The A team

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Timothy: Mama, I want to stay with you and mommy.
Arizona: You know you can't stay with us. We need to go to work today.
Timothy: But I missed you so much this weekend.
Arizona: I know you did and we missed you too, but mommy organized a special weekend.
Timothy: Why did mommy do that?
Arizona: Two days ago, me and mommy were together for 10 years. So mommy wanted to celebrate that.
Timothy: What did mommy do?
Arizona: I will show you some pictures. Look at this, mommy arranged a ride in a hot air balloon.
Timothy: It's so big! Did you go into the clouds?
Arizona: We could almost touch the clouds. It was magical. How was it with grandpa and grandma?
Timothy: So much fun. We went to the beach and to the park. I got a new bike and Rosey got a princes castle.
Arizona: That's cool. Tonight you can show us how good the bike is.
Y/n: We are here, sorry it took us some time. Rosey changed clothes three times.
Rosey: Sorry mama, I couldn't choose. Now I have my favorite dress.
Arizona: You are so beautiful baby girl.
Rosey: Can we go to daycare? I want to show everyone my dress.
Y/n: We will go, but first we will bring Timothy to school.
Timothy: Will I see aunt April and uncle Jackson?
Arizona: Yes, they will bring their kids to school aswel.

You brought Timothy to school and Rosey to daycare and were now on your way to change into your scrubs. You got to the conference room where Jackson had an announcement.

Jackson: Thank you all for being here. I will keep it short, so we can all go back to work.
Arizona: Do you have any idea what this is all about?
Y/n: Nope, I have no idea. So we still do the surgery together later?
Arizona: Yes, it will be difficult to remove the tumor from twin A and work on the kidney from twin B.
Y/n: It is difficult, but we can do this and Alex will be there to monitor the babies and in the worst case scenario we have to get them out, he is there to take care of one of the twins.
Jackson: The foundation decided to organize her own contest in this hospital.
Amelia: What do you mean exactly?
Jackson: Every doctor in this hospital can write a proposal for a project and the further you get in this contest, the more money you will receive.
Amelia: So it's like the Harper Avery?
Jackson: No, it's not, because we will choose the winner by ourselves.
Amelia: I'm kinda lost right now.
Jackson: So from the foundation there will be five doctors, who will look at the proposals. That's like the first round.
Carina: So what happens then?
Jackson: Then you will start your project and the first results will go to the same doctors. 5 projects will go through to the next round.
Arizona: And you said something about getting money?
Jackson: So everyone who writes a proposal that will go to the next round will receive 10.000 dollars.
Carina: If I understand it, 10 people will get the money to make the project work like a fase 1?
Jackson: Yes, and the 5 project that go through from them will get 100.000 dollars extra. Then there will be three projects picked from five by us, the other doctors from the hospital.
April: And they get more money?
Jackson: Yes, those three will get 1 million dollars.
Amelia: That sounds more like it.
Jackson: Then the winner will be picked from those three and we decide the winner for 50% and the doctors from the first rounds will decide for 50%.
Y/n: Uhm okay, I think I get it. So let the best idea win.

It was now time for lunch and you were sat with Carina and Arizona.

Carina: So are you going to write a proposal?
Y/n: I'm not sure. I don't have an idea what my project would be.
Arizona: I don't have an idea aswel. Maybe we will come up with something later. Do you have an idea?
Carina: I don't have time to write a proposal. You never know when a mom is in labour.
Arizona: I get that. Maybe something will pop up in your mind soon. You can at least try.
Carina: Oh I just got paged. I will help bringing a new girl into this world.
Arizona: Good luck and we will see each other later.
Y/n: Any good cases you have later this week?
Arizona: Nope, it's not an exciting week except for today with the twins.
Y/n: You never know what happens next. I will only remove an appendix tomorrow and that's like the most exciting thing later this week.
Arizona: I will come and watch my beautiful wife be an amazing surgeon.
Y/n: It always feels so good having you around, then I perform at my best.
Arizona: That's exactly the same for me. We make each other better. We are a dream team.
Y/n: I just got the best idea. I think I know what I want to do for the contest.
Arizona: Okay, are you going to tell me what this idea is?
Y/n: Since we are in fetal surgery we've seen a lot of women have complications during their pregnancy and during birth. I want to find a way how we can help them or prevent complications like that.
Arizona: That sounds like a really good idea. How do you think you will make this work?
Y/n: That's something I need to think off.
Arizona: Uhm okay.
Y/n: Hey, what just happened?
Arizona: Nothing, why?
Y/n: Your mood just changed all of a sudden. Did I do something?
Arizona: No, I just said okay. That's all.
Y/n: It's not just okay. It's the way you said it, like you were upset.
Arizona: I hoped you would say something else, but believe me when I say it's okay. Leave it please.
Y/n: What did you think I would say?
Arizona: Can we just enjoy lunch together?
Y/n: No, not like this. Will you please tell me what is going on and what you want. You are clearly upset about something I said or did.
Arizona: I just hoped you would ask me to help you with your proposal and this project.
Y/n: Ask you? Now I'm really confused.
Arizona: Ask me to be your parter for the contest. Like we could do this together.
Y/n: I didn't knew I needed to ask you. I just thought we automatically would be a team in this. We are always a team, I didn't know I needed to ask you, because you had not an idea for this contest.
Arizona: You're so cute. I love you.
Y/n: Now I'm confused again, but I love you too Zona.
Arizona: Just that you already wanted to work with me on this project.
Y/n: Of course I want that. You are the best and I love working with my loving wife. I love when we come up with things together.
Arizona: So we will be a team in this?
Y/n: The dreamteam. There's no one else I would love to do this with.
Arizona: Shall we start researching later this week?
Y/n: Sounds good to me partner.
Arizona: This will be amazing. We get to spend more time working together.
Y/n: We spend so much time together and you want even more time together?
Arizona: If I could I would spend every minute with you, Timothy and Rosey.

Arizona: Timothy will you please get ready for bed?
Timothy: No! I want to see mommy first.
Arizona: I don't know exactly when she comes home.
Rosey: Mommy promised to read a story.
Arizona: I know baby, but when she comes home, she will give you a kiss.
Rosey: No kiss, I want a story!
Timothy: I want to see mommy. She always cuddles me before I sleep. Then I sleep better.
Arizona: I know that Timmy. I sleep better aswel after a cuddle from y/n.
Y/n: Then I should give you my best cuddle.
Rosey: Mommy! I want a story.
Y/n: I will read you a story. What about Beauty and the beast?
Rosey: My favorite. I love that so much.
Arizona: I know you do. I will come with you, because I want to hear mommy read it aswel.
Timothy: Me too and then cuddles. I love you.
Y/n: I love you too big man. I love you aswel Rosey.
Rosey: Love you so so much mommy. You're the best story reader.
Y/n: Thank you girly. Ready to go upstairs?
Arizona: Can I get a kiss first?
Y/n: You know you don't have to ask that.

You walked to Arizona and pulled her by her jacket and gave her an passionate kiss. You pulled away and stayed in a long hug.

Timothy: You always kiss. Why do you kiss so much?
Arizona: Because I love your mommy so much. We love each other a lot and are married, that's why people kiss that much.
Timothy: So when you kiss us, you say you love us?
Y/n: Yes and with each kiss we give you both  we love you more than the last kiss we gave you.
Rosey: I want to kiss you, then you know I love you.
Arizona: We know you love us sweet girl. Come on, lets go to bed and hear about Beauty and the beast.

You were now in bed together with Arizona after reading the story and putting the kids to bed.

Y/n: I'm so excited to start with our project. Are you?

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