought. I will go now, because I'm going to start crying and sobbing uncontrollably any minute.
Y/n: Oh Zona, come here for a tight hug. I will never leave for good, remember that.
Arizona: I can't live without you. I need you and the kids need you.
Y/n: I know. I just need time to think. It will all be okay, I promise.

You cubbed Arizona's face in your hands and crashed your lips together and after a minute you pulled away and rested your head against hers, looking into her beautiful blue eyes.

Y/n: It will all be alright. This is just a hard moment I guess.
Arizona: I hate this. I hate feeling like this y/n.
Y/n: Me too and it's not like I want this, but I think we need this.
Arizona: I will wait for you at home. I hope I will see you later tonight.

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