Chapter 7

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Vi pov...

I have linked my camera with my laptop, pulling up the photos of Chris with Dodger and Lulu. I smile as the photo's fill the screen. I notice Chris waiting in the doorway. "Dont you wanna see?" i ask him. 

"Yeah sure..."  He says smiling at me as he walks up, he looks nervous for some reason. I pull up the pictures, and he leans over me his body heat radiating over to me the smell of his cologne filling nose and God did he smell good. I closed my eyes for a moment taking a deep breath. Trying to get my body under control as every fiber in my body reacted to him. He pulls up a chair sitting next to me as i show him picture after picture. 

"You are really talented..." He says and i can feel his hot breath on my skin sending shivers through my body. I keep staring at the screen as i can feel him looking at me, his eyes burning into me. "Thank you..." I say clearing my throat... "It helps having a good model." I say and he is silent for a minute... "You think i am a good model huh..." He says sounding a little cocky... I chuckle... "I was talking about Dodger..." I say smirking. He laughs hard. "Okay fine... Can't argue with that." He says still laughing. I put all the pictures on a USB stick and turn to him handing it to him. He takes the stick, and our hands touch again for a second the now familiar sparks shoot trough me. 

Chris pov...

As i lean over her looking at the pictures her scent surrounding me, I notice her shiver. Maybe i am making her uncomfortable leaning over her, I think to myself and i pull up a chair. I sit next to her, and we look at the pictures. One after the other makes me smile as i first look uncomfortable, but soon the pictures get more playful.

 I tell her she is really talented as i lean in closer, looking at my favorite picture of me and Dodger. "It helps to have a good model..." She says her eyes still fixed on the screen. She catches me of guard with this statement and for a moment i let it sink in, boosting my ego. I turn to her on my chair. "You think i am a good model huh..." I say to her, smirking... "I was talking about Dodger..."  She says destroying my little ego boost immediately and i can see a small smug smile on her face. I laugh and tell her i can't disagree with that. She puts the photos on a USB and turns to me in her chair. We are really close now. I can feel her body heat and as our hands touch when she hands me the USB, i can feel the spark again. 

What is she doing to me, why does she make me so nervous. What is it about this woman... My whole body reacts to her, it's like my body is craving for her, like i am drawn to her. Not only is my body craving her. Her quick wit... The fact that she calls me out on my bullshit, but just as easily can let it go makes me admire her even more.  I am so deep in thought that i dont even notice that i am silent for a while. 

"Chris? you, okay?" She asks pulling me out of my thought. I look up at her and smile and without thinking i push a strain of hair behind her ear. She blushes and i blush to, as i can't believe i just did that... But she doesn't move... "Yeah... I am good..." I say stammering a bit. 

"Are you sure, you looked worried?" She says really softly... Not worried at all i whisper as i let my thumb caress her rosy cheek and for a brief moment, she closes her eyes as she leans into my touch. I move closer desperately wanting to kiss her but for some reason i hesitate...I need her to give me a sign a sign that she wants me to. She opens her eyes again, and i pull back cursing myself for not making a move. The moment gone and she clears her throat the blush on her face spreading a little... 

She starts to gather her things, but i dont want to leave her yet. I want to spend more time with her. "Do you have plans for dinner..." I blurt out and i want to curse myself as i sound like an idiot... She looks at me and smiles the blush still on her face making her even more beautiful. 

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