Ain't no mountain high enough

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Maya: I heard what happened and I came as soon as I could. How are they?
Jo: Stable for now, but it doesn't looks to good.
Maya: Oh god. Where's Arizona? How is she?
Jo: She is laying in an on call room. She needed some rest, but hasn't got major injuries.
Maya: That's good to hear. Any news on y/n?
Jo: It's not looking great. She has some major injuries and scared us to death by crashing twice.
Maya: No, this can't happen. They were so happy together and everything looked perfect. They are having another beautiful baby.
Jo: I know, they will be fine. The best doctors we have are working on them. I believe that both of them are strong enough to survive all of this.
Maya: We can only hope for the best.

The attendings are discussing your case together to come up with the best plan. They all start screaming and Owen manages to shut them up and make them work together as a team. They all question if the baby will make it, as Alex says that it's possible that they'll have to choose between you and the baby.

Miranda: Arizona, I'm here to discuss the plan with you.
Arizona: Tell me you know how to safe them both.
Miranda: Y/n may have a better chance if we take out the baby now.
Arizona: That can't happen. You know that the baby is barely viable. Y/n wants the baby to be okay and to make sure the baby survives aswel, so no, you're not taking the baby out! It's also dangerous for y/n, so no you don't take the baby out now!
Miranda: We want to safe both as much as you do Arizona.
Arizona: As much as I do? That's my wife in there and my baby has to survive all of this!
Miranda: We know that. We just want to help them both. We will go back into the OR tomorrow, so y/n's body can get some rest. We will wait for you to make the decision about whether or not we should take the baby out.
Amelia: Hey Arizona, Bailey. Can I have a moment?
Miranda: Of course. Think about it Arizona. You have to make the decision tomorrow.

Miranda left and Amelia took a seat next to Arizona and looked at you shortly before speaking.

Amelia: I know this is all a lot, but I don't know how to say, so I will just drop it.
Arizona: Okay, what is it? The look on your face tells me it's bad news.
Amelia: Me and Derek think that her brain may not come back even though the others manage to save her body.
Arizona: What are you actually telling me Amelia?
Amelia: We think there is to much damage to her brain. We think she will never be the same again. Listen to me Arizona, we think there is a change she won't wake up.
Arizona: But you stopped all the bleeders. What happened?
Amelia: We looked at all the scans and we see that her frontal lobe and her temporal lope have some scars. The impact has been to much. You have to think about this scenario where she probably won't wake up.
Arizona: I don't want to hear this! She has to wake up, we need her! The kids need her, but I need her the most.
Amelia: We understand that, but you have to know every possibility. We don't want this to happen either, but there is this chance she won't wake up after all of this. The only thing we can do right now is hope for the best. I will leave you, but page any of us if you need anything.

Amelia left the room and Arizona sat besides you on a chair. She took your hand in hers when a tear slipped and rolled down her cheek.

Arizona: Hey babe, it's been some hours after the surgery and I'm getting more worried about you and cookie by the minute.
Carina: Hey, I'm just going to check some things. Is that okay with you?
Arizona: Go ahead.
Carina: Are you okay?
Arizona: Do I look okay? My wife and baby are in danger and they told me y/n probably won't wake up.
Carina: Okay, stupid question. There aren't any changed from what I see. I will leave you, but know that we are all here for you.

Carina left the room and Arizona started to silently sob.

Arizona: Will you live? Will you please live for me?

Suddenly, you start deteriorating. Carina rushed in, and ordered a nurse to get an OR ready for them. You were rushed to the OR. As Bailey, Maggie, Owen, and Richard have scrubbed, the OR is prepared. When the residents scrub in, you were brought in on a gurney and led on the OR table. Arizona sit down in the gallery, while the other surgeons are preparing to go in. Carina sits down to look at the baby monitor.

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