Oh my god

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Arizona: I'm shocked.
Y/n: I can't believe this.
Regina: You better believe it. Hi, good to see you both. Especially good to see you Arizona. 
Arizona: What are you doing here?
Regina: I'm hopefully going to work here soon.
Arizona: Wait, why?
Regina: I was looking for a new challenge. So I just wanted to be part of a well known hospital.
Y/n: That's a joke right?
Regina: No, it isn't. You can still have fun with me dr. Sloan if you want.
Y/n: Uhm no, thank you.
Arizona: This can't happen and what are you doing here?
Lauren: I was invited for a job interview. Your chief wanted to see me.
Y/n: Great. Any other surprises today?
Lauren: I see, you like the idea of working with me.
Y/n: Nope. Not at all. This is like a nightmare.
Lauren: You can learn so much from me. I'm one of the best craniofacial surgeons in this country. Are you an attending these days?
Regina: That would surprise me honestly.
Y/n: I'm close to finishing my first year of my fellowship.
Arizona: Finally we got to the floor, it felt like this time we were longer than ever in here. Let's go y/n.
Lauren: Why the sudden hurry? Isn't it nice to see me again Arizona.
Y/n: Just stay the hell away from her. Do you hear me?
Regina: Someone got irritable that easily.
Arizona: Come on. We have somewhere else to be. They are not worth the energy.

The door closet and you walked up to the room where Carina was already waiting for you.

Carina: Is there something? You both look weird?
Y/n: Weird? What do you mean?
Carina: It's just like, how do you say this? Oh right, you both look like you've seen a ghost.
Arizona: We sort of have. It's something we never expected to happen.
Carina: I think I will give you a minute before we start. This is an exciting and special moment. You just have to enjoy this, especially you two together. It's only a beginning, but I get that this is something special, because this can be the start of something new.
Arizona: Thank you so much Carina.
Carina: I will come back in a minute.

It's been a few minutes and you and Arizona just waited in silence trying to get it all together to fully enjoy this special moment. Arizona sat on your lap while you hugged her tight and kissed her cheek a few times.

Carina: Are you okay? Ready to go?
Arizona: We are ready.
Y/n: So how long does it take? Will it be different from last time?
Carina: It will be the exact same like last time. I will only try to make you more comfortable Arizona.
Arizona: I'm so nervous. So much more like last time. I don't want to mess it up this time.
Carina: You haven't messed anything up at all. Sometimes these things happen. It wasn't your fault.
Arizona: But it feels like it was my fault. I should had taken better care of the bubba.
Y/n: Listen, Carina is right. Sometimes these things happen. It's not your fault, do you hear me? I love you so much and this time we will take even better care of him or her together. Together we can do this. I love you.
Arizona: I love you too.

You pulled her in for a sweet and short kiss and rested your head on hers, looking deep into her eyes.

Arizona: I'm ready Carina. Let's get started.
Carina: The love you two share is so magical.
Y/n: Just like yours and Maya's.
Carina: There is no one in this world I wish for that it will work as I do for the two of you.
Arizona: Thank you Carina, that means a lot to us.

It's later that night and you were both laying in bed together. Arizona had her arms wrapped around your waist and she lay with her head on your chest.

Arizona: This was a crazy day.
Y/n: It was. What I will remember from today was our moment together during the appointment.
Arizona: I'm glad we could do this together with Carina being there.
Y/n: I know. Hopefully in two weeks we will know if it worked.
Arizona: I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too.

Two weeks later
Arizona: Y/n?!? You have to come!
Y/n: What? What is happening? Are you hurt?
Arizona: No, I'm scared.
Y/n: I'm here. I'm here. What is it? Why are you scared?
Arizona: It's two weeks after the appointment and I just got sick, so I wanted to do a pregnancy test.
Y/n: You scared me to death! I thought you were hurt or even worse.
Arizona: Sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you like that.
Y/n: It's okay. So why are you so scared right now?
Arizona: What if it didn't worked? Maybe I'm not made to carry a kid. What if it did work and I lose it again. And then there's the thought if we get a baby and I'm a bad mom. I think I'm not made for this, I'm not good enough. What if our baby ends up in the hospital?
Y/n: If that happens to our baby we will take care of that. About all the other things; we never know what will happen, but I have faith in it and in you. If someone can do this, it's you, because you are amazing and I trust you to do great with bubba.
Arizona: You really think that?
Y/n: I do, you are great, you are amazing, you are caring and so much more. I will be there every step of the way and together we can do this. I love you so much.
Arizona: I love you too. I think I'm ready to take the test.
Y/n: I will give you some privacy.
Arizona: No, you can stay. Honestly, I will love it if you're here with me.

It's been some time and you hear your timer going off, so you can see the result.

Arizona: I'm so nervous. Will you look please?
Y/n: I will, give me your hand, I will hold it the whole time.
Arizona: Before we look at it. Know that with Lauren and Regina working at Grey-Sloan things are awkward, but we can get trough that.
Y/n: We will. I will try as much as I can to ignore them and focus on you, our friends, family and maybe our little peanut. You have to do that too. It's in the past and we have to look forward and try to move on.
Arizona: You don't know how great and beautiful you are. You are perfect in my eyes y/n Sloan-Robbins.

Arizona kissed your cheek and intertwined your fingers together.

Y/n: Ready?
Arizona: I'm ready to find out.
Y/n: There it is.
Arizona: So what does the stick says?
Y/n: It's positive. There is a little miracle in your belly.
Arizona: I'm pregnant?
Y/n: Yes, we are lucky to get this chance again.
Arizona: I can't believe this is happening. It worked again. I love you.
Y/n: I love you more.
Arizona: Can we go to sleep and cuddle?
Y/n: Of course we can. I will cuddle you and little peanut.

It's the next morning and you just finished rounds together. You were on your way to the ER to see if you could help out as it was a slow start of the day. You walked around a corner when you saw Regina and Lauren walking in your direction.

Lauren: Hey, how's your day?
Y/n: Nothing special going on at the moment.
Regina: Where are you going?
Y/n: To the ER.
Lauren: Incoming trauma?
Arizona: No, just have a look to see if we can help out.
Lauren: Are you interested in having a drink soon?
Arizona: Uhm no thank you. We have to go. Let's go y/n.
Regina: You still have a great ass y/n.
Arizona: I'm the only one aloud to say that and look at it.
Regina: I just did. What are you gonna do?
Y/n: Leave it she is not worth it.
Arizona: Just know that you need to back off.
Y/n: Arizona, most important thing is that you're the only one who can squeeze them.
Arizona: Oh I will, just look Regina.

Arizona pinned you against the wall and kissed you roughly. She slowly made her way down your body with her hands stroking you, ending on your ass, squeezing them slightly. You pulled away and gave Arizona one last passionate kiss.

Y/n: And Lauren, don't you ever think you will kiss her lips ever again.
Lauren: I understand, but Arizona I still like you, a lot.

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