Count on you

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Nicole: We have 6 months together. That's all the time for you both to learn all about fetal surgery. All the information that's in my head to get into yours.
Arizona: 6 months? Why do we have only 6 months?
Y/n: I'm so confused right now. How is it even possible to learn so much in such a short period of time?
Nicole: That's what we need to find out. You are the only ones who can do this.
Arizona: But why isn't there more time to learn fetal medicine?
Nicole: Because I will be dead in 6 months.
Y/n: You said what?
Arizona: Dr. Herman, are you sick?
Nicole: Big brain tumor. Nothing much they can do. So lets move, time is running up.
Y/n: You can't just drop something like this and just walk away.
Arizona: Who knows about this?
Nicole: No one knows and I like to keep it that way. You are the only ones that know about my condition. Together with the three of us, we can bring fetal surgery to the next level. That's all I want before I die.
Y/n: I don't know what to say. I'm sorry.
Nicole: You don't have to say anything. It's all okay, because I'm fine with it. I have accepted it.
Arizona: Maybe there's a solution. Have you asked the Shepherds?
Nicole: No, I've visited the best people in this country and they all said the same; it's inoperable. I'm done with getting hope, so forget it. I will see you both after lunch time to start the fellowship with a consult.

Nicole left the room, but also left Arizona and you behind with lots of confusion.

Y/n: What just happened?
Arizona: She just told us about having a brain tumor.
Y/n: She will die and just walked away like it's nothing.
Arizona: Do you really think there's nothing she can do?
Y/n: If she says that she has visited lots of people and they all say the same, then maybe there's nothing they can do to help her. I feel so sorry for her.
Arizona: Do you think she asked both of the Shepherds for their opinion?
Y/n: I don't think so. We would've known about it if she had asked them.
Arizona: I just wished we could help her. She has so much knowledge and deserves to share that with everyone around the world.
Y/n: But now I get why she wanted us so bad to do this fellowship.
Arizona: She wants us to learn everything she knows before it's to late. With two people knowing all about fetal surgery, she probably thinks that we can share it with more people.
Y/n: This was just a lot. We have to make this work.

A week later
Arizona: This was just one week, but this was so heavy and difficult.
Y/n: She is the best, but she is like a drill instructor.
Arizona: She was right at two things if I'm honest.
Y/n: Tell me, what is she right about?
Arizona: That fetal surgery is a privilege and doing this fellowship together with you is the best thing I've ever done. I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too babe.

You quickly kissed Arizona's lips before walking further towards the living room.

Y/n: What would you say about us having dinner together this weekend?
Arizona: As in a date?
Y/n: Yes, as in a date. I already asked your parents if they could watch Rosey and Timothy.  
Arizona: You know I can't say no to that. I would love going on a date with my beautiful wife.
Timothy: Mommy, I can't sleep.
Y/n: Oh come here little man.
Arizona: Oh Timmy, why couldn't you sleep?
Timothy: I had a nightmare.
Y/n: Lets sit between me and mama. What was the nightmare about?
Timothy: The car crashed and you weren't there.
Arizona: We are here now, so we can cuddle you.
Timothy: Me love cuddles. And your kisses.
Y/n: Then we will kiss you a lot.
Arizona: Do you want to watch an episode of Spongebob?
Timothy: Yes! I love him and Patrick.
Y/n: We also have a little surprise for you and your sister.
Arizona: Yes, you will have a sleepover with your grandparents this weekend.
Timothy: Yay, fun time and lots of food.
Y/n: They always spoil you both a lot. They've probably bought new clothes and toys.

The weekend
Arizona: This dinner was amazing. This was much needed.
Y/n: The view the restaurant had was so beautiful. Oh and the food was magnificent.
Arizona: You picked the perfect place. It was so fancy and lovely.
Y/n: I'm glad they had a free spot tonight.
Arizona: Uhm so there are no kids in the house tonight.
Y/n: I just saw that. Maybe the two of us could have some fun aswel.
Arizona: I think mrs. Sloan-Robbins that you just read my mind.
Y/n: Follow me upstairs mrs. Sloan-Robbins, I will lead the way.
Arizona: Oh I love you so much y/n.
Y/n: I love you too Zona.

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