We are family

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Y/n: Ames, why did you do this?

You sat there looking at Amelia in coma. You were holding really tight onto her hand. Tears started rolling down your cheeks as you stayed there for some time.

Y/n: Just why? I could've helped you Amelia. You didn't need to take this shit. Why haven't you told me or someone? Please be okay. We need you.

You stayed with Amelia for an hour and texted Arizona you wanted to go home. You went home and when you walked in the bedroom you broke down in tears falling on the bed. Arizona ran to you and tried to calm you down.

Arizona: Y/n, oh god. Let me hold you. Let it all out.
Y/n: Please go. I don't want you here. I want to be alone.
Arizona: Please let me be here for you.
Y/n: Don't you hear me?!? Get out!
Arizona: Y/n, please. I can help you.
Y/n: No, you can't help me! Just go now, I don't want to see you right now!
Arizona: But y/n I only want to help you. You can't deal with the all alone.
Y/n: You know what? I'm leaving if you don't go!
Arizona: Oh okay. I will leave you alone. You can stay here.

Arizona hold back her tears and left the apartment. You stayed in bed, curled up in a ball. Arizona walked back to hospital and bumbed into Mark on her way.

Mark: Hey, I heard about Amelia. Where is y/n?
Arizona: At home. She wanted me to leave her alone.
Mark: I don't like this. I'm getting worried if she shuts people out. We need to keep a close eye on her.
Arizona: Mark, what do we do now?
Mark: Get some sleep now and go to y/n early in the morning to check on her.
Arizona: I love her so much Mark.
Mark: I know Arizona and y/n loves you too.

Arizona slept in an on call room and woke up early to get some breakfast for the two of you. She waited outside the apartment, because she didn't wanted to just walk in after you wanted her to leave last night. Arizona hoped that you calmed down and had some sleep and wants to eat together and be there for you. So Arizona put her stuff down and sat just outside the door waiting for you to come out. After a few minutes the door openen and you saw her sitting on the ground.

Arizona: Hey you, good morning. How did you sleep?
Y/n: Morning. You haven't stayed here all night right?
Arizona: No, I stayed at the hospital last night.
Y/n: Can you come in? I was actually on my way to find you. I haven't slept at all. I'm so so sorry. I love you Arizona Robbins. I've been a bitch to you and I never wanted to hurt you. Please forgive me, will you?
Arizona: Lets have a seat. I brought some breakfast with me if you like.
Y/n: You are so sweet. Even after what I did. Can you forgive me?
Arizona: Look me in the eyes. It's okay, you were upset and took it out on me. I can handle it.
Y/n: But how can you forgive me so easily?
Arizona: Because I care about you and love you with everything I have. I understand why you acted like that, she is one of your best friends y/n.
Y/n: I love you too Zona. So you forgive me?
Arizona: I forgive you, but the only thing that really hurt me was you not saying I love you too yesterday when you went to see Amelia. It's a lot with Amelia and I only try to be there for you. Just tell me what you need and I will make sure you get that.
Y/n: I don't know what I need. I'm still so sorry for how I acted towards you. I don't know why I did that.
Arizona: It's okay. I'm not mad and I'm just glad you're okay.
Y/n: Why wouldn't I be okay?
Arizona: I don't know. Mark told me that sometimes you can shut everyone out when things get hard.
Y/n: That was when I was an addict. I will never be that person again. I will never use again, never. I promised that to myself and to Mark.
Arizona: Look at me y/n. You are so strong, the strongest person I know. There's only one thing.
Y/n: What is it?
Arizona: Last night and this morning I missed you so much in bed. I missed your sweet kiss. Sooo...

You pulled her in and gave her a long and deep kiss. You pulled away after a minute and looked her in the eyes. You gave her another kiss and kissed her cheek.

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