Chapter 128

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Chris pov...

I am on set and knowing Vi is with Robert today, makes it so i can relax a little bit more. That is until my phone is going off like crazy and i see video and photos of Vi and Robert leaving a restaurant. They get absolutely bombarded and i can feel the anger rise inside of me. The questions they get asked are ridiculous. In the video i see Vi holding on to Storm for dear life while Robert leads her to his car taking Storm from her putting him in the backseat. 

It absolutely angers me the way they treat them. It annoys me that there is nothing i can do about it. I tell myself to talk to Vi tonight about some sort of protection because this will happen every time and i just want her safe. I dont want her to not want to go out and feel locked up in the house.  I needed Vi to understand that we are no longer in Boston and that life here is very different as much as i hate to admit it. 

The rest of the afternoon goes by slow and i can feel myself get more agitated as pictures keep appearing of her and Robert out shopping... I get a text from Vi around 3, saying she is back home with Storm. I let out a sigh of relief and finally i feel my body relax knowing they are safe. I know she was with Robert and was safe but even then... 

When i am finally done for the day i text Vi that i am on my way home. I smile as she texts me back that she is starting dinner. 

I arrive home and get greeted by a smiling and squealing Storm and for the first time today i feel like i can truly breath again. I pick him up and walk to the kitchen were Vi is standing at the counter finishing up dinner. I walk over to her and kiss her, and she smiles at me. "How was work?" 

"Yeah, it was good."  I lie. She shakes her head as she sees right through me. "You were right..." She says blushing. "The paparazzi is absolutely mental over here... So, i made an appointment tonight to go over security for me and Storm.... You know for when we go out."

I look at her in shock. Here i was expecting to have to convince her and she is one step ahead of me. "I asked Robert, and he has set it up for us tonight." She says running her hand through my hair.  I smile and pull her in a passionate kiss. "Thank you..." I whisper. "I have one request though."  She murmurs as i kiss her again. "Anything." I say smiling relieved.  "I want Nick and Leon... if possible."

"I can agree to that." I say smiling. "Now go get showered and ready for dinner" Vi says slapping my ass. I chuckle and put Storm down making my way to the bedroom to get showered and changed. 

After dinner i want to put Storm to bed and i stop dead in my tracks as i have picked him up and he is clinging on to an iron man toy. "What is this?" I say pointing to it looking at Vi. She starts to laugh. "A gift from Uncle Robert.... He loves it." She says smirking. 

"That little shit." I say shaking my head. "Language!" Vi says scolding me and she laughs as i look at her still shaking my head. I read Storm his bedtime story and when i am done i kiss his little head as he is already asleep clutching onto his iron man toy. I walk into the living room and smile as Vi is sitting on the couch reading a book. I lean over her and kiss her before i hear the bell for the gate go off. I sigh and Vi giggles. All i wanted was a moment alone with my wife but it is a small sacrifice for tonight, as i know she will be safe in the future. 

I open the gate and smile as i see Mark driving through the gate parking in front of the front door. We greet each other and i walk him in where he is greeted by Vi with a hug. "Thank you for doing this." She said smiling at him. He chuckled. "Dont mention it." He says.

We talked some things over and her request for Nick and Leon was no problem.  I could see Vi was relieved to have some people around her she would feel comfortable with. She would call whenever she wanted to leave the house and they would come and pick her up accompanying her everywhere she wanted to go. 

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