Five Years Later (1)

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''Sis, I don't like those bodyguards who follow me around. It's getting annoying,'' Lin Biao opened the door to Lin Lihua's office in the Lin company.

''I see,'' A blank voice answered in the office behind a desk.

Lin Biao's eyebrows furrowed at her reply before discovering the other people in the office.

He knew immediately that this was Lin Lihua's working voice, as she always smiled around him.

Ignoring the three people in the office, he walked to her desk and took the tablet on it before laying on the couch to play his games.

Lin Lihua glanced at Lin Biao before talking to the people in her office.

''You tried,'' She expressed, sliding the papers with different projects written forward on the table as her assistant held them by his side.

''I hope none of you would like to know what happens if a hundred million dollars rolls away under your noses.'' She added in her usual monologue voice.

The other two people shivered in fear as they couldn't help but avoid this little lady's gaze.

It has been two years since the young heiress of the Lin company took over as the president, and all the employees experienced her iron fist.

Despite being the youngest in the company, they felt she was the oldest as she always looked at them with her impassive gaze.

Many were unsatisfied with the management as they thought she couldn't handle it at a young age, but she proved them all wrong.

The first thing she did was fire employees in the company and arrest the shareholder in the company for embezzlement of money, money laundering in the company, and falsifying information on financial statements.

The way she displayed the pieces of evidence in the company was intimidating.

They remembered it like it was yesterday.

The shareholder Liu Qianfan was arrested in the building as he entered.

Many did not know when the Agency officers entered, but they assumed they were waiting with Lin Lihua.

Shareholder Liu Qiafan was struggling and shouting about why they arrested him.

Lin Lihua came out after the officers. And displayed the evidence in front of his eyes and everyone in the building,

''I had my eyes on you, but I didn't think that you had taken this much from the company, and don't think I don't know who is behind you, but it seems they are smarter than you as they cut their connection with you if anything goes wrong, like presently.''

Many looked at the reaction of Shareholder Liu Qiafan and knew the young heiress was not lying.

As for who was behind the shareholder, they had an idea but did not say anything.

After the officers took the shareholder, Lin Liua turned to everyone, ''If I find a bug or a thief in my company, just pray I do not see you.''

Since then, they knew a she-devil had descended on the company.

Everything in the company she is aware of, and not a single thing escapes her.

As for how she got to the president position at sixteen, they knew it was her hard work, as she had gone through all the departments.

Sometimes the employees don't know what to feel for the girl, either awe, envy, or fear.

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