Love on top

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Arizona: I'm sorry, but you helped this patient, but what happened? I can't figure it out on my own.
Eliza: Ask someone else.
Arizona: You were his doctor, so tell me. You need to explain what happened, so I can understand it.
Eliza: I gave him wrong meds, that's it. Edwards stepped in and helped him. I made one mistake.
Arizona: A mistake that could've killed him. He is very lucky to be alive right now.
Eliza: Was that everything you wanted to say?
Arizona: Yes, but how could you make such a mistake?
Eliza: Can you please stop! I already had enough.
Arizona: What do you mean?
Eliza: I'm fired. You're happy now?

Arizona stood there, shocked not knowing what to say when Eliza turned around and walked off. Arizona looked for you as you were doing some charts. You were standing at the nurses desk when she turned you around and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You both pulled away when you needed air and you wrapped your arms around Arizona's neck.

Y/n: Someone seems happy, what was that for?
Arizona: I love you and something good happened.
Y/n: I love you too, but what happened?
Arizona: It's not good, it's something bad, but it's good for us.
Y/n: Now I'm confused. Can you use more words?
Arizona: Eliza just got fired.
Y/n: Wait, are you serious? This is a joke right?
Arizona: I'm very serious. So she will no longer be a problem for us. She just told me herself.
Y/n: You were right, this is something good.

You were standing at the nurses desk when Jo ran toward you both. She was catching her breath while you both waited for her to speak.

Jo: Hey did you hear the news, dr. Minnick got fired.
Y/n: We know, today is a great day.
Carina: I finally found you both.
Arizona: What is it?
Carina: Dr, Minnick is gone, finally. You two are very happy I guess with the news.
Y/n: We are, she was just trying to make us break up. I hate her so much.
Arizona: We waited so long for her to leave our lives. Now it's time to just look forward and be happy, without someone trying to mess with us.
Carina: First round of drinks are on me tonight.
Lexie: Uhm y/n, Arizona can I speak to you? Private?

You walked in a supply closet with Lexie and looked confused about what she was going to say.

Arizona: So what is it Lexie?
Lexie: I think something happened.
Y/n: What did happen? Did Mark do something?
Lexie: No, uhm yes maybe.
Arizona: This is confusing Lex.
Lexie: We are together again for some weeks now. I took him back because I still loved him.
Y/n: We know that. So what is it?
Lexie: I think I might be pregnant.
Arizona: Pregnant with Mark's baby?
Lexie: Yes, I did three tests already, because I haven't got my period and I'm never late. Can you both help and do a scan please?
Arizona: You know we have Carina for that?
Lexie: I know, but I want you two to do it as I trust you more with it.
Y/n: You aren't keeping it a secret, aren't you?
Lexie: No, but I need to process this first as we never talked about it and I just need to know for sure.
Arizona: Lets get you to a room where we can have a look.
Lexie: I'm so nervous. I don't even know if he wants a baby.
Y/n: Let me tell you one thing. I never saw him being a dad if I'm honest.
Lexie: This is not helping.
Y/n: You didn't let me finish. I never saw him as a baby daddy until I saw him with you. You could be a great family.
Lexie: You really think that?
Arizona: She is not the only one who thinks that.

You got to a room and did the scan.

Y/n: So as we can see, you are pregnant.
Arizona: Around 4 weeks and it looks all good.
Lexie: I'm pregnant. I can't believe it.
Arizona: You are, can we do something for you?
Lexie: No, I'm fine. Thanks for doing this and please keep this to yourself.
Y/n: We will and I'm going to be a an auntie.
Arizona: Congratulations Lexie. We have to go, see you later.

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