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Arizona: Who told you that?
Y/n: No one. I figured it out myself. I actually looked it up. Lets change into our pajamas first and then we talk further. Are you mad I found out?
Arizona: No, I'm not mad at you. Now I just want to know why you didn't asked me about it?
Y/n: I know I could have asked you it, but I didn't know if you even liked your birthday. So I talked to Mark and he told me that you don't like your birthday. So I thought I'm glad I didn't asked you when it is your birthday.
Arizona: Asking me would have been fine, but that you didn't wanted to upset me is very sweet of you. Why did you wanted to know when it is my birthday actually?
Y/n: Although you don't like it, I wanted to know when it is your birthday, because I could give you at least something. I would be a bad girlfriend if I ignored your birthday and didn't got you a present.
Arizona: Let me tell you that you will never be a bad girlfriend. You're the sweetest girl I've ever met. You are the most amazing girlfriend ever y/n.
Y/n: So as it is your birthday in two weeks, I was thinking we can take the day off and have some fun. Only if you are up to.

She pulled you in by your shirt and gave you a passionate kiss. You stayed like that until you both needed air. She placed her head against yours and looked you in the eye.

Arizona: Like I said. You are so sweet. Lets do it.
Y/n: Really? You want to spend your birthday  with me?
Arizona: I don't like my birthday, but spending it with you will make it the best birthday I ever had.
Y/n: I promise to make it a special day.
Arizona: I love you y/n Sloan.
Y/n: I love you too Arizona Robbins.

You kissed Arizona deep, long and with love. After pulling away you lay down with Arizona putting her head on your chest. You kissed the top of her head and played with her hair.

Arizona: Are you up for some cuddle time?
Y/n: As long as I can still walk tomorrow, I'm up to all night cuddles.

A few weeks later
Amelia: Hello losers. How are you holding up?
Derek: What are you doing here?
Amelia: I see that you're very happy to see me again. I'm going to work here.
Mark: It is good to see you. I will introduce you to my girlfriend.
Amelia: Girlfriend? Mark Sloan has a girlfriend and keeps his penis in his pants. I missed a lot I guess.
Derek: So you're going to work here. Why?
Amelia: I got a call from dr. Bailey. She asked me to work here, because she wanted the best neuro surgeon working in her hospital.
Derek: You know I'm way better.
Amelia: Hell no. I'm the superior Shepherd. I'm way better than you will ever be.
Derek: Ugh, I need to go.
Amelia: It was nice seeing you too my beloved brother.
Mark: I see you two are still besties.
Amelia: Shut up Mark. Now I want to meat your girl.

Mark showed Amelia around the hospital and introduced her to Lexie.

Lexie: It's nice having another great neuro surgeon around.
Amelia: Finally someone who appreciates me for being here.
Mark: I'm also happy to see you again. Lets have dinner soon. I can ask y/n to come aswel.
Amelia: Y/n is back?
Mark: She is. She started her surgical journey this year. She is the best intern around. We all fight to her on our service.
Lexie: She is the best and so kind. Everyone loves her.
Amelia: I see, I can't wait to see her. I missed her the most.
Mark: Amelia she is still getting better after everything she survived.
Amelia: I understand, but it's years ago Mark. Maybe she is ready now.
Arizona: Hey. What are you talking about? Oh hi, I'm dr. Arizona Robbins.
Amelia: Hi, I'm dr. Amelia Shepherd, new neuro attending soon.
Mark: It was nothing Arizona. So how is your day so far?
Lexie: Huh Mark we were just talking about y/n.
Arizona: Why were you talking about her? Is something wrong?
Mark: Nothing is wrong. Amelia knows y/n, but didn't knew she was back in the country.
Arizona: I'm having lunch with her in 10 minutes. You can come too, she will like to see you I think.
Mark: Are you sure Amelia? You can have lunch with us later.
Amelia: I want to see y/n again. I missed her so much.
Lexie: Mark, let her be. She can take care of herself.
Mark: I know, but I thought she would appreciate it more if we are there aswel.
Amelia: I'm still here. I'm hungry, so I will come with Arizona to have some food and to see y/n.
Arizona: Follow me Amelia, we will go to the cafetaria.

They got to the cafetaria and you were already sitting at a table eating your salad.

Amelia: Y/n, it's really you. You look great.
Y/n: Amelia, what are you doing here?

You got up and gave her a big hug and you can't believe that she is here.

Amelia: I'm going to work here from next week.
Y/n: That's amazing. We should go out soon.
Amelia: I would love spending time you. I missed you so freaking much.
Y/n: It's good to see your face again. Where are you staying?
Amelia: I'm staying with Mark till I find something of my own.
Y/n: So how are you?
Amelia: Good. Actually even better now I've seen you and know that we will be working together.
Arizona: Shall I leave the two of you alone? It looks like you don't even notice me. You probably need some time to catch up with each other.
Y/n: No, please take a seat. I said we would have lunch together. I haven't seen you much the last few days as we were on opposite shifts.
Arizona: How do you two know each other?
Y/n: We grew up together in New York. We were best friends.
Amelia: We are like family. So are you y/n's mentor?
Arizona: I'm one of them. I'm head of pediatrics.
Amelia: I see why you two get along. Y/n always loved kids.
Y/n: Yes, peds is my favorite specialty together with trauma.
Amelia: We should have a proper catch up soon. It's been years since we've seen each other.
Y/n: Yes, that's nice. Arizona, do you mind if I go out with Amelia Saturday night?
Arizona: You can stay at our place. I don't mind. I like to get to know her aswel.
Amelia: Are you living together or something?
Y/n: We are. Arizona is my girlfriend.
Amelia: Are you fucking kidding me!?!

Amelia slams her hand down on the table as she stands up. Arizona and you look surprised of what just happened.

Arizona: Wow, I think I'm missing something.
Y/n: Me too. Amelia what is going on?
Amelia: Y/n, you are unbelievable. That you could do this to me! How could you?!?
Y/n: Amelia, please keep your voice down a bit.
Amelia: After everything, you just forgot me, like I'm nobody to you! You are unbelievable. 
Y/n: What are you saying? I'm not following it. Amelia, calm down please and explain what is happening right now.
Amelia: Leave me alone, I don't want to see your face ever again. I hate you!
Arizona: Please calm down. Y/n did literally nothing. You were just talking together.
Amelia: Shut up! You ruined everything for me. You are the one I want to slap so hard at the moment, so stay the hell away from me.
Arizona: What are you talking about? We just met.
Y/n: Amelia, I don't no what just happened, but can we talk later?
Amelia: No, like I said I don't want to see you ever again or speak to you.

After that, Amelia left you and Arizona together, shocked at what just happened. You were so confused about what just happened you just looked at each other. You decided to go on with your day and went home together.

Arizona: Am I the only one who thinks that what happened with Amelia was crazy?
Y/n: No you're not the only one. I talked to Mark and he will speak to Amelia. I don't know what happened. It was all good and in a second it turned into an attack sort of.
Arizona: Lets forget it for now. What will you make for dinner?
Y/n: I need your help tonight, but we will make a Chicken Spinach Artichoke Lasagna.
Arizona: Sounds good. You are amazing. Do you know that?
Y/n: You're amazing. I'm just y/n.
Arizona: And with just being y/n are you being amazing.

She wrapped her hand around your waist and gave you a quick peck on the lips.

Y/n: Come on, lets start, I'm so hungry.
Arizona: Tell me what you want me to do.

You had dinner and were now cuddled up on the couch watching two episodes of Dynasty together.

Y/n: Oh god I forgot to tell you something.
Arizona: What did you do?
Y/n: I did nothing. It's something good. Like I'm excited about it. You will like it aswel.

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