Chapter 29

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Chris pov...

We wake up rather late the next morning. I let the dogs in the yard while Vi is taking a shower. Later in the afternoon we are expected at Downey's and i know she is nervous. I smile as i think about last night when i told her i loved her and she said it back. She loves me to and i can't help but have a big smile on my face. Vi comes walking in the kitchen in just a shirt and some panties her hear in a braid and God she looks beautiful. I wanted to shower with her, but she pushed me out laughing saying sometimes a girl needs to shower alone... Whatever that means...

"Shall i make some brunch while you shower?" She says smiling and planting a kiss on my bare chest. "I would love some brunch, but you dont have to cook if you dont want to." I say and she kisses me again... "It's okay i like making you food..." She says smiling. "Now go take a shower." I give her a quick kiss and as i walk away she smacks my ass. I look at her kinda in shock and she smirks at me biting her lip. I walk back to her and kiss her hard. "I am gonna get you back for that..." I murmur into the kiss before walking to the bathroom to take a shower. 

I can't keep the smile of my face as i think about yesterday, and how she said 'i love you' back. I quickly shower and get dressed before walking back to the kitchen. Vi is cooking and it smells amazing. As she finishes the food i feed the dogs and clean the water bowls giving them fresh water. 

"We have to leave at 2." I tell Vi as i check my email sitting at the counter. "We should not forget stuff for the dogs and an overnight bag for ourselves. If you pack the stuff for the dogs i pack us an overnight bag..." Vi says smiling. "You are gonna pack my overnight bag?" I say looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "Yup..." She says smiling... "Why? You dont trust me?" She says pouting at me. "No... I trust you... of course i trust you." I say smiling. "Good." She says smirking putting a plate of food in front of me. She sits next to me, and we eat. 

"Can i ask you something?" She says her voice sounding unsure. "Of course..." I say wondering what is to come. "Will i fit in at this party?" She whispers almost inaudible. I grab her hand. "Look at me love..." I say and she turns to look at me. "They will love you... just be yourself and they will love you almost as much as i do."  She blushes and looks down avoiding my gaze. I put my finger under her chin and make her look at me before i plant a soft kiss on her lips. "They are nice people, dont sweat it... I know you are worried and that is okay of course, but they are really sweet and nice and fun to be around." I say and give her another kiss. She nods and gives me a little smile before we finish eating. 

I clean up after brunch, as Vi goes to pack our bag and get ready for the party.  I clean up the kitchen and pack up the stuff for the dogs. Some food and toys their leashes and a big blanket for them to lie on so they have their own place. I put it in the car so we dont have to pack last moment. I then make my way to the bedroom to get changed to. I stop dead in my tracks as i walk into the bedroom.

 Vi looks beautiful in a red striped summer dress. "Is this, okay?" She asks blushing and i smile at her. "It is more than okay... You look absolutely beautiful." I say and she blushes. She has a smile on her face as she adds some finishing touches to her make up and sprays some perfume. "That is our bag?" I say pointing at the little roll suitcase standing next to the bed. 

"Yeah why? everything is in there... toiletries and a set of clothes for tomorrow. Do you need anything else?" She asks and i shake my head. "Nope..." I say as i walk into the closet to put on some clothes to match Vi a little. I put on a simple Henley shirt with some jeans and sneakers. The dress code was casual so this would do. Thank God this was not one of Downey's 'dress up' parties. As much fun as they are... They are more forced, and this is just gonna be fun hanging out with some old friends. "How do i look?" I say as i walk into the bedroom. "Yummy..." She says smiling. I laugh. "Good that was what i was going for..." I whisper in her ear earning me a big smile and a kiss. 

I watch as Vi puts on some flat little sandals and i smile. Even though she is tiny she doesn't wear heels allot and for today that is a good thing as we will be on our feet allot. I have to admit nerves creep in a little bit. Not about if they will like Vi, because i know they will absolutely love her. But more about the stories they are undoubtedly will tell her. I take the little suitcase and put it in the car, so we won't forget it. I then gather the dogs to put them in the car to. Vi comes walking out and i smile holding the door open for her and help her in making sure her dress is not caught in the door before i close it. I then lock up the house and walk back to the car and get in behind the wheel. 

I take off and grab her hand to hold, kissing the back of it. It is about a 45-minute drive without traffic but in LA you never know, it could turn in a 2 hour drive easy. Thank God the party arrival time is not set in stone, and we are welcome after 3. 

We arrive at the Downey estate and i drive up to the house. Vi her leg is bouncing and i put my hand on it to calm her down. "Look at me love..." I say after i park the car. "You have nothing to be worried about... But at any moment you dont feel comfortable, just tell me and i am there for you, okay?" She nods and i get out the car letting the dogs out first before opening her door and helping her out. 

Vi takes a deep breath as we walk towards the front door. "Ready?" I say before ringing the doorbell. "Ready..." She says smiling at me.

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