The one that I want

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A/n: I hope you all had some great Christmas days. Here is the next chapter. Stay safe and be healthy💕.

Mark: You better be nice to her Callie. Y/n I'm in that patient room if you need me.
Y/n: So what is it?
Callie: I have to make a confession. I have to come clean.
Y/n: Okay, I'm listening. What is it?
Callie: So you know that they arrested a drunk driver on the night you got your accident? That he was the reason you crashed?
Y/n: Uhm yes. What is it with him?

Arizona came to see you, because she wanted to ask you to go on another date soon. She saw you with Callie and decided to have a look what was going on.

Arizona: Hey y/n! Callie... What is going on here?
Y/n: She wanted to make a confession about the night that I was hit by a drunk driver.
Arizona: Lets hear it. I'm curious what it is.
Callie: So they arrested him, but he was not involved in the accident actually. They thought he was, but it was me. I hit you with a car.
Arizona: You said what?!?
Y/n: Sorry, I don't follow it. You were the reason I crashed that night?
Callie: I saw you driving out of the street when I left work. I was so angry about you stealing the women I want, so I followed you and when I saw the opportunity I drove into you. I hit you with my car, that's why you crashed.
Arizona: You are out of your mind!
Y/n: I could have died!
Callie: I know and I'm sorry, but I was so angry. Their was a drunk driver that hit you after you stopped spinning, so it looked like it was his fault. I drove away when I saw the police coming and dumped my car. Everything come back to the drunk person in that car, nothing was pointing in my direction and no one else was there who saw it all happen.
Arizona: You better shut your mouth. I'm so close to killing you right now.
Y/n: Don't Arizona, I'm so done with her. She doesn't deserve any attention, lets go. Oh and by the way I will call the police, so make sure you are ready to get picked up by them at the end of the day.

You walked away and took a seat at the nurses station. Arizona followed you and sat next to you.*

Arizona: Hey, you okay?
Y/n: No, I'm not okay, I'm freaking out at the moment. Page Mark please. I'm starting to have a panic attack again.
Arizona: I paged him, lets get you to an on call room. Come on grab my arm and I will support you.
Y/n: It's hard to breath. I c-can't breath.
Arizona: Try to slow your breathing down. Breath with me y/n. Listen to me. Listen to my heartbeat and follow my breath. So into your nose and out of your mouth.
Y/n: I-I can't. She tried to kill me. I'm scared. S-she did this.

Mark stormed into the room and looked worried when he saw you like that and Arizona holding you tight.

Mark: What is going on? Arizona?
Arizona: She is having a panic attack. Something happened with Callie.
Mark: Breath with us. Calm down. Y/n, you have to calm down and breath with us.
Arizona: There's one more thing I can do to help.

She pulled your head in with her hands around your face and pushed her lips against yours. She kissed you long and hard, but pulled away after a minute, still looking into your eyes.

Y/n: It worked again. Thank you Arizona.
Mark: Why did you had a panic attack? What caused you having a panic attack like this? I haven't seen this happening dor such a long time.
Y/n: Callie told me something you won't believe.
Arizona: Mark, you will never believe what she said.
Y/n: I wasn't hit by a drunk driver. He wasn't involved in my accident.
Mark: What do you mean y/n?
Arizona: That drunk driver that the police arrested, wasn't involved in the accident at all. He was just there.
Y/n: It was Callie.
Mark: What do you mean? Was Callie there? Did she saw something?
Arizona: She was the driver that hit y/n. Callie has hit y/n.
Mark: Are you kidding me?!? I will find her and kill her myself. I never thought she would do something like that. She was my best friend.
Y/n: Calm down tiger, we won't kill her. At lunchtime I will call the police and explain everything. They will handle it, I don't want to do anything with her and you both will not do anything either.
Mark: Okay, but I can't promise I will tell her something when I see her.
Y/n: That's okay.
Mark: We will have a surgery after lunch so prepare for it. I can't wait to be in the OR with my sis. See you later. Thank you Arizona for taking care of my sister.

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