Don't panic

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Y/n: Uhm I have to go.
Arizona: Y/n, wait. I'm sorry. I shouldn't had done that.

You walked out of the bathroom and went to get your coat when Jo tapped your shoulder.

Jo: Where are you going y/n?
Y/n: Home. I don't feel that well. I think I need to get some sleep.
Jo: Okay get some sleep and hopefully it will all be good tomorrow.
Y/n: I hope so, bye. See you maybe tomorrow.

When you walked out the door Mark walked up to Jo, who was standing there with a confused face.

Mark: Where is my sister going?
Jo: Home, she didn't feel well at the moment.
Mark: Oh strange, she's never sick. I will call her later. Enjoy your night.

Jo walked back to the other interns. Arizona walked out of the bathroom and towards Mark and the others.

Arizona: Mark, where is y/n?
Mark: She went home, Jo said she felt a little sick.
Arizona: Oh. That's weird. I should go home soon. I have an early surgery tomorrow.

It was the next day and Arizona was looking for you, but she couldn't find you anywhere. She saw April in the ER and walked towards her.

Arizona: Hey April, where's y/n? I haven't seen her and I need to speak to her.
April: She isn't here, because she's sick at home. She called in sick this morning.
Arizona: Really? She went home early yesterday when we were having drinks, because she wasn't feeling well.
April: She will be fine Arizona. So how went your surgery?
Arizona: Good. Nothing special about. Thank you, I will see you later April.
April: Okay bye.

Arizona looked for Mark to ask him if he talked to you this morning. She found him in the attending's lounge drinking coffee.

Mark: Hey Arizona, you look like you've been running around.
Arizona: Oh I just looked everywhere for you.
Mark: What can I help you with?
Arizona: Your sister. Have you spoken to her? She is sick at home and I was wondering how she is.
Mark: I talked to her this morning and she's not feeling well, but nothing to worry about.
Arizona: So we haven't shared our numbers. Can you give me her number? I want to ask if I can do anything for her.
Mark: I will send you it. Want to have lunch later?
Arizona: I have some more consults, I will see if I can make it to lunch.

After that Arizona went to her office and texted you immediately.

Unknown: Hey y/n, it's Arizona. Mark gave me your number, I hope that's not a problem. How are you feeling? I heard you are sick. Is it about what happened yesterday, because I'm so sorry for what I did.

Arizona: Please let me know if you're okay or if I can do something. Maybe we can talk later? I'm so so sorry.

Arizona: It shouldn't had happened. I don't know what I was thinking. Please answer me y/n.

Y/n: I'm fine, don't worry.

Arizona: Can we please talk?

Y/n: I said it's fine. Nothing to talk about. See you at work.

Arizona: Are you mad at me?

You read her text, but didn't answer it.

Two weeks later you were back at work and April was going home, but saw Arizona sitting in the attending's lounge with her head in her hands.

April: Hey Arizona, what is it? Why do you look like that?
Arizona: I'm scared April. I did something really stupid.
April: Uhm okay tell me. What is it?
Arizona: I think I know why I didn't wanted to go on a date with Callie.
April: Why? You can tell me. We are best friends.
Arizona: First, I don't like Callie at all in that way. Second reason is, I think I like y/n.
April: What? You like y/n?!?
Arizona: Shut it will you. No one can know this.
April: Okay, but why are you scared?
Arizona: I messed everything up, like I always do.
April: You didn't mess anything up.
Arizona: I did April. I kissed y/n. She doesn't want to talk to me and she isn't even looking at me. She has avoiding me at all costs the last two weeks.
April: When did you kiss her?
Arizona: That night when almost everyone was at Joe's. The next day she called in sick.
April: Oh I remember that. So what are you going to do?
Arizona: I don't know what to do. She is on my service this week and I have no idea what she thinks or will do. What have I done?
April: Arizona, listen to me. You are amazing and you will know what to do when you see her. Let her come to you, don't push her. Oh and you can't choose who you like or fall in love with. It just happens sometimes.
Arizona: Thank you April. Will you keep this a secret please?
April: I will. Now I have to go back to work. I just got paged. See you later and good luck.

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