Lu Bowen's worry

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''Hmm,'' His deep voice made a sound of acknowledgment.

''H—How are you?'' I wanted to ask how he got my number but felt the question was somehow stupid.

His company's status is comparable to mine, so getting my personal number with money and connections should be easy for him.

''I am well, Lihua,'' His voice felt like he was smiling.

''Umm,'' I answered as my lips could not stop moving upward.

''I wanted to stop by your office earlier in the day, but your brother's appearance to mine prevented me from coming,'' He said.

My smile stiffened at his words, and I felt the punishment I gave to Lin Biao was not enough.

''I am sorry about him,'' I apologized.

''As I said, he is your brother, so do not apologize, Lihua.'' He added, ''Besides, I did have expectations for him to come to my office.''

''You did?'' My eyebrows went up at his statement.

''Yes, I did. Your brother did show hostility to me during my last visit, and I was expecting him to come to my office if he knew about the little situation,''

''Oh,'' I could not say anything after I recalled his last visit.

'When he kissed my cheeks,' I could feel my cheeks getting hot as I looked back on that day.

''Yes, I also hugged you, but your brother chased me out of your house,'' He uttered suddenly.

''Huh?'' I could not believe what I heard.

''You said when I kissed your cheeks, and I am just completing what you wanted to say.'' His voice seemed to be teasing.

''I said that aloud?'' I whispered, shocked.

''Yes, you did,'' He replied with a little laugh.

I couldn't say anything as the shades on my cheeks became deeper.

''It's lovely to hear your voice. I thought you wouldn't talk to me when the problem is from my office.'' His voice sounded sad as he spoke about the trending situation.

''It's okay, and it is not your fault,'' I told him.

It really was not his fault. He couldn't predict that Jing Hebe would do something like this.

''Yes, it is. I wanted to fire the actress immediately, but I could not do that without a good reason.'' He seemed to be angry through his voice.

''And you might have already known, but that actress is with your branch family, and I thought you would want to deal with them without my help,'' He added.

My heart fluttered at his words. Somehow, I felt this was how our marriage would be, talking to each other about issues and solving them together. 

''Thank you for telling me without doing anything yet,'' I grinned happily.

''But if I feel the situation is out of hand, I would step up and deal with them my way, Lihua. Always remember that you have me as your fiancé and future husband,'' Lu Bowen said in a grave tone.

''Yes, Bowen,'' I nodded even though he could not see my action.

''Are you at home?'' He asked.

''Yes, I was just about to eat with Lin Fenhua and BiaoBaio,'' I answered before looking at the door.

''oh, I am sorry to disturb your time with your family,'' He expressed apologetically.

''No, it's okay, I actually had it mind to call you about the situation, but it seems we were thinking of the same thing,'' I said with a small smile.

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