Slipping through my fingers

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Arizona: Are you ready? Are you really sure they can come in?
Y/n: Yes, they can come in. Actually, I think it will make me feel better. They were probably scared when they heard the news.
Arizona: I called my parents and they told Timothy and Rosey. My mom said they only kept asking if we going to be okay and if their sister is fine. That's what they worried about.
Y/n: I'm glad they had your parents to tell them the news. How are your parents?
Arizona: They were shocked and worried. Right now, they are relieved you and our little baby girl are going to be all okay.
Y/n: I have to ask. How are you Arizona?
Arizona: I'm fine.
Y/n: Arizona, I know you. This has been hell for you. All these hours you were not sure about what was going on and how this would end.
Arizona: That both of you are going to be okay is all that matters to me. I will be fine and my focus is that you and cookie will be healthy.
Y/n: Cookie? I think we need to give her a name. What do you think?
Arizona: I don't know. I want the name of our girl to be meaningful. She is a miracle and such a strong girl, she deserves a name that tells everyone that.
Y/n: I've read something when we were on holiday with all the others and it was about baby names. One name kept spinning around in my head.
Arizona: What name is on your mind?
Y/n: What would you say about Lucy? Lucy Sloan-Robbins? Lucy means light in Latin.
Arizona: That's beautiful. If you don't mind, I like to add something to it.
Y/n: Lets hear it babe.
Arizona: What would you say about Lucy Hope Sloan-Robbins?
Y/n: It's a perfect name. I'm glad Alex and you made it happen for our baby girl to be here in my room.
Arizona: She needs her mommy as much as you need her.
Y/n: Looking at her, the name fits her perfectly.

There was a knock at the door and Arizona opened it and soon her father walked in.

Daniel: Hello there. It's good to see you smiling y/n. You got me worried sick when my daughter called us.
Y/n: I'm so sorry Daniel. But here I'am, all good and recovering from the crash. Where are the kids and Barbara?
Daniel: They are waiting down the hall. I wanted to see you first and ask if they can come in. Rosey and Timmy are a little scared to come and see you.
Arizona: I will go and see them and make sure they won't be scared. I will be right back, dad will you stay with y/n?
Daniel: Of course. I will stay here to keep y/n compony and watch my new granddaughter.
Arizona: I will be right back. I love you.

Arizona kissed your cheek before walking out the room to see the kids and her mom.

Daniel: So tell me y/n. How are you really feeling? It's a lot you've been through.
Y/n: I'm fine. I will be back on my feet soon hopefully. I have to, for Timothy, Rosey and our new miracle.
Daniel: Just take it easy. Don't rush into things. I want my daughter and grandchildren to spend as much time with you as possible.
Y/n: I know Daniel. That's what matters to me most. I will try not to be in this position once again. I've put them through enough already.
Daniel: It's not your fault y/n. I just wished we hadn't got to meet like this. I prefer seeing each other having some wine and eat great dinners.
Y/n: I prefer that aswel. Lets make sure we have a wonderful dinner soon.
Timothy: Mommy? Can we come in?
Y/n: Of course Timmy. I love to see the two of you. That makes me feel even better.
Arizona: But you know to be very gentle with mommy.
Rosey: How is my sister? Can we see her aswel?
Arizona: Come here girlie. Look this is your sister.
Rosey: She is smaller than my dolls. Is she okay?
Arizona: She needs some support in the beginning to help her grow more. She was born a little early.
Rosey: Will sissy be a big girl like me?
Arizona: She will Rosey. Right now we just need to help her a little.
Timothy: She looks so tiny. Is she hurt?
Y/n: No baby. She doing great, but needs to stay in there to get stronger.   
Timothy: Are you okay mommy?
Y/n: I'm okay, I'm feeling just tired and have some scars, but they will fade away in some time.
Rosey: Can we give you a cuddle? I don't want to hurt you.
Y/n: There's nothing I want more than one of your best cuddles. I would love to get one from you too Timmy.
Timothy: I'm so happy to see you again. I was so scared when Grandma told us about the car crash. We were in one with the crazy lady and I know that it's scary.
Y/n: It is, but I'm here with my little family and that's all I need. I'm happy to be here having you around.
Arizona: And were are happy to have you with us.
Rosey: What does that sound mean mama? Also there's the light going on and off at the computer.
Arizona: It's nothing to worry about. It's just a sign that girlie wants to see uncle Alex. He will change that bag to give her new fluids.
Barbara: Has this little angel a name besides cookie and girlie?  
Y/n: She has a beautiful name that fits her perfectly.
Arizona: Timothy, Rosey, meet your sister; Lucy Hope Sloan-Robbins.

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