I don't want to lose you

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A/n: This chapter can be hard for people.

Y/n: What did you ask me?
Arizona: Do you want to get married at some point?
Y/n: Depends on who I will marry.
Arizona: Lets say if you could marry me. Would you say yes if I asked you to marry me?
Y/n: I would say that I would love to marry  you at some point. You would definitely be the most beautiful bride ever. I love you so much Zona. I can definitely see myself getting old with you by my side. 
Arizona: I love you so freaking much y/n.

Arizona pulled you in for a passionate kiss which lasted longer than ever. You pulled away, but decide to give her another long and deep kiss. You unlocked your lips and looked deep into her beautiful ocean blue eyes. She rested her head on your shoulder and together you watched the whole fireworks show.

Arizona: This is by far my best new years eve ever, because I'm at this special place with you, y/n Sloan, my amazing, sweet and loving girlfriend.
Y/n: This will be a great trip. I feel very lucky right now. This is a moment I will never forget.

It's been a few months and you and Arizona were in an amazing place with your relationship. Nothing major happened happened at the hospital, which is a rare thing. They say, these were normal months working in a hospital. Amelia is doing really well in rehab and Sloan got a baby boy two weeks ago. Mark will at least stay in LA for two more months to help her out. Can you believe it? Mark as a father and grandpa? You and Arizona are better then ever and are becoming a great team at work too. Tomorrow you will have your intern exam and that will mean you hopefully survived your first year.

April: Incoming trauma. Accident while working, probably something got into his abdomen. Y/n, your on it!
Y/n: Okay dr. Kepner.
April: Make sure there is enough O-negative.

You were in the OR working on the patient. He was bleeding a lot and it was coming fast. You decided to stick your hand inside the patient to stop the bleeding. At the same moment people where asked to leave the hospital and some parts were evacuated. Dr. Bailey walked around to make sure everyone stayed calm and informed all the doctors.

Arizona: Why do we have to leave the OR?
Miranda: There is a bomb in my hospital.
Arizona: A bomb, how? Where?
Miranda: There's a bomb inside the abdomen of a patient. They are working on the patient in OR 3, that's why all the other OR's need to evacuate right now.
Arizona: Give us 5 minutes. We were already closing him up.
Miranda: After you informed the parents, can you come and find me please?
Arizona: Uhm okay, why?
Miranda: We have to discuss something important.

At the same moment
Y/n: This is bad, really bad. Oh and thanks guys for leaving me here all on my own!

Bailey's pov
Miranda: Have a seat.
Arizona: What is it? I want to see y/n. I have to see if she's okay.
Miranda: This is about y/n.
Arizona: Bailey, you're scaring me. Where is she?
Miranda: Y/n was working on the patient with the bomb.
Arizona: She was probably scared when she heard about it. Where is she now?
Miranda: I'm trying to tell you that y/n is still in that OR. Her hand is inside the patient stopping a bleeder and she is probably also holding the bomb in place. If she let go the bomb will probably go off and the patient will die.
Arizona: No, no, no, no Bailey! Who is with her?
Miranda: No one is there. The bomb squad arrived 20 minutes ago and are now making a plan to get the bomb safely out of here.
Arizona: And to make sure y/n is safe I hope?!?
Miranda: Arizona listen to me. The whole floor could explode with all floors above it. The priority is the bomb right now.
Arizona: So you don't care about y/n?
Miranda: That's not what I'm saying.
Arizona: It is! I'm going to her. I need to see her and she needs to know that I will get her out of this.
Miranda: No, you will not go to her. Do you hear me!
Arizona: And did you hear me?!? That's my girlfriend in there. I love her. I will marry that girl!
Miranda: I know, but let the bomb squad do their job. That's our best chance.

At that moment there was a big explosion. The whole hospital shook and you could feel the vibration.

Arizona: That was the bomb. Nooooo!

Arizona left the office and ran toward the OR. She was stopped by Meredith who was standing in the hall.

Meredith: Arizona stop! You can't go down there.
Arizona: I have to. Y/n is there. I need to know how she is.
Meredith: There was a bomb and it exploded. Maybe she is...
Arizona: You better stop talking. If she was near it we better run to see if she needs help.
Meredith: Arizona you know that if we go down there right now it will be very dangerous.
Arizona: So we let y/n all on her own. Not knowing if she's hurt?
Miranda: The bomb squad is there and if y/n is there they will get to her.
Arizona: Sorry but it exploded, no one said it, but she could be dead.
Miranda: Arizona we need you to calm down. You wont help anyone with this.
Arizona: I could possibly help y/n, but no one cares apparently.
Miranda: We do care, but it is to dangerous.  We need to wait, that's all we can do right now.

Derek walked over and looked around to see if everyone was there.

Derek: Where is she? Someone tell me where she is! Where is y/n?!?
Arizona: We don't know Derek, no one lets me go down there to see if she's there or if she's hurt or...
Derek: So she could be dead and we are standing here?!? Doing absolutely nothing!
Arizona: What if she needs us? Please let me go and find her.
Derek: I don't care. I'm going looking for her.
Arizona: I'm coming with you. I need to find y/n.

The both ran down the havoc and looked everywhere for you.

Arizona: Y/n!!! Derek, she is laying there on the ground in the hallway. Look!
Derek: We need to get her out of here as fast as we can. Go to her and I will figure out how to get her out of here. I will look for a gurney and call Bailey.
Arizona: Be fast Derek! Y/n, please can you hear me?!?

They finally got you out of there and you were now brought to a safer place where they could check you. You lost some blood and were unconscious, but still had a heartbeat. While checking you, you were slowing coming around. The doctors left the room and after some minutes you slowly opened your eyes.

Y/n: Arizona?
Arizona: I'm right here. I'm not leaving you.
Y/n: I was so scared. Scared to never see your face again.
Arizona: Gladly nothing is to bad. Just a small concussion and a cut on your head. You will be just fine and I will help you with everything you need.
Y/n: That's good news. How are the men of the bomb squad?
Arizona: Unfortunately they didn't make it.
Y/n: Oh no. Any others that got hurt?
Arizona: No, you probably saved a lot of people.
Y/n: How is the patient who had the bomb inside of him?
Arizona: He survived it and you saved him. Most importantly you are here with me. I thought I had lost you.
Y/n: You don't get rid of me that easily.
Arizona: I love you so much.
Y/n: I love you too. Come get in bed with me.
Arizona: I will never say no to that.
Y/n: You are the best.

Arizona kissed the top of your head and snuggled more into you. As you were laying there together someone knocked on the door.

Miranda: Sorry, hey it's really good to see you y/n.
Arizona: Don't act like this. You would have let her die. You just let her all on her own.
Miranda: It was dangerous for anyone to go down there.
Y/n: Arizona, it is okay. I understand it dr. Bailey. I was very lucky I guess.
Miranda: You can do the intern exam at a later time.
Y/n: No, I will take the exam tomorrow if that's possible.
Arizona: You have to stay in bed. You are not going anywhere. And don't try to argue with me.
Miranda: I will make sure you can take the test in here.
Y/n: Thank you so much dr. Bailey.

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