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Arizona: Yes, we can Timmy. What would you both like to do today?
Rosey: Can we go to the big park and play?
Timothy: I want to watch a lot of movies. Especially the ones of Disney.
Y/n: We can do all of that, but first we need to tell you something.
Timothy: What is it mommy? Is something wrong?
Arizona: Everything is perfect. Mommy and me have some big news.
Rosey: Are we finally getting a dog?
Y/n: I'm sorry princes, but there will be no dog around soon.
Rosey: But I want to have a dog. Please mama, can we have one?
Arizona: No dog honey, but there will be an addition to our little family.
Timothy: I don't understand it mama. If we don't get a dog, what is it that we get?
Y/n: Mama and me want to have another baby.
Arizona: So you, Rosey, will become a big sister.
Y/n: And you, Timothy, will still be a big brother, but now protecting two siblings.
Timothy: Really? Will I be a brother to another sister again?
Arizona: You will be a brother to the new baby, but we don't know if you get another sister.
Y/n: Maybe it will be a boy like you are Timmy.
Timothy: That's so cool mommy.
Rosey: Can't you choose a girl?
Arizona: That's not how it works sweetheart. I'm sorry.
Timothy: Is there a baby in your belly again mommy?
Y/n: Not yet, but would you both like to have another brother or sister?
Rosey: Will we buy one, like you buy the barbie dolls?
Arizona: That's not how it works honey. It will take at least 9 months until the baby is here with us.
Timothy: The baby needs to grow inside the belly of mama or mommy.
Rosey: But why is the baby inside the belly? Can't we just buy one? It's easier and I can play with the baby aswel very soon.
Y/n: It's just not how it works Rosey. You were inside of my belly and Timothy was inside of mama's belly.
Rosey: I don't understand it mama, but can we go and play in the park. I want to go on the big swing.
Arizona: Yes, go and get changed. We will first have breakfast together.
Y/n: We will make pancakes with strawberries and chocolate.
Rosey: I love chocolate. This is already a great day.
Timothy: A family day is always an amazing day. I love it when we can spend so much time together.
Arizona: We love that aswel baby. These days are the best days. We will try to have more days like this with each other.

Timothy and Rosey left to get ready and Arizona bursted out laughing.

Y/n: What are you laughing about?
Arizona: I just love Rosey so much. She has just a great fantasy and just says what she thinks.
Y/n: Sometimes I wonder what is going on inside her head.
Arizona: Lets get ready to have a lovely day with the kids.

Arizona hugged you and kissed your cheek before getting ready to meet the kids downstairs. It's been two weeks and tomorrow you will look for potential donors together with Arizona. You were just finished with your shift and were supposed to meet Arizona at Joe's bar.

Arizona: There you are. It took so long and I don't like drinking on my own.
Y/n: I just needed to finish my plan for the surgery in two days. But I'm here and that's what matters, right?
Arizona: That's the most important thing. I just received this picture from my mom of the kids.
Y/n: This is the cutest picture ever and  your mom gets better with taking selfies every time.
Arizona: I'm just scared she will use filters soon. Like the ones that turns your face into a dog or something.
Y/n: That would be the funniest thing ever.
Carina: Hey girls, we are here and ready to have fun.
Maya: We just dropped Tayla off at Andrew's place.
Arizona: We should have a dinner party soon with all the kids. They will love to spend an evening together.
Maya: What drinks can I get you?
Arizona: I want a white wine please. Y/n will probably have a rosé.
Y/n: You know me too well honey. We should have some cocktails later tonight.
Maya: I'm in for cocktails a lot tonight.
Carina: I like that idea a lot y/n. Lets get this party started.
Arizona: Lets have a night out ladies. The mommies will have some fun!

Some time later that night
Arizona; Has someone seen y/n?
Carina: Uhm no, sorry bambina.
Maya: The last time I saw her she told me she had to use the bathroom.
Arizona: When was that?
Maya: Like half an hour ago or something.
Carina: Don't worry and dance with us, she will be back soon.
Maya: She is probably getting another drink or talking to someone she knows.
Arizona: Okay, but I would love to have another dance with my wife.
Carina: And you will Arizona. Come on and dance.

A few dances later Maya went to the bar to get some more drinks and saw y/n chatting with someone at the end of the bar. Maya got back to the table where Carina and Arizona were waiting.

Maya: Here are the cocktails ladies.
Carina: I'm really enjoying tonight. This is so much fun.
Arizona: It is, although I would love to have more dances with y/n. It's like an hour since the last time we've seen her.
Maya: She is just sitting at the bar Arizona.
Carina: Is she sitting there on her own? Is she okay?
Maya: She was just chatting with someone.
Arizona: Who is she chatting with?
Maya: I don't know, but it looks like she is having fun.
Arizona: I want to know who that is. She is supposed to be having fun with us and not with some random person.
Carina: Calm down Arizona. It's probably someone she knows and loves to chat with.
Arizona: This was our night together. Is it a man or women she chats with.
Maya: It's a women, but leave it Arizona. She will be here with us soon I think.
Arizona: No, I'm going to get her. She is supposed to go out with us tonight.

With that Arizona stormed off and left Carina and Maya speechless.

Carina: This is going to cause some drama.
Maya: You're right. She is a lovely girl, but sometimes she can get jealous so easily.
Carina: That's right, she can be so jealous.
Maya: Like you. You can be very jealous aswel Carina.
Carina: That's not true! I'm not jealous.
Maya: You can be babe, but first, lets see how this goes with Arizona.
Carina: I hope she doesn't make a scene.

Arizona walked up to you and tapped your shoulder. You turned around and smiled widely at her. 

Y/n: Hey you, do you enjoy tonight?
Arizona: Maybe I should introduce myself first.
Y/n: Huh?
Arizona: I'm Arizona Sloan-Robbins. I'm supposed to have a night out with my best friends and my wife.
Y/n: What are you talking about? Is everything okay?
Arizona: Don't play stupid! You know exactly what I mean.
Y/n: I'm so sorry Gina. I don't know what this all is.
Arizona: Hi Gina. I just need to speak to my wife.
Y/n: Arizona, what are you doing?
Arizona: I'm just going to ask. Are you going to cheat on me or breaking up with me?
Y/n: No, now you are acting weird. Should I ask Maya or Carina what happened?
Arizona: No, you tell me what is going on. You just disappeared and are chatting all night long with some other women.
Y/n: Zona, just listen to me. Gina is just...
Arizona: She is just what?!? Your secret lover? I'm not good enough for you anymore? Why are we going to look for a donor to have another baby if you don't want to be with me anymore?!?
Y/n: I'm so sorry Gina, I will speak to you the next time when you have that appointment.
Arizona: Oh so you call it an appointment? Are you playing doctor with her?
Y/n: Stop it Arizona! I really don't like this! Who do you really think I am after all those years? To be exact after almost being together for 12,5 years.
Arizona: I think love doesn't exist forever after all.
Y/n: We are going home and you will get some sleep to get sober again.
Arizona: And what will you do? Go to your appointment with Gina?
Y/n: Stop it! I had enough of this. I love you Zona, but this can't happen again. Do you really think that little of me?
Arizona: You tell me.
Y/n: I will bring you home so you can sleep in bed and I will talk to you once you are sober. I really don't like you right now.
Arizona: And why is that? You are the one making a huge mistake.
Y/n: Because you can be so freaking jealous and there's no reason to be jealous at all. I will pay the bill and say goodbye to Carina and Maya, then we go home.
Arizona: I'm not jealous. You just only need to pay attention to me and not some random girl named Gina.

A/n: I started this story on TikTok and right now the latest part I uploaded is also the one I just uploaded here, on Wattpad. I think this is the moment to thank you all for reading this story, as I never expected so many people who would read along. It really means a lot to me and when you leave a comment or give a chapter a like, a smile spreads across my face. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all and lots of love💕💕💕  

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