Love lies

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Arizona: Y/n, I want you to know that you can trust me. At least as a friend. Tell me anything you want when you are ready and comfortable to tell me.
Y/n: I will tell you everything. I want you to know everything. I have to tell you, because I want you to know it all and I have to tell it to you. Talking helps me a lot, but I'm scared that people will judge me when they know everything.
Arizona: Listen to me. Whatever you want to tell me, it's okay and I promise I will never judge you.
Y/n: It started all when I started high school. I was bullied a lot and even beaten up sometimes. They screamed at me and even told me I was not worth anything. It still hurts me in some kind of way. What they did to me left some scars. My last girlfriend treated me like crab and that made me build a wall around me. I will tell you about her another time, when I'm ready to open up about it.
Arizona: So when Callie screamed at you, it triggered something?
Y/n: It did and it didn't happened for so long so it really got to me.
Arizona: I'm so sorry that it happened to you. Let me tell you one thing; You're worth it. I don't know you that long, but you are the kindest and funniest person ever. I know for sure if I get to know you more I will find more things about you that I adore.
Y/n: Thank you Arizona. I want to know you more aswel. You've been a great friend and I think I will like you even more each day.
Arizona: Did you had panic attacks before?
Y/n: I have had them before. I had them a lot in high school. In med school it all changed, I changed. When I got in the army I saw some horrible things and that's why I came back to the states. Back in Iraq in the last couple of months the feeling of having panic attacks came back and I still work on getting my life back together so I decided to come back.
Arizona: I can't imagine how you must feel, but I will be there for you when you need me. Together we can get that feeling away. Please remember that you are so great.
Y/n: Arizona, you are so sweet. I really appreciate it. You are an angel.
Arizona: I have one more question. Why did you say you were seeing someone after I kissed you?
Y/n: Like I said; I'm still getting myself back on track and I'm not looking for anyone so when you kissed me, I didn't expected it and got scared.
Arizona: I never wanted you to feel like that. It just happened and I'm sorry.
Y/n: Stop saying sorry. I need to say sorry for telling you a lie about seeing another girl. I wanted to push you away, but deep inside I wanted you close as you make me smile and that's something that didn't happen for a long time.
Arizona: That's all I want to do, make you smile. I like you y/n and I want to know if we can start to get to know each other more than just being friends.
Y/n: I would love that. I only want to take things slow if you're okay with that?
Arizona: We will take it slow. Step by step in the way you want, I can wait and I will wait.
Y/n: Thank you so much for understanding.
Arizona: Of course y/n. So Just to be clear I don't want to go on a date with Callie.
Y/n: Oh really? That's weird.

She gives you a playful punch on your arm.

Arizona: Oh stop it. There is someone else I want to take on a date.
Y/n: Who would that be?
Arizona: You. So y/n, do you want to go on a date with me?
Y/n: I would love that Arizona Robbins. Look it's getting late, you can stay here tonight if you want, we can watch a movie before having some sleep?
Arizona: I would love that honestly.
Y/n: Titanic? Lets get you some pajamas and go to bed. You can sleep there with me. It's big enough.

You walked to the bedroom and changed in your pajamas.

Arizona: Are you really okay with me staying here?
Y/n: Yes, I'm. You had a few glasses of wine and it's late so I won't let you go home by yourself right now.
Arizona: You are so sweet. Do you sleep on the right side or left side of the bed?
Y/n: I prefer the left side of the bed if I'm honest.
Arizona: Great, because I love sleeping on the right side.
Y/n: So lets start the movie. Do you want to cuddle?
Arizona: If I can cuddle into you?
Y/n: Come on, you can lay in my arms.

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