The Hospital (1)

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''After our lovely Lily actress, this Lin President is taking her anger on a female worker. How disgusting!''

''Some people should not feel entitled to everything because they have money and status,''

''I wonder why they did not show her face. It would be nice to see if she is comparable to a strand of hair on our Lily actress,''

''She must be ugly then,''

''Why does she control a famous company like that? It must be a hand-me-down from her parents.''

''Our pitiful lily actress has suffered,''

''Yes, our tulip actress has also suffered,''

''Why is she related to our beautiful Jiali?! So infuriating,''



''Perfect,'' Jing Hebe whispered as she could not stop her grin from becoming wider while looking at the comments on her phone.

Her fingers continued to swipe the screen as she recalled how she got that actress to do her bidding with a chuckle.

''I can not believe you would seriously injure your ankle,'' Lin Jiali snorted as Jing Hebe relaxed on the hospital bed with a bandaged foot.

''Well, to achieve our goals, we must make sacrifices,'' Jing innocently smiled, ''I am happy that my dear Jiali is worried about me.''

Lin Jiali looked at the smiling Jing Hebe, temporarily before turning her back, ''I will get the nurse to change your bandage.''

She left Jing Hebe's hospital ward.

''I made the right decision to watch her,'' Lin Jiali murmured, passing different nurses and patients on her way to the reception.

Jing Hebe looked at the space Lin Jiali stood before her smile turned down. ''I wonder when she will stop being suspicious.''

''It's tiring to be behaving harmless in front of someone stupid like her,'' She sighed before moving her gaze to her bandaged foot.

''Yeah, We have to make sacrifices for our goal,'' She mumbled as her eyes glinted with determination. ''I have to make sacrifices for my goal.''



Jing Hebe's fierce eyes turned innocent like a switch, and she answered with her usual sweet voice, ''Please come in.''

The closed door opened and a lady entered the hospital ward before shutting the door.

''Miss Jing, How is your foot?'' The lady looked sad for Jing Hebe.

''You must be Ying Yue, right?'' Jing Hebe sounded uncertain about the lady's identity, but inwardly she knew the lady. 

The lady called Ying Yue looked surprised that a famous actress would remember her name.

''Y-Yes,'' She answered, shocked before asking shyly, ''H-How did y-you know me?

''Why won't I know the friend of my dear Jiali? She usually talk about other actresses, and she did mention how a girl named Ying Yue who is talented but works hard to satisfy her needs.'' Jing Hebe said with a pure smile. ''She asks me sometimes about gifts to give you, but she has not concluded yet.''

Jing Hebe almost wanted to laugh at the teary looking and touched Ying Yue.

'Fool.' She insulted Ying Yue in her thoughts.

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