Chapter 148

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Chris pov...

It was late... Robert had gone home, and ma had gone with him. She was going to stay with them so she was not alone and could spend some time with Storm. I had put our little girl in her crib putting it beside me and Vi who still hadn't woken up. 

I was laying with my head on the bed trying to get some sleep. I was exhausted and although the clinic had brought a bed in i didn't want to leave Vi's side. All of a sudden i felt her move... and i looked up and she opened her eyes... Her beautiful eyes... I stood up and kissed her forehead and she lifted her hand caressing my cheek. "Hey love..." I said tearing up. "Welcome back... You had us scared there for a minute..." I whispered. She gave me a little smile. "Sorry..." She mumbled and i smiled. "It is okay love... everything is okay..." I whispered kissing her and she gave me a little smile. 

"The baby...?" She whispered and i smiled. I picked up our little girl out of her crib and laid her carefully in her arms. "She is perfect... just like her momma..." I said with tears in my eyes and i pushed the button and a nurse appeared. "Welcome back Mrs. Evans..." The nurse said and checked her vitals. "I am going to let the doctor know you are awake..." She said and walked out again. 

The doctor came in and checked her out. I was dreading what was to come knowing she had to stay here, at least for a while. Her previous experiences with hospitals made it that i was preparing for a fight. But to my surprise Vi just gave in... 

On day 3 ma and Storm visited and we introduced them to "Auttum Amora Evans."  Storm was curious but quickly bored with his sister and after visiting for an hour ma took him back home. She had stayed with Robert and Susan for 2 days but was now at our place. The dogs were still at Robert and Susan to not have ma deal with them to. 

On day 3 Susan and Robert stopped by and again we introduced our daughter "Auttum Amora Evans." 

The next few days went by, and the doctors were pleased with her progress and on day 5 she was allowed to go home but on strict bed rest. Vi didn't put up a fight as she was just happy to go home. But to my surprise she was at ease and i was so happy we picked this place. The doctors and nurses were amazing and so sweet and understanding. 

The first two months we stayed in LA... Ma went home 2 weeks after Vi had come home. The day she got to hold Auttum for the first time she had the biggest smile and i had apologized over and over for my behavior in the hospital. She told me she totally understood and that it was okay. 

The biggest surprise was that the press never had gotten wind of the birth... They never figured out she was pregnant. Which to be quite honest was kind of a miracle and we just couldn't stop laughing about it...  After everything that happened with the press them making things up... The one thing that was really going on.... They didn't figure out... 

We flew home to Boston and introduced our little girl to the rest of the family and a few close friends. Slowly but surely Vi got stronger and stronger and whenever i saw her with Storm and or Auttum i couldn't help but smile... My little family... I never knew, you could love so much... 

When Auttum was 4 months old, we made an announcement by posting a picture to Twitter and Instagram and the internet exploded. But we were in our little bubble... not having a care in the world just loving our little family life....  It was peaceful and grounding and i loved every day of it. 

I was out walking the dogs with Storm. I was laughing as he was running around stomping in puddles, followed by the dogs who were joining him. I knew that as soon as i got home, we had to put them all in the shower... I could already see Vi roll her eyes and hear her groan, but Storm was loving it and how could i say no to that. He was squealing jumping up and down looking fascinated to the water drops falling everywhere. 

When i got home i put everyone in the bath and after everyone was clean it was time for dinner. I just smiled and looked around the table. I couldn't be happier my little family... all mine...

The next few months went by, and we had gotten into a routine. Auttum was doing great and so was Storm. He was so fascinated by his sister, and it was so sweet to see the love he had for her. Every night he wanted to kiss her goodnight before he had to go to bed and most nights, he wanted me to read him his bedtime story in her room to a point we had to bring her to his room because getting him to sleep in his own bed was getting to become a struggle. 

A month later i came home and the house was quiet... No dogs and no kids... I walked around and called out for Vi but nothing... But all of a sudden i stopped dead in my tracks...  Vi was standing in the doorway to our bedroom... "Hello sir..." She whispered and i grinned walking over to her... "Hello princess..." I whispered standing in front of her as i let my eyes roam over her body.  

"Where is everyone..." I whispered hovering my lips over hers...  "The kids are with your mom and the dogs are with Cecile..." She whispered "Hmm the house all for ourselves..." I murmured. "Yes sir..." She whispered.  

"Any reason princess...?" I whispered giving her a little smirk. "Yes sir... I think you have a promise to fulfill..." She whispered. I grinned and kissed her hard pushing her into the bedroom closing the door behind me.

"On your knees princess..." I growled. 

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