Lin Fenhua's worry

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''Sis...'' Lin Biao's teary blue eyes stared at mine with droopy shoulders and timid fumbling of his fingers, looking pitiful.

''That's not going to work.'' I did not budge and continued, ''Your punishment will continue for a month, Lin Biao.''

He did not look shocked by my words and stood upright.

''Sorry for making you worry,'' He mumbled, facing downward.

I looked at my brother momentarily before sighing.

''You truly know how to make your sister worried,'' I closed the gap between us, and my arms went around his neck before pulling him close.

''Don't ever do that again,'' I whispered while hugging him tightly.

''Hmm,'' His hands went around me, and his chin hooked my shoulder.

'When did you get so tall?'

We removed our arms, and I briefly shifted back to look at his face.

It seemed he knew the reason for my amazed expression before his lips went up to a cheeky smile. ''I will be taller than you soon, Sis.''

''Yeah,'' I mirrored his grin.

''I remember when you were so small,'' I murmured with a sad look as I recalled the years of my rebirth. Then, I could not concentrate on anything apart from BiaoBiao, the company, and my engagement. I had to also watch out for the branch family, Jing Hebe and Mu Bochen.

Time does fly fast.

At my sudden thoughts of the past, I said my thoughts aloud, ''I wonder what happened to him?''

I had Han Chi put him under surveillance, but Mu Bochen seemed to have disappeared into thin air, according to his investigation.

The last report about him from Han Chi was he went to a cafe to meet someone and Han Chi could not find the person's identity.

''Him?'' Lin Biao's voice made me focus on him. His lips curled into a frown. ''Do you mean president Lu?"

''Huh?'' I was confused with his words.

''Why aren't you calling him brother-in-law, Lin Biao?'' Lin Fenhua's voice joined in the conversation.

''Eldest brother,'' Lin Biao looked dissatisfied at Lin Fenhua's words.

''Also, are you in the position to talk about your sister's fiance?'' Lin Fenhua stood beside me and said seriously, ''Your sister was worried about you, Lin Biao.''

''You are not a baby who requires instruction on what to do and what not to do.''

I did not stop Lin Fenhua from scolding Lin Biao because we both knew who was more firm in handling Lin Biao.

''If you cannot be responsible at this age, then I do not think Lin Lihua can leave your parents' company that she worked hard to preserve in your hands, Lin Biao,'' Lin Fenhua continued.

Lin Biao did not say a word of protest and took his scolding calmly.

''Look,'' Lin Fenhua sighed, ''I know you don't want Lin Lihua to leave you, but she has to live her life too, Lin Biao.''

''Your sister trusts you enough to know what is right and wrong, so do not disappoint her,'' He went close to Lin Biao and ruffled his hair with a smile.

''Hmm,'' Lin Biao nods his head.

''I might sound harsh for your age, but I do not want you to grow spoiled. Lin Fenhua added before glancing at me, ''Although, thanks to a certain someone, you are becoming quite spoilt, Lin Biao, and as your elder brother and cousin, I won't allow it.'' He spoke firmly.

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