Don't forget where you belong

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Y/n: What happened? Why did you think that?
Arizona: We were in the same accident. We couldn't find you anywhere. I thought you died out there. I thought we had lost you.
Y/n: We were in accident? What kind of accident, because you seem more hurt than I am. Was is a bad accident.
Arizona: I think you need to take a deep breath and sit down.
Y/n: Oh I see. It's bad I guess.
Arizona: We were in a plane crash. We were on our way to do a surgery in another hospital.
Y/n: What? You say, plane crash? Like we crashed from being miles in the air to the ground?
Arizona: We were on our way with some other doctors from this hospital to perform a surgery. They didn't had the surgeons or skills to help the patient.
Y/n: A-a p-plane c-crash.
Arizona: Y/n, you have to stay calm. Breath, breath with me. You are having a panic attack.
Y/n: I can't b-breath.
Arizona: Come here. I know what to do. You had a panic attack before. I can help you.

You came closer to Arizona and when you were close enough Arizona pulled you in for a sweet and long kiss on the lips. You both pulled away when you calmed down. You looked deep in her eyes and sat back down. After a minute of silence you spoke.

Y/n: Uhm, you are a great kisser Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you, but you are actually the best kisser I ever kissed.
Y/n: It helped thank you. It always helped when I had a panic attack.
Arizona: You remember? Wait, you aren't joking?
Y/n: I remember your kiss, how can I forget those lips. It felt so good. I had an attack before and you helped me with a kiss to help me get my breath back.
Arizona: I love you y/n. I will do the surgery. I will do it right now.
Y/n: Wait a second. You want to do this?
Arizona: I don't care how, but I want to be with you. I will help you remember everything and stay by your side as I promised at our wedding day. My love for you is the reason I will do the surgery.
Y/n: I can't really remember you, but I will help you get through it all. I feel like I need to and hopefully I will get my memories back. We will do this together.
Arizona: I will be there every step of your way.
Y/n: And I will help you when you need me. It feels like we have a deep connection even if I don't really remember it.
Arizona: Have you seen your brother?
Y/n: Mark? I haven't seen him, why?
Arizona: Oh. Uhm y/n, Mark was also in the plane crash.
Y/n: Oh god, how is he?
Arizona: He is in a coma. We needed to perform a sort of surgery in the woods. He had a cardiac tamponade.
Y/n: No, that can't be real. This seems like a dream.
Arizona: More like a nightmare. I'm so sorry y/n. Uhm there is something you need to know.
Y/n: What is it? I see that there's a lot of information I need to know.
Arizona: He signed that if he ever gets in a coma and there is no change after 30 days he wants to get off the life support.
Y/n: That can't be happening. He is my only family. He wouldn't do that.
Arizona: I know and I get that this is a lot to hear.
Y/n: I have to see him. I have to go and be with him.
Arizona: That's fine. He needs you and I will tell them that I want the surgery.
Y/n: Arizona, please make it off the table. It feels like you're my only family fully alive. You're my only friend here.
Arizona: I promise, I will come back to you. We will get through this.
Y/n: Thank you Arizona.

You went to see your brother as you sat beside him for some hours. After some time Jo came in the room.

Jo: Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we just finished the surgery on Arizona.
Y/n: Thank you, dr?
Jo: Dr. Wilson, I'm Jo Wilson. We are in the same resident year. We are friends. Maybe even best friends.
Y/n: Oh okay. When can I see her?
Jo: In 30 minutes. She will wake up not long after. If you want you can borrow some clothes and take a shower.
Y/n: Thank you so much. Did everything go well during the surgery?
Jo: Everything went as planned. The amputation was all perfect. She needs to work hard when she gets a prosthetic, but for now she is alive and that's what matters.
Y/n: So she will be fine?
Jo: Yes, in time she will be fine. It will take time of course to get used to the new situation.
Y/n: I get that. Hopefully she will be fine.

You quickly took a shower and changed into some fresh clothes. You walked to Arizona's room  and stood in the opening of the door.

Y/n: Hey you, how are you feeling?
Arizona: What did you just say?
Y/n: I asked how you feel right now. Is that a weird question after having surgery?
Arizona: No, before that. It's not weird, it's about something we used to say.
Y/n: Uhm I think I said; hey you.
Arizona: It's so good to hear you say that.
Y/n: Really? Why?
Arizona: It's something we said a lot to each other for years. It's like our thing.
Y/n: Oh then I will keep using that.

You walked into the room and took a seat next to her bed.

Arizona: I love hearing that, it's cute.
Y/n: So how are you feeling?
Arizona: I don't know how I'm feeling. They just took my leg.
Y/n: It's going to be a long way, but I will be here for you. I'm your wife after all.
Arizona: But you don't remember being my wife.
Y/n: I don't, but I'm your wife and if I said yes to you it means I love you very much. I will be here for you Arizona. I will not run away from all this.
Arizona: You are so sweet and cute even without your memories. I don't know what I would do without you.
Y/n: I want to be here for you, I feel like I have to be here for you. It's almost like I was looking for you.
Arizona: What do you mean?
Y/n: When I woke up I started walking. I had to find someone, although I didn't knew who I was looking for or where I had to look.
Arizona: You think that person was me?
Y/n: I think so. I don't know who else it could be.
Arizona: Honestly I hope it was me. It was scary, even more scary, because I didn't knew where you were or if you were alive.
Y/n: I'm so sorry. You had a major surgery today and my day was pretty rough too. I found out my brother is in a coma and will stop life support in 30 days. I think it's better to have some proper sleep, I will see you tomorrow if that's okay?
Arizona: It was a crazy day and that's an understatement. Uhm there is only one thing.
Y/n: What is it?
Arizona: Will you please stay here tonight? Only if you want of course.
Y/n: Can I be honest with you?
Arizona: Sure, what is it?
Y/n: I would love to stay with you as I don't want to be alone right now and I really like your company.
Arizona: I'm so happy to hear that. If you want you can lay besides me.
Y/n: Do you want that? I get that with your surgery not long ago it feels a little sore.
Arizona: Actually I would feel better with you here next to me.
Y/n: Lets get ready for some sleep. Thank you Arizona.
Arizona: Why are you thanking me?
Y/n: That you are still here. You are my only friend at the moment.
Arizona: Don't forget I'm your wife y/n.
Y/n: Oh yes, but I hate it that I don't remember anything from after the army.
Arizona: I will use your own words; it will be a long way, but give it time.
Y/n: I think you are they key to it all.
Arizona: Lets promise to help each other no matter what will happen.
Y/n: There's nothing I would love more.
Arizona: Goodnight y/n.

Arizona leaned forward and placed her hand on your cheek. She kissed you lips sweet and short before pulling away quickly.

Arizona: I'm so sorry. It's a habit to do this when we get to sleep.
Y/n: I don't mind your kiss and I will always kiss you back. Wait!
Arizona: What is it? Is something wrong? Are you in pain?
Y/n: No nothing is wrong. It's actually a good thing. I just remembered our first kiss.
Arizona: You do?
Y/n: It was in the bathroom at Joe's. You were talking with Callie and I had to use the bathroom then you walked in and kissed me.
Arizona: That was a weird way to have our first kiss. I loved it, but it was weird. What did you thought of that kiss? I never asked you about it.

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