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Maya: Hello lovely people.
Y/n: Hey Maya, it's good to see you.
Arizona: How was your day?
Maya: A kid got stuck in a swing and a fire at a foodtruck. Nothing big I guess.
Y/n: Wait. How can you get stuck in a swing?
Maya: I don't know how, but he got stuck with both his legs.
Carina: Oh hey bambina. Are you ready for the best weekend ever?
Maya: I've been looking forward all week. I love this little man so much and can't wait taking him to the park.
Carina: And playing with his new train. I got everything already in the car. They gave the bags to me this morning.
Arizona: New train? I don't remember getting him a new train.
Maya: You don't remember, because we just bought it to give it to him.
Carina: It's a wooden train set. So he needs to build the track and then with two trains he can play along the track.
Y/n: Oh he will love that a lot. Thank you girls so much.
Arizona: Yes, that's really sweet. Now be good Timmy to your aunties, we love you so much.
Y/n: And we will miss you a lot. I love you Timothy. We will see you after the weekend.
Carina: Now go before you take him back. We also want to spend time with our favorite boy.
Y/n: Okay, you're right. Lets go Zona. I will take you to a special place.

You got home to get your bags and change into another outfit. You got in the car and started driving to your destination. When you got there you blindfolded Arizona and walked towards the place you will be staying. Out in nature, Arizona is walking blindfolded while you held her hand tight in yours,  fingers intertwined. Arizona is trying to have a good attitude, but she hates camping and the blindfolding isn't helping. She tries to peek, but you made sure she couldn't. You were so excited when you stopped walking to take off  the blindfold to reveal you were at Derek's trailer. Arizona was not impressed as you were really going to be camping. She tried to act cheerful because you were so excited. When getting inside Arizona looked around the trailer, while you could see she looked amazed. You had decorated it romantically with lights and candles all over the place.

Y/n: We are not really camping Zona. Of course I know you hate camping. 
Arizona: So what will we do out here in the woods in a trailer?
Y/n:  It's almost camping, but look at that. There's a huge bed and lingerie.

You said the last sentence while unzipping Arizona's coat.

Y/n: And nobody's around for miles.

After the weekend.
Jo: Hey y/n, how was the trip?
Y/n: Good. Very good actually. We had lots of fun.
Jo: That's good to hear. What did you all do?
Y/n: Picknicks, walking around the forest, cycling and lots of cuddle time.
Jo: Oh I see. That's why Arizona's smile was so big this morning.
Y/n: Stop it Jo. I'm glad we are back home. We had fun, but we both missed Timothy a lot. We came in early to see him at daycare.
Jo: I see, lots of cuddles this morning with the big man.
Y/n: Yes, he didn't wanted to let go of Arizona this morning. He missed us too I think.
Jo: Of course he missed you both. You are the best moms someone could ask for.
Y/n: Thanks Jo, but everyone has their talents for being a mom. You would be an amazing one some day Jo.
Jo: Maybe, we haven't talked about kids before.
Y/n: Maybe just talk to Karev about it. You would both be great parents.
Jo: Oh did you hear about the game?
Y/n: What game? What are you talking about?
Jo: There will be a baseball game between us and Seattle Press.
Y/n: Sounds fun, I love baseball.
Arizona: Hello ladies. Dr. Sloan, can you come with me to assist?
Y/n: Sure. I will see you later Jo.
Arizona: It's a simple surgery, but Karev is stuck in another surgery and he can't make it. Here is all the information you need to know.
Y/n: I will read it and meet you in 30 minutes in the scrub room.
Arizona: But first I need a kiss. I loved this weekend, but I'm glad we are reunited with Timothy.
Y/n: Me too, seeing him so happy this morning melted my heart.
Arizona: He was so cute and didn't wanted to let go of me.
Y/n: I understand him, I wouldn't have let go of you either.

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